The joy of the reinforcements attacking the enemy could not be seen on Count Theodore's face, but a look of worry.

He reminded Yan Xing in a low voice: "I can still hold on here, you don't need to be so eager to rescue me.

If your magician consumes all his magic power, he may not be able to stop the enemy's counterattack. "

Just as Count Theodore was speaking, another round of roar sounded from the direction of the square.

After flying a certain distance in the air, a black thing crashed into the ruins that had just been bombarded again.

Before the previous smoke and dust fell, the newly raised smoke and dust surged up again.

Several more buildings collapsed.

"Magic?" After listening to Count Theodore's words, Yan Xing smiled and said, "Yes, this is magic. But the way this magic is released is not what you imagined.

You don't need to worry about the consumption of magic power. This weapon of mine can flatten the place where we think there are enemies. "

Before the conversation ended, another series of roars sounded from the square.

The flying shells once again baptized the target area.

Because he was born with a phobia of insufficient firepower, Yanxing had reserved a sufficient amount of ammunition for the artillery for this battle.

The army under the Eternal Territory now controls the road from the north gate of New Tower City to the Eternal Territory, and newly developed trucks are transporting newly produced artillery and ammunition to New Tower City.

Therefore, Fubuki was very generous when formulating the bombardment plan. At least ten rounds of bombardment should be carried out on key target areas.

Fifty guns and ten rounds of shelling will fire 500 shells, covering an area of ​​about 3,000 square meters.

Even if solid artillery shells are used, this density is already quite terrifying, especially when dealing with dense clusters of unsuspecting enemies.

Faced with artillery shells falling from the sky at a speed of nearly 300 meters per second, stone houses cannot provide good protection for the people inside. Cannonballs can easily penetrate walls and ceilings, then deflect and bounce in narrow spaces.

The sudden attack caused a large number of casualties to the assembled rebels, who did not even know what kind of attack they were being attacked.

All I know is that something got into the house and a companion's body was torn apart. Even wearing heavy armor is useless against this kind of attack.

Some houses collapsed and a group of soldiers were buried underneath.

The bewildered rebels didn't know what was happening or what to do, and new attacks fell from the sky.

The soldiers who finally woke up hurriedly found a place to hide. The heroes, who acted as middle and lower-level officers, spread out magic shields upward to provide magic protection for their soldiers.

The attack came again, and the interval was frighteningly short.

This time, some magic shields blocked those terrible iron balls, while some magic shields were smashed by the iron balls with huge momentum.

The protection of the heroes did not bring much sense of security to the soldiers, and the speed of the attack that left no breathing space made most soldiers just want to escape from this nightmare place as soon as possible.

There was a rout in a rebel gathering area, and shelling continued to crush the area.

After ten rounds of shelling, the artillery position set up in the square moved its target. The sanctions that fell from the sky fell on the heads of another group of rebels.

Count Theodore, who was standing on the fourth fort southeast of the city lord's palace, was stunned.

This enemy troop concentration area is located in the middle of a residential area with complex terrain. If the normal attack method is followed, at least a thousand troops will be invested to fight for it house by house.

Whether it can be defeated is still unknown.

As a result, Yan Xing didn't have to throw his troops into the battlefield one by one, but was defeated by magic.

The outcome of the battle cannot yet be calculated. At least it will not be easy for this part of the enemy army to reorganize after being dispersed.

And judging from Yan Xing's appearance, it seemed that just as he said, this round of long-range attacks did not consume much.

Could this be a new alchemical weapon developed by Thunder Swamp?

When Count Theodore was thinking about what changes this weapon would bring to New Tower City and even the situation in Stormy Highlands.

The artillery position in the square is carrying out fierce bombardment on the second shelling area.

The same scene happened again, and no one could stop such an attack.

The ambush circle arranged by the rebels for Yan Xing's reinforcements became a decoration. Their attack plan on the City Lord's Mansion was also significantly affected.

If these unknown alchemical weapons were allowed to continue bombarding them, an orderly attack on the City Lord's Mansion would be impossible.

The rebel commander's reaction was quite quick.

After Yan Xing's artillery position in the square destroyed the third target and eliminated all the rebel catapults, a large number of rebels launched an attack on the square defended by Eddie.

This is the first actual battle that the mercenaries of the Eternal Merchant Guild have experienced since their establishment.

The first unit to take action was a group of drone bombers on duty in the air.

The bombs currently used by the Eternal Territory unmanned bombers are improved incendiary bombs.

The new incendiary bombs burn longer and have stronger adhesion.

Instead of attacking the rebels, Fubuki controls the drone bomber and chooses to block the road.

This makes it impossible for the rebels to reach the square quickly, and the troops will be crowded in a narrow area.

What arrived next was the shelling from the embassy.

The shells formed an isolation zone in front of the square's defensive perimeter. They destroyed houses so that the rebels lost their concealment, and their deterrence prevented the rebels from easily entering this isolation zone.

The attacking rebels were concentrated and exposed to the guns of the guild mercenaries.

The guild mercenaries occupying the high ground lay behind the bunkers and shot at the rebels below.

Use dense bullets to block limited passages.

The first rebel attack on the square was easily repulsed. The artillery in the square continued to roll call the target area in an orderly manner.

Soon the rebels organized a second attack.

This time they spread out even more and took detours to the two wings of the square.

A group of griffons flew over to prepare for the battle, and some magicians quietly arrived at the front line to prepare for attacking magic.

Affected by the threat of griffins, UU Reading drones had to retreat to higher airspace, and the accuracy of bombing was naturally greatly reduced.

Fei Ying immediately led fifteen griffons to come to support.

On the ground, Guild mercenaries set fire manually to establish a containment zone, using thick smoke to negate the rebels' air superiority.

He also raised his rocket launcher and fired two kicks into the sky, creating a barrage barrier to prevent the rebel gryphons from threatening the artillery positions.

The rebel magicians launched an attack together, and the magician group to which the mercenaries belonged immediately launched a magical confrontation.

Then the rebel ground troops attacked from three directions, and the musketeers guarding the position fired at the charging enemies.

Both sides showed their magical powers and exchanged moves with each other.

The magic shines, the eagle cries incessantly, and the two artillery guns roar in succession!

As the scale of the battle continued to expand, the focus of the battle shifted from the city lord's palace to the square.



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