The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 9 Chapter 67: The last war (1)

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The battle between the Demonic Government and the Azure Government came as expected by everyone.

Both sides have been preparing for this for ten years, doing their best in all aspects, tapping the greatest potential and forming the greatest combat power.

For the blue civilization and the demon civilization, the success or failure of this battle is related to the changes in the overall situation of the war on both sides, and will determine the history of the next hundred years, and even the fate of their respective civilizations.

If the blue civilization can win, it will completely escape the crisis of survival and hope to return to a situation where it is evenly matched with the demons. And if the demonic civilization wins, all the results of the blue civilization's previous success due to the planner's plan will disappear and be completely annexed by the demons.

"After years of hard work, you will only have some of the power of luck of the Demon. If you take the blue army of monks to fight against them during the war, they will inevitably cause their dissatisfaction and hostility.

"The part of the power of luck you have, I am afraid that it will also disappear. If the demon thinks you have no words and betrayed them, then these lost power of luck may not be found again."

In the vast constellation of stars, Li Wei and his team of monks in the blue group formed a long list of selected galaxies. Not far away, under the leadership of a hundred sage monks, the Kuroshio, consisting of a million army of heavenly demons, is being divided into three groups of left, right, and three, approaching slowly in the shape of a character.

King Qi shook his fan and continued: "As far as the current situation is concerned, without our help, the army of the Azure government is absolutely impossible to win, and even if we do, there is little chance of winning.

"But take a step back and say that if the blue government's army really wins, after the war, once you help propagate the demons, I'm afraid the blue people will also leave you."

Having said that, King Qi turned his head and looked at Li Yan, "You are in a difficult situation. How do you plan to break the situation?"

This is indeed a difficult scene to cope with, but Li Yan also planned for a long time because of this. Naturally, there is some spectrum in his heart. "The situation is indeed difficult, but it is not as difficult as you think."

With just this one sentence, Li Zhi did not explain too much. For him, the next most important thing is to be contingent. His opportunities are constantly changing in the war situation. It doesn't make much sense to say too much at this time.

"Your Majesty, the fleet of magical warships led by Liu Zhiyan has arrived at the designated position and is ready to participate in the battle at any time." Shangguan Qingcheng came to report this time.

"Let her continue to hide and act in accordance with the plan. Without my order, she must not act lightly." Li Yan commanded. His Majesty Liu Zhiyan has 32,000 magical warships, and there are nearly 400,000 monks in the warships. Although they are not comparable to the Slayer and the Azure Army, they are also an amazing soldier.

Li Yan turned his head, looked at his team, and reconfirmed his strength.

The Great Luojin Wonderland from the blue civilization has grown from less than eight thousand years ago after the war ten years ago to more than 80,000 now. On top of that, there are 28 saints, including Zhou Bashan and others. In addition to these sage realms, His Majesty also has sage realms such as Feihong, Yang Yan, Niu Wang, Qi King, and Shangguan Qingcheng.

The Azure government has more than 200,000 warships. In addition, Haihe Jianmen contributed less than 5,000 magical warships. To the abyss, there are about 80,000 warships.

Compared with the Ten Million Army and hundreds of famous sage monks, the strength of the Azure side is not strong, and the number is not even half of the opponent. On paper, there is no chance of victory.

But the blue side also has its own reliance, that is, monks can cooperate with warships to fight, and can exert far more power than a single unit.

In addition, the monks who appeared in the past ten years have practiced the corresponding exercises according to the template of Li Zhi's team. Each monk has a focus on the fighting style, and the strength of cooperation with each other will increase greatly. They can fight as a unit of five people, or they can join forces to form an overall combat force.

As for the "Dawn" heavy artillery developed to the dark abyss, they have also made many in this decade. It is just that they did not hand over the data of such magic weapons to the Azure government, so the Azure government has not yet been able to produce it.

All in all, the blue side is not a small disadvantage, but it can also be a battle.

Besides, it ’s not good to fight. The demon army has already attacked, and they have no choice.

Ten years ago, the Celeste side won the war with the extremely inferior forces. With this victory, the Celestial side soldiers now know that their situation is bad, but they are also fighting spirits.

If this battle is won again, it proves that in the past, the fleet under the scientific and technological civilization, the army of the monks who had the advantage of combat power, was already in front of the system where the blue technology and the fusion of monks and warships cooperated. Disadvantage.

In the future, the Azure Army will completely defeat the Demon Army.

The bright and firm hope for the future has inspired all the blue soldiers to fight hard.

"Have you ever told Sun Wou-ki that you want Azure to get along with Tianmo peacefully?" Qi Wang suddenly asked.

"Speaking, he thought I was joking." Li Yan said.

"All the demons don't want to live well, they have to fight with the blues to the end? You help them solve their defects, they don't have to run out of control, they are not necessarily dead, why do they have to fight?"

Li Yan gave a strange glance at King Qi, "Once the war begins, there is no end and it will not end. The demons think they can perish the blue, and they need to avenge the thousands of years of suffering, countless suffering and death of the demons, Naturally there will be no war. "

King Qi did not speak again.

She shouldn't have asked that question. After all, she was once a prince. She has waged war and led war, knowing that once the devil of war is released, she will not easily retreat.

Li Ye didn't say much. Since King Qi achieved his sage, his mood has changed a bit. Once, she was a belligerent. After returning to Li Zhi, the only request she made was to continue to lead the army. Jin Ge iron horse fighting on the battlefield, bloodshed thousands of miles to destroy the country, is the thing that most attracted her.

In those years, she did not know how many corpses had fallen under the gun, the followers behind her, and how many yellow sands were buried. But fighting and killing have now become a saintly state, but her heart has softened, hoping that there will be no war in this world.

"To end the war, in addition to the enemy falling, there is actually a way." Li Su suddenly said.

"What is it?" Qi Wang asked immediately.

Li Yan looked at the increasingly approaching army of demons. On the eve of the war, his eyes were deep and his words were powerful: "Let both sides of the war realize that they cannot win. At that time, peace talks will appear."

Sun Wou-ki looked at the blue army formation. In his field of vision, a large, a small, and two steel planets appeared in the void. They were huge, tightly connected, airtight, and imposing. It was made up of the azure government battleship and the abyss battleship.

Sun Wou-chi frowned.

In this battle, the Demon Army was the one who came from a long distance to attack, and the blue was defenseless. And the things in front show that the blue civilization is ready to carry out the defense to the end.

Defensive ball formation

It is a copper wall and an iron wall. In this form, their defense has no dead ends, no weak areas, and the advantages of the naval gun's set fire can also be effectively used.

The most troublesome thing for the demon is that in the steel city composed of battleships, there are still 80,000 monks guarding the city.

In that war ten years ago, Azure had only thousands of monks, and the number was too small. With tens of thousands of warships, although it also played a small role, the cooperation between monks and warships did not show to the fullest.

Now, with 80,000 monks and 2300 or 300,000 warships, it is enough to fully realize the advantages of cooperating with arms. According to the current situation, the "city" and "urban defense system" of the Azure side have been fully formed. This will make the Siege War of the Demon Monk very difficult.

At this moment, Sun Wuji realized that although he had a million troops, he still had to pay a great price to win this war.

In the past, the demon did not die on the battlefield, but he would come to the end of his own life. Even if it is a big Luojin wonderland, it only has a life span of hundreds of years, so the loss can be bearable, but now, the situation is obviously different.

Sun Wuji cherishes the life of the monk, and monk himself is even more so. Before they arrived on the battlefield, they could attack aggressively regardless of life and death; after that, whether they would have such a strong and fearless death is an unknown number.

"Head of State, just like last time, the blue government followed the dark abyss, and they still set up their positions, echoing each other's horns and echoing each other. We want to attack, we can only divide our troops and launch an offensive at the same time." Chen Xuanzhi's face was not very good.

Sun Wuji just nodded slightly to indicate that he knew nothing, and then raised his hand, "Offensive!"

In Pangu's command module, Li Xuan, together with Ji Ningxuan and others, observed the offensive movement of the Demon Army through the huge blue system display terminal in front of him.

The turbulent approaching Kuroshio stretched out in the direction of a bee swarm in all directions outside the scope of the battleship's firepower. It surrounded the two star-like battleship formations, forming a larger hollow sphere on the periphery, and then compressed and forced the interior. .

"Although the Devil has a million troops, more than twice our strength, it is far from enough to support them to attack with this formation. Spreading the force to the maximum extent, without the focus of the attack, completely weakens our own combat power, but instead allows Our formation can exert its maximum combat power. "

Ji Ning frowned and was puzzled by the actions of the demon. The ball array has no weaknesses. Similarly, there is no defensive focus. The most offensive method that Tianmo should take is to choose a position to concentrate the onslaught, chisel in like a chisel, enter the line, attack the "city head", and then expand to all sides. The result.

Li Xuan took the conversation: "Yes, you are right. Tianmo really shouldn't put such an offensive formation. But Sun Wou-ki may have other plans, and we wait and see what happens."

Under everyone's attention, the demon monk began to charge the ball array. As Ji Ningyun speculated, the demon did not attack indiscriminately and comprehensively. The demon monk rushing out from a certain point is like a needle picking up a flat cloth, and as he advances, he drives the surrounding demon monks to dispatch.

As more monks were brought in, a wider range of monks merged into the battlefield. They formed a funnel-like formation and flew quickly. The queue at the front of the formation was sharp, like an awl, and like a sagittarius.

When the front team rushed into the fire range of the Azure Fleet, the entire funnel-like formation looked like a tornado descending from the sky, and finally touched the ground. The demon monk dragged at the tail was like a turbulent cloud.

Ji Ningyun's complexion gradually became cold and grim.

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