The Earth Supplier of the Wizarding World

Chapter 324 Strength improvement

Latest website: "Yes, my lord."

Prince Elledo lowered his posture and saluted Yan again, and then watched the five huge steel "behemoths" land in the jungle.

Looking at those elves again, it seemed as if they were about to fall off the Pegasus at any time.

The Tucano transport plane flying past them shocked them too much.

The griffons continued to circle and cry in the air.

In the dense forest on the ground, apart from the occasional futile attempts at magic to shoot upwards, there were no flying objects.

The Eternal Air Force successfully completed this air combat mission.

After the five Tucano transport planes landed at the front-line temporary airport, Yan Xing handed over the security mission to the drones and the armored griffins that never appeared. He landed at the front-line camp with the already tired griffins and Pegasus. .

The frontline camp was built by the werewolves of the southern camp who arrived in advance.

They first cut down trees to clear a large open space, and then used trees and woven bags of soil to build a fence.

Tents were set up in the camp, waiting for the main force to move in.

Then Broken Ear led the werewolf volunteers to set up a cordon, using poisonous flies and predatory birds to prevent the Blackpool werewolf scouts from investigating the frontline camp.

There are six camps like this in the Blackpool area. Three of them will not be used to interfere with the judgment of the Blackpool Werewolf.

In addition to the camp, Duan Er's southern camp also built many military combat areas nearby. There are temporary airfields, artillery positions, trap areas, outposts, trenches, and arsenals.

With experience in construction for the Eternal Territory, the werewolves in the southern camp are all good at work. As long as they have the drawings and send engineers shovels, they can quickly build the facilities they want.

Seeing that the Southern Camp could build so many things in such a short time this time, Yan Xing had the idea of ​​turning the Southern Camp into a full-time engineer unit.

As the main force of the Eternal Lord gradually becomes mechanized, it will be indispensable to have a large engineering force that can open roads over mountains and build bridges over water.

Wait until this battle is over and then think about it carefully.

The Tucano Eagle transport plane was unloading, and Yan Xing and the air combat personnel took the time to rest.

A herbal smell arose in the camp and became stronger and stronger.

There are also werewolves feeding griffins and pegasus.

The humidity in the swamp is extremely heavy, and coupled with the geothermal environment and winter, this dampness and coldness can easily make people sick.

Werewolves adapt to the swamp environment and are not afraid of these, but this time the army attacking the Blackpool werewolves included humans and elves.

So Yan Xing bought some herbs from the real world that could drive away dampness and cold. Let the werewolf cook well, and then let the soldiers you brought drink a bowl.

There are just too many bugs.

Yan Xing was lying on the camp bed, disturbed by mosquitoes and unable to sleep. Use electricity to kill a group, and soon another group will surround them, and they can't finish them off no matter how hard they kill them.

I simply stopped sleeping.

He sat on the bed and meditated. An electric field was generated around him, and the mosquitoes were killed automatically with electricity.

Now Yan Xing's hero level has reached 35, but he no longer values ​​level very much.

With the assistance of the Deep Space Whisperer Fubuki, Yanxing's efficiency in using magic power has long transcended the strength limitations brought by his level.

And there is a big difference between fighting and dueling.

On the battlefield, the strength of individual heroes has little impact on the outcome of the battle.

Of course, it is limited to heroes below the master level.

The power of a master hero is so powerful that it cannot be understood with conventional adjectives. If you have to use metaphors, they are equivalent to the existence of nuclear deterrence.

Yan Xing didn't know if there were master-level heroes in the Principality of Silvermane, the Snow Elves, and the Savage Orcs, but there must be some in the Cloud Tower.

Now the Cloud Tower maintains its identity and does not end up personally, but the Eternal Territory will have to face it sooner or later.

Prepare for a rainy day... Yan Xing seizes every moment to improve his strength.

Enter your own conscious space through meditation.

The Deep Space Whisperer's Magic Book was unfolded in front of Yan Xing.

The book records all the magic that Fubuki collected, as well as many of the magic she developed for Hikoyuki.

It's just that there are so many magics, many of which Yan Xing doesn't know, and has never even heard of.

Of course, just show off.

The boss makes the request, and the employee is responsible for the process and resolution.

"Blow blow..."

Following Yan Xing's call, Chui Chui emerged from the Deep Space Whisperer's Magic Book, and flew around Yan Xing in a long sleeved costume.

Then he bowed politely and said to Yan Xing, very ladylike: "Master, Chui Chui is here, do you have any instructions?"

Yan Xing snapped his fingers, and a chair appeared behind him. He sat down facing the magic book and said: "Recently, I feel that I have encountered a bottleneck in refining my magic power, and my absorption of air magic elements is very slow.

Did you discover it? "

Chui Chui stood in front of Yan Xing respectfully and replied: "Yes, Master... I feel it too.

The air magic you have mastered is still at the elementary level. Now it has reached the upper limit of primary air magic. You still need an opportunity to upgrade to intermediate air magic. "

"Opportunity?" Yan Xing asked, "Do we have to wait for God-given skills? But God-given skills are all random."

Fubuki replied: "The master can also enter the territory's magic tower and meditate in the rich magic elements to achieve enlightenment."

After hearing this suggestion, Yan Xing rejected it after only a brief consideration: "If it takes too much time, don't consider this option for the time being.

Is there any other way? "

The war is imminent, and now it is a race against time. Yan Xing has no time to retreat in the magic tower.

Once the fight started, there would be even less time.

"Master, please give me some time to integrate the magic data in the database."

After saying that, Fubuki flew into the Deep Space Whisperer's Magic Book.

Then, a large number of magical words, runes, and graphics spurted out from the pages like a fountain.

These pictures and texts rotate according to specific rules, and are constantly arranged and combined.

After a while, a ball of air wrapped in lightning appeared in front of Yan Xing.

Then a fireball appeared.

Then there was a light ball with pure white light.

These are the three types of magic energy that Yan Xing currently has: air magic elements, fire magic elements, and sacred power.

Three magic balls slowly rotated around Yan Xing.

The graphic and text symbols were also combined into an extremely large dense magic array at this time. Yan Xing, who was sitting under the magic circle, raised his head as if looking up at a mountain peak.

Then the entire magic circle contracted rapidly, and finally gathered into the shape of blowing.

"Master, I suggest that you specialize in divine power when the air magic cannot break through."

Yanxing didn't expect that Fubuki would make such a big noise, and the result was that he was asked to let go of the air magic.

But air magic is the magic he is best at now, and he has a very high affinity for the element of air magic.

It would be a pity to leave it alone without practicing.

Yan Xing asked Chui Chui, "Why?"

Fubuki explained to Hikoyuki the answer he got after integrating the magic knowledge index.

"According to the owner's affinity for the air magic element, even if he does not enter the magic tower to meditate for a breakthrough, he will be promoted due to the accumulation of magic power, but it will take more time.

Prioritizing the practice of sacred power during this period can greatly help the master's strength..."

Holy power is the power that must be mastered to be promoted to a paladin.

The general way to practice sacred power is to become a priest in a temple and gain strength through prayer.

If non-temple clergy want to practice divine power, they must first master the angel's arrival.

Divine power is originally the power possessed by angels, because angels are the guardians of human beings and give this power to humans.

The arrival of angels can allow human knights to achieve a state close to angels, which will naturally increase their divine power.

The training suggestion given by Fubuki is to use Yanxing's huge affinity for the air magic elements and the principle that magic elements can transform into each other to convert the absorbed air magic elements into sacred power.

Divine power has the ability to strengthen the physical body.

Therefore, the melee combat power of the Paladin far exceeds that of ordinary knights, and the divine power can also increase the power and duration of the angel's arrival.

Finally, Fubuki said: "I can design a magic circle to improve the efficiency of converting air magic elements into sacred power.

Moreover...there seems to be a secret hidden in the sacred power. "

"What secret?"

Fukichi replied: "The sacred power seems to be a kind of artificially created energy."

"What does it mean?"

"The conventional four-series magic elements exist naturally. They do not exist because they are used. Magic is when magicians find ways to use them.

The derivative magic of the four series is just an attribute change caused by the advanced use of magic elements.

But divine power is seems to be an energy invented based on magical elements. It is more stable and easier to use. It does not have the variability and multi-application of magic elements. It exists solely to enhance individual power. "

"Speak humanly!" Yan Xing couldn't understand Chui Chui's explanation.

Fubuki simply said: "If my inference is correct...then the world's descriptions of angels may be wrong."

Yan Xing was silent for a while and said to Fuki Chui: "Let this be a research topic, but what an angel is has nothing to do with us now.

Since you suggested that I practice holy power during this period, then I will practice holy power.

What's your plan? "

Since Yan Xing obtained the divine power, he has never practiced without the guidance of a teacher. Later, when Sibel mentioned the divine power, Sibel, who had no time to teach Yanxing, gave him a related book.

Let Yan Xing practice on his own.

Besides, Sibel himself didn’t understand the divine power, so he couldn’t teach it even if he wanted to.

Of course, one book is not enough to read. Yan Xing could only collect classics about divine power through various channels, but he didn't find many.

Later, because he helped Paladin Arisa form the Red Tent Rescue Society, he had the opportunity to get a batch of practical books from the New Tower City Temple.

Fubuki records all these things in his database.

It was precisely because she had so much information related to the sacred power that she discovered some secrets about the sacred power during this reorganization.

It's just that these are just Fubuki's speculations, and Yan Xing did not treat this matter as an important matter.

There are too many things that need to be dealt with urgently in front of him, and some things can be postponed as long as possible.

Fubuki took out the sacred power training plan formulated for Yanxing.

Because sacred power is suspected to be artificial energy created based on magic elements, the higher the level of analysis of sacred power, the greater the conversion rate of magic elements.

The greater the amount of magical elements converted into sacred power, the more helpful it is for Fuchi to analyze the sacred power.

Fubuki relied on his powerful computing power to develop the "Magic Elements Transformation Divine Power Version 1.0 Magic Array" for Yanxing.

When Yan Xing enters the angel's descending state, he can start the energy transformation and increase the sacred power he possesses.

The whole process is of course extremely complicated, but for Yan Xing... the operation is very simple.

It's like playing a game to unlock skills.

Select a skill and press it, and the skill will be released by itself.

Turn on the "Angel's Descending Auxiliary Spell". The magic circle taught by Sibel and improved by Fubuki unfolded behind Yan Xing, and at the same time, the corresponding scarce alchemical resources that needed to be consumed were reduced in Yan Xing's god-given space.

After the extra energy was injected, the "Angel's Descending Auxiliary Spell" started to operate, and the generated ability was injected into Yan Xing's body.

At this time, Yan Xing's body cannot bear the load caused by the angel's arrival, so he must use auxiliary spells to share it.

The energy of the auxiliary spell reached its peak, and Yan Xing immediately activated "Angel's Coming".

A pair of sci-fi-style wings with a Fubuki design spread out on Yan Xing's back, and a silver armor transformed from magical elements with a Fubuki design also covered Yan Xing's body.

Yan Xing floated up and suspended in the air. With another flap of his wings, he broke away from the top of the tent and rushed upwards.

Then four turbocharged jet engines were attached to the angel armor through magic artifacts. The four engines were fully pressurized, pushing Yan Xing straight up.

There was another sound explosion, and Yan Xing broke through the sound barrier vertically upwards, rushing towards the sky at supersonic speed.

After reaching the stratosphere, Yan Xing lowered his speed and floated in this quiet airspace.

I chose this place because although the air magic element in the stratosphere is not the strongest and purest, it is definitely the most stable.

The air magic element here seems to be a sleeping cat, UU Reading www. allows you to put them into any pose.

Of course, the more stable and energy-saving the transformation of divine power by air magic elements, the higher the efficiency.

After stabilizing his body, magic arrays appeared around Yan Xing, and at the same time, the super large magic array spread out in the airspace below him. Magic circuits connect large and small magic circles.

Then fierce winds swept through the stratosphere. The active air magic elements glow with cyan light, outlining the shape of the wind.

The air flow caused by the wind formed more than ten intertwined colorful ribbons in the air. They shuttled between the magic circles, changing colors layer by layer.

The cyan is getting lighter and lighter, the white is getting brighter...

Finally, the white air flow gathered towards Yan Xing's wings, forming a large area of ​​wing color that radiated outward.

Like a real angel looking down at the world.


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