The Earth Supplier of the Wizarding World

Chapter 363 They are all busy

"The Wizarding World's Earth Supplier ()"

"Why?" Duke Silvermane was very confused.

Yan Xing smiled and asked: "Does the Duke launch this war to overthrow the Griffin Heart Empire...or does he want to replace him and ascend the throne as the new emperor?"

Faced with Yan Xing's question, Duke Silvermane was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

After all, he launched the war against the Griffin Heart Empire under the banner of "Qingjun Side".

Therefore, what he is thinking and what everyone understands is not suitable to be spoken out.

At this time, Carol asked Yanxing from one side: "As a hypothetical discussion, do these two results have anything to do with the strategy we choose?"

Yan Xing replied: "If you only want to overthrow the Griffin Heart Empire, of course it is better to break into the capital as soon as possible. But at that time, the Duke was the target of public criticism, and the current Silver Mane Principality should not be ready to fight against the human race. Preparations for the Unification War.

The Duke will be trapped in a war that requires conquests from all sides, meaninglessly consuming his own national power. "

Yan Xing said that Duke Silvermane nodded.

There are proverbs in different texts everywhere.

After the Silvermane Principality overthrew the Griffin Heart Empire, it must have wanted to replace it. Then it was necessary to divide the land among the feudal ministers and create a new aristocratic system loyal to the new empire.

Then it will inevitably damage the interests of the old aristocracy.

The other nobles are not good at it, and the Griffin Heart Royal Family will not be willing to admit defeat.

It's like seriously injuring one enemy and attracting countless enemies to yourself.

Duke Silvermane took the initiative and asked this time: "What good will the second plan do to me?"

Yan Xing replied: "If the Duke has a higher goal, he must have a longer plan. Before breaking an empire, you must consider how to rebuild a new empire.

While the Duke prepares for it, it is best to maintain the existence of the Griffin Heart Empire. Let power continue to be centralized and transferred in an orderly manner.

The specific method is: watch the big ones and swallow the small ones.

Maintain the state of war with the Griffin Heart Empire, fight steadily, not seeking merit but seeking no faults.

For the surrounding nobles, we must actively win over them.

For those who are willing to come closer to us, Thunder Swamp can provide assistance and financial support for alchemical weapons.

We will resolutely suppress those who move closer to the empire. Starting from military, political and internal conflicts, we actively support pro-us rulers to come to power.

Even those who are neutral spectators must establish friendly business relations with them. I believe that no one will refuse the alchemy products of Thunder Swamp.

As time goes by, more and more nobles support us, while fewer and fewer nobles support the Griffin Heart Empire.

When the Duke is ready, it will be a matter of course to wipe out the world in one battle. "

Yan Xing's words made the Silver Mane Principality nod their heads in admiration: "If my ministers could have your broad vision and long-term thinking, I would be able to worry less about government affairs day and night.

I am also looking forward to formally forming an alliance with Thunder Swamp, and we can join hands to divide the world on the map. "

"I'm here just to make a covenant."

The wedding of Duke Silvermane and Carol is in active preparations.

The entire eaves and branches of Danling City are covered with colorful flags sent from Eternal Leader. Every resident of Danling City can get a red hat from Eternal Leader for free.

The children played with the balloons issued by the Eternal Necklace, the women received a beautiful headband, and the men all received a brooch.

This is a gift from Lord Yan Xing, the brother of the Eternal Lord and the Duchess-to-be, to all the residents of Danling City.

The gift he gave to Carol made everyone amazed and envious.

In addition to the lights used at the wedding, Yan Xing also gave Carol a shop specializing in luxury cosmetics.

A luxury private jet named "Rose", equipped with ten escort fighter jets.

A beautiful set of furniture.

Twenty cars.

And the gift given to Duke Silvermane was even more generous.

Five professional Tucano Eagle bombers, 200 new Falcon fighter jets, 100 Deer Hunter dive bombers, and 50 Tucano Eagle transport aircraft.

It can be equipped with the light and heavy weapons of three infantry divisions.

Including 30,000 rifles, 1,000 machine guns, 300 mortars, and 200 infantry guns.

Engineers have 20,000 shovels, 3,000 tons of barbed wire, and 10,000 tons of steel...

These will be delivered within three months of the wedding of Silvermane and Carol.

In addition, the Eternal Territory will also build an Eternal secondary heavy industry base in Danling City.

The base includes twenty parts processing plants, a cement plant, a magic power station, and a steel smelting plant.

Subsequently, the Eternal Territory will also transfer part of its weapons production lines and ammunition production to the Principality of Silvermane.

In return.

The Duke of Silvermane allowed the Eternal Territory to form three divisions of security forces within the Principality of Silvermane to protect the Eternal Territory's properties within the Principality.

Substantially reduce tariffs on goods from the Eternal Territory and provide maximum convenience in trade.

The Eternal Territory is allowed to employ subjects of the Principality to develop mineral resources within the Principality, and the Eternal Territory is allowed to develop farms within the Principality for agricultural production.

At the same time, a 20-hectare land lease next to Danling City was given to the Eternal Territory for 99 years. The Eternal Territory has administrative discretion in this land.

The Eternal Territory has set up a military training base in Danling City to train troops and learn new tactics for the Silvermane Principality, and to train aircraft pilots for the Silvermane Principality.

The Eternal Territory built a military airport on the outskirts of Danling City. There are about 300 aircraft permanently stationed inside, used to escort the traffic line from Yonglian to Danling City. And provide a certain degree of support for the Silvermane Principality's foreign wars.

The Eternal Territory and the Principality of Silvermane integrated their respective intelligence systems to form a joint intelligence bureau, with Carol as the director.

The main job of the Joint Intelligence Agency is to collect intelligence on hostile forces, develop opposition forces within the enemy camp, conduct public opinion propaganda to the enemy people, and weaken the enemy camp in all aspects.

Yan Xing expressed his willingness to serve as a special instructor in the Joint Intelligence Agency to teach brand-new espionage warfare.

As the wedding approaches, Duke Silvermane and Yan Xing reach more and more agreements in meetings.

Military, political, economic, intelligence... the Eternal Territory will cooperate with the Principality of Silvermane in all aspects.

Make sure that the strengths and weaknesses of both parties complement each other.

The Principality of Silvermane is very satisfied with the contents of the agreement. Although the principality has to pay a lot, it gains even more. The Eternal Territory's construction projects inside and outside Danling City will greatly improve the principality's military strength and war potential.

When all the armies of the principality have completed the replacement and training of new weapons, no noble leader in the entire human race can be his opponent.

He will ascend the throne and become the new emperor.

After Yanxing met Jiuzulong, he didn't take many things as seriously as before.

In the face of that kind of power, ordinary guns and cannons are like toys.

He now has higher pursuits.

As long as the Eternal Territory can ensure self-sufficiency, it can move some low-end industries overseas and use the sufficient labor force and resources of the Silver Mane Principality to maximize production capacity.

At the same time, use the collected wealth and resources to invest in the research of the Eternal Alchemy Laboratory.

Nine-headed dragon, magic integration technology, magic weapons, super weapons...

These things will be the capital that the world can only catch up with in the future.

When the bells on the palace bell tower rang, the palace honor guard blew their trombones amidst solemn music.

The hall was filled with nobles, ladies and ladies in costumes. A red carpet in the middle was spread from the entrance of the hall to the ceremony platform.

The door opened, and the Silver-maned Duke stood up on the throne.

He was dressed in a ducal uniform, wearing a ducal crown, and was covered with precious stones. Although his beard and hair were gray, he was as energetic as a young man.

Carol, who was wearing a white wedding dress, took Yan Xing's arm and walked from the door to the red carpet.

Her skin was like milk, and her makeup made all the men and women in the hall fascinated.

Carol once had the title of the most beautiful woman in the Silver Mane Principality, and now Carol is still the most beautiful woman in the Silver Mane Principality.

And her maturity makes her even more attractive to men.

"Sister Carol, you have put all the noble ladies here to shame." Yan Xing said in a low voice.

Carol followed Yan Xing along the red carpet and whispered back: "I should thank you for the skin care products and cosmetics you gave me. I promise, they will definitely drain the pockets of all the women here for you. .

Thanks for everything you have done for me.

I promise...your investment in me will pay off. "

Yan Xing smiled and said: "Sister Carol, don't think of our relationship as just profit. In terms of return on investment, the investment duke is definitely higher than you.

I like money, but I value feelings more.

When we made our vows, I was sincere... I wonder how sincere Sister Carol is? "


Carol looked sideways at Yan Xing and continued to follow him forward with a smile.

Walking to the podium, Yan Xing put Carol's hand into Duke Silvermane's...

In Yan Xing's eyes, Carol is a pitiful woman.

Her appearance brought her unbearable disasters. Her loved ones died tragically, and she was occupied by her enemies.

In order to take revenge, he must endure humiliation and act every day for fear of being discovered by his enemies.

When he led Carol onto the red carpet, Yan Xing could feel Carol's trembling hands.

Her smiling face could not hide the murderous intention that was beating faster and faster.

That's why Yan Xing said something to divert her attention.

In fact, Yan Xing was right about what he said to Carol...

From a profit perspective, investing in the Silver Mane Principality is a sure-fire business.

Duke Silvermane has deep roots in the principality and can mobilize the country's resources and labor force to a great extent. He is a powerful and stable ally.

And investing in Carol?

The rewards of success are great, but the risks involved are not small.

Once a mistake is made, it may cause chaos within the Silvermane Principality, and the Eternal Territory will have to help Carol clean up the mess.

But Yan Xing's strategy of supporting Carol has never wavered.

He feels that a person who is so dedicated to "love" in his heart is a friend who can truly turn his back.

Thinking of the opponents he might face in the future, Yan Xing felt a chill on his back. He could only feel at ease by leaning on something.

Therefore, Yan Xing's treatment of Carol is not just based on his own interests.

He wants to help Carol complete her revenge and gain an indestructible friend for himself.

This is also one of the reasons why Yan Xing has stepped up his efforts to assist the Silver Mane Principality.

The earlier you develop, the earlier you will benefit.

Carol, who returned to normal, became the little woman who only had the Duke in her heart.

When Duke Silvermane put the ring on her, she cried with excitement like the happiest person in the world.

She put on the duchess's crown, sat on the chair next to the Duke of Silvermane, and accepted the blessings of the nobles in the hall.

Revenge has officially begun.

After the wedding.

Yan Xing and the Duke of Silvermane jointly announced that the Eternal Territory and the Principality of Silvermane have officially formed an all-weather alliance.

In the future, the Eternal Territory will conduct comprehensive cooperation with the Principality of Silvermane in the fields of economy, trade, politics, and military affairs.

If any force or country attacks any member of the alliance, it is tantamount to declaring war on the entire alliance.

Yanxing publicly announced that he would not recognize the so-called Stormwind Principality and supported the Silvermane Principality's "legitimate claim" against the Griffin Heart Empire.

The nobles who are on the sidelines must have the ability to distinguish right from wrong, and the nobles' jurisdiction over their vassals must be respected. In order to protect its allies from being bullied, the Eternal Territory will provide unlimited economic and military assistance to the Principality of Silvermane.

Also warn foreign forces!

Do not interfere with the unity within the human race, do not provoke conflicts within the human race, and do not support the human race rebels.

Yan Xing and Duke Silvermane signed an alliance agreement on the spot, printed it and sent it to all human nobles.

In a short period of time, the news of the official alliance between the Silvermane Principality and the Eternal Territory was known to the whole world.

Everyone knows that behind the Eternal Territory is Thunder Swamp. UU Kanshu This force with magical alchemy is challenging the world status of Yunzhong Tower.

The formal alliance between the Silvermane Principality and the Eternal Territory is tantamount to standing unreservedly in the Thunder Swamp and on the opposite side of the Tower in the Cloud.

However, risk and reward are directly proportional.

Scenes of the war between the Eternal Territory and the Principality of Stormwind have spread.

It is also known to the world that the Silvermane Principality used some weapons from Thunder Swamp to defeat the Griffin Heart Empire.

Looking at the Eternal Territory support list sent with the covenant, all the noble lords were jealous.

So generous, so generous.

Without corresponding alchemical weapons, no one is the opponent of Silvermane Principality.

An army without alchemical weapons will become a piece of meat on someone else's plate from now on.

The Eternal Territory's list of assistance to the Principality of Silvermane, as well as the support provided by the Cloud Tower to Anderson and the Empire, made most noble territories afraid to wait and see any longer.

Either side with the Silvermane Principality or the Griffin Heart Empire.

No one is qualified to stand neutral.

Yan Xing's trip to Danling City was like throwing a bundle of dry firewood into a boiler that had just started to fire.

Danling City soon received a visit from a group of messengers or noble lords.

at the same time……

The old elf king of the snowland announced in the royal court that the fourth prince Elledo was appointed as the crown prince. Then the old elf king announced his abdication, and the elf royal court ushered in its new owner.

Immediately afterwards, after receiving the visiting Anderson, the Wild Chief announced that he recognized the Principality of Stormwind and concluded an alliance with the Principality of Stormwind.

Master Yanxing, the eternal leader, went on a mission to the snow to attend the coronation ceremony of King Elledor.

Storm Duke Anderson went to the Griffin Heart Empire to meet with the Emperor, accompanied by wild envoys.

Spring is here and everyone is busy.

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