Latest website: The process of Lao Mom's invitation to Yan Xing into the city gave him enough face.

Even though the orc soldiers who greeted them at the city gate were a little shabby in their clothes, they were still welcomed by the crowd.

However, after entering the city lord's mansion, he immediately became filled with a murderous aura.

The meeting hall of the elf city is far less grand than that of the human city. At this time, the hall, which was not too big, was filled with ogres.

These are the elites of the old Momben tribe, wearing relatively fine armor and holding maces made of steel in their hands.

There was a bonfire burning in the middle of the hall, and a large pot was placed on the bonfire. In the pot, thick soup was boiling and stewed with unknown meat.

There was a group of short, big-eared monsters holding large bowls of meat and then respectfully delivering it to these ogres.

Yan Xing walked in with Talon and Aranda.

The ogres just glanced at them, and no one came to receive them.

And old Mom Hengdao immediately sat on the main seat, holding a big bone in his hand, biting the meat on it.

Seeing this, Aranda took a step forward and shouted to Old Mom: "Dear Marshal Old Mom, standing in front of you is Yan Xing, the lord of the Eternal Territory.

We came to Frostleaf City with goodwill and want to establish diplomatic relations with you, exchange markets, and achieve common prosperity. "

Old Mom was still there chewing the meat, as if he didn't hear anything.

At this time, an ogre said loudly: "Are there any elves that can run around in Frostleaf City? It just so happens that the meat in the pot is almost finished, so we can put this elf in the pot to stew."

The ogre's words caused a roar of laughter, and everyone shouted that the elves should be stewed and eaten.

Aranda was irritated and was about to retaliate, but she saw Yan Xing had passed her and walked to the middle of the hall.

He picked up the spoon and fished it out in the pot.

The meat inside was rotten, but the bones looked like those of a cow.

Yan Xing took a spoonful of soup and tasted it.

It's beef stew in plain water. I guess there's no spices in it except a little salt.

Yan Xing threw the spoon back into the pot with the soup in disgust, and then said to Li Zhao: "It is indeed not easy to discuss things while eating. We happened to be hungry all the way here, so let's eat first and then talk after we are full. "

Talon stood upright and replied loudly: "Master, what should we eat?"

Yan Xing said: "Don't be too extravagant when you go out... just have a hot pot casually."

"Yes, sir!"

Sharp Claw followed the order and walked out, and quickly brought in all the things, materials and ingredients for the hot pot.

A folding square table was unfolded on the flat ground and placed on it.

Talon propped up the pan on the table and placed an open box of solid fuel underneath. Light the fire, pour water, and throw in a piece of hot pot base.

Aranda used various ingredients to prepare dipping sauce, and then put vegetables, meatballs, hot-boiled meat, tofu, duck blood, oil small plastic baskets.

At this time, the hall was quiet.

All the ogres stared at these three people, feeling extremely puzzled.

Why did you end up eating here?

Soon the ogres felt something was wrong.

So fragrant.

As the base soup in the pot began to boil, the entire hall was filled with a strong aroma.

After the various ingredients were poured into the pot, the mixed aroma made the ogres forget about the broth in the bowls in their hands.

The orc demon sniffed greedily, looking at the food in the steaming pot without moving his eyes.

Aranda filled a bowl full of meat, meatballs, and vegetables for Yanxing.

Yanxing took the bowl and deliberately blew the rising hot air into the nostrils of the nearby ogre.

Then he took out a piece of meat covered in juice and said to Aranda and Sharp Claw: "This is called snowflake meat, which is taken from the back of the cow. The meat here is fat and thin, like pieces of snowflakes. The meat is tender and juicy. Put it in the soup and blanch it for ten seconds and it will be cooked, giving it the best taste.”

After saying this, Yan Xing put the piece of meat into his mouth.

There was a sound of swallowing all around.

Then Yan Xing took out another fish ball and said: "This is a fish ball made from sea fish meat. After the fish is taken out of the sea, immediately remove the head, tail and internal organs, leaving only the freshest fish meat and use ice magic Seal.

Once on shore, it is immediately transported to the kitchen for processing.

The chef has to use magic to stir the fish meat into minced meat. It needs to be stirred at least ten times to get the texture of the meat, and the fish balls made have toughness and chewiness.

Of course, the most important thing is that it is delicious, as delicious as eating it at sea. "

After saying that, Yan Xing put the fish ball into his mouth.

There was another sound of swallowing all around.

Yan Xing smiled and picked up another vegetable leaf.

"This is something more precious than meat. In this winter, you shouldn't see such green vegetables, right? This kind of vegetables is grown in a specially built magical environment. No matter what the weather is outside, it is always summer inside.

You can grow all the vegetables you want inside and eat them in any season. "

After saying that, Yan Xing put the vegetable leaf into his mouth.

The sound of swallowing all around became louder.

Yan Xing, Aranda and Talon just ate and drank freely in front of the orcs.

Various ingredients are put into the pot in turn.

If the water is low, add water; if the food tastes weak, add additional ingredients.

After finishing the ingredients, Li Claw went out and carried another bag in.

When he arrived, Yan Xing prepared a large amount of food for himself because he didn't know whether he was suitable for orc food.

It comes in handy this time.

The entire meeting hall was filled with the strong aroma of hot pot, and the ogres could no longer drink the beef soup they cooked.

One by one, they looked at the hot pot, and then at Marshal Mom.

Old Mom didn't expect that he was going to give the visitors brought by Eternity a showdown, and ended up like this.

Looking at the lackluster look on his men's faces, he knew that he was self-defeating.

Old Mom waved his hand and asked his men to move the soup pot for stewed meat, and said to Yan Xing and the others: "Have you eaten enough, Lord Yan Xing? When you are full, let's start talking about things."

Seeing that Old Mom finally spoke, Yan Xing asked Li Zhao to remove the hot pot.

He stood up, wiped his mouth with a napkin, burped and said to Old Mom: "You are full. On behalf of the Eternal Territory and Thunder Swamp, I would like to express my greetings to the respected Marshal Old Mom.

It's really hot here. UU read ”

Yan Xing took off his fur coat and handed it to Aranda. Inside was a cashmere sweater.

Revealing three strings of gemstone necklaces of different lengths around her neck.

Like the ring on your hand, these gems are magical gems. Although no alchemy was performed to impart magical functions, the orcs didn't know.

The news that there is mysterious alchemy deep in the Thunder Swamp has already spread throughout the Windy Highlands.

In the eyes of outsiders, these are neither magic props nor magic props.

The ogres who had just had their nostrils bombarded by hot pot felt like their eyes had been bombarded again by so many magic gems.

Especially the "magic wand" in Yan Xing's hand, with a gemstone embedded in it that was as big as a fist.

It’s truly a walking treasure!


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