The Earth Supplier of the Wizarding World

Chapter 255 Return to New Tower City

At this time, the gate of New Tower City was open to Yanxing.

Even the city defense troops had a hard time during the war. Count Theodore has no money, and his military pay is in arrears for a month.

Food for the army has also dropped a lot.

Everything was done to support the battlefield, causing the morale of the New Tower City defense army to be very low.

Fortunately, the arrears of military pay were finally paid, and they were paid in two months' installments. The soldiers who received the food stamps from the Yongheng Grain Bank were very happy. A few days ago, they saw the employees of the Yongheng Chamber of Commerce carrying large and small bags of food to their homes. These big soldiers were envious and wanted to work for Master Yanxing.

With money, the New Tower City defense force was very energetic.

When he saw Yan Xing entering the city with his escort, he lined up to salute and shouted: "Master Yan Xing, you are generous and kind."

Looking at the gorgeous armors of those werewolf warriors, I felt extremely envious.

Master Yanxing is really rich!

Master Yan Xing’s war horse is truly a steed!

Yan Xing rode Feiying and led the escort into the city smoothly, waving in response to the cheers of the city residents on both sides of the road, like a general returning to the city in triumph.

The city has accepted him, and the Eternal Chamber of Commerce and Eternal Food Line have penetrated deeply into the hearts of city residents.

It also made some people nervous.

Although Yan Xing traveled between New Tower City and Eternal Territory these days, he kept a very low profile. Riding a flying shadow, he hurriedly came and went from the sky. Before he was discovered, he returned to the eternal territory.

The group entering the city this time entered through the north gate of New Tower City with great fanfare, and walked into the Thunder Swamp Embassy in a high-profile way.

Everyone saw the werewolf charge he brought.

They are not infantry who ride on temporary mounts instead of riding horses, they are real cavalry.

Moreover, the strength of the Thunder Swamp's special embassy in New Tower City reached 500, which fully fulfilled the garrison limit given to Yan Xing by Count Theodore.

Although 500 werewolf warriors are not many for New Tower City, they are still a force that cannot be underestimated.

For those who can't sit still, another variable has been added.

Instructions were secretly transmitted from the temple of Niuta City.

According to the information provided by the imperial spy, Mrs. Carol, the special envoy of Silvermane Principality, is having secret talks with the elf envoy in New Tower City.

Whatever they're talking about, it's not good for the Empire...stop them.

All mercenaries and noble private soldiers loyal to the empire are on combat readiness, ready to cooperate with the temple to capture New Tower City. Key attack targets: City Lord's Mansion, Rose Garden, Jufeng Mercenary Group, and the Thunder Swamp Special Embassy!

At the same time, the Jufeng Mercenary Group was also mobilizing for war.

Target: Temple.

Mrs. Carol continued to talk to Prince Elledo about carving up the Windy Highlands. In order to divert Yan Xing's attention, she specially asked Ligeia to "come" to New Tower City at this time.

Earl Theodore has no time to worry about anything else because of the war in Storm City.

Two of the three city fortresses blocking Storm City fell. Marquis Anderson led his army to defend the last fortress, and the war was in danger.

Orcs and werewolf cavalry have appeared near Storm City, and many supplies sent to the front line have been damaged.

His relatives were all on the front line, which put the old earl under great pressure.

Several times he wanted to ask Thunder Swamp to send troops to support the front line, but in the end he held back.

The power of Thunder Swamp cannot be allowed to expand any further, otherwise the Theodore family will really remain infamy in the history of the human race.

New Tower City is the southern border of Thunder Swamp's power.

Although Yan Xing, who returned to the special embassy, ​​didn't know what all parties in the city were doing, he could feel that the city's bowstring had been tightening to the point where it had to be released.

Big data news analysis of information exchange.

The mercenaries in the city are very peaceful. The Jufeng Mercenary Group and the Falshi Mercenary Group, which have been attacking each other, have reached a tacit ceasefire for several days.

The number of mercenaries taking on tasks at the Eternal Chamber of Commerce has also decreased, and unknown sponsors are offering higher bounties to recruit them.

Some people say they see elves.

There are rumors that the orcs are about to take Storm City.

There is news that the army of Thunder Swamp will attack New Tower City soon, and the evil swamp tribe will kill and eat everyone in New Tower City.

What rumors are these!

“Blow it, lower the credibility of the rumormongers and smear the Thunder Swampers, and ban the account in serious cases.

Spreading rumors in my information exchange, sir, must be in trouble. "

At the same time, Yan Xing also realized that since the rumors were seen by him, it meant that these rumors smearing the Swamp Clan and himself had been circulating in New Tower City for some time.

As the saying goes: If you start a rumor, you will lose your legs if you refute it.

Rumors must be contained before they spread completely.

And there must be a reason why the rumors appeared at this time.

So Yanxing finally added to Fubuki: "Let's see if we can find out where these rumors came from."

"Yes, Master."

"Something big must happen." Yan Xing said to himself.

But now...

Meet Ligeia first.

Mrs. Carol still lives in the Embassy in Thunder Swamp. Whenever she has free time, she walks around the Embassy and carefully observes everything she has never seen before.

Sometimes I even draw these things I see.

Yan Xing knew what Carol wanted to do, but he didn't stop her.

If she wants to see, let her see, if she wants to draw, let her draw.

The more I saw it, the more I wanted to buy it.

Yan Xing met Mrs. Carol again. At this time, she was drinking tea with Ligeia, who had changed her outfit, under an umbrella in the back garden of the embassy.

Carol and Ligeia wore similar styles of court dresses and lady's hats.

Madame Kahlo's dress was magenta, and Ligeia's dress was light cyan.

One is rich and the other is elegant.

After several days of surprise training, Ligeia's court etiquette was very effective.

Squeeze your abdomen and straighten your chest, raise your chin slightly, hold the tea cup tray in one hand, and scoop out a small spoonful of sugar from the sugar bowl on the table with a small silver spoon in the other hand and sprinkle it evenly into the tea.

Stir slowly again.

The little finger is slightly raised, very ladylike.

Yanxing, who was dressed in armor, strode over after seeing the two women, picked up the teapot and took a swig from the spout.

After half-full, he put down the teapot and looked directly at Ligeia.

"This must be Miss Ligeia... The real person is more beautiful than the magical image." Yan Xing put on his own persona, looking like a reckless man, not hiding his love for beauties at all. Then Yan Xing said to Mrs. Carol: "After I received the news from you, Carol, I hurried to New Tower City just to see Miss Ligeia as soon as possible.

Carol, please accept these food stamps to express my gratitude to you for introducing Miss Ligeia to me. "

Yan Xing put down a pile of food stamps on the table and continued to stare at Ligeia, as if he wanted to see through her clothes.

Mrs. Carol's expression changed as she looked at the pile of food stamps in front of her.

Why do you feel like a madam in a brothel?

But the way Yan Xing stared at Ligeia showed that his beauty trap was used well.

As long as Ligeia can drag Yan Xing out and let him focus all his energy on women, Carol can entertain Prince Elledor with confidence and boldness.

If Ligeia can capture Yan Xing and break up his alliance with Count Theodore, New Tower City can smoothly return to the direct control of the principality.

If you can find out Yan Xing's secret and take Thunder Swamp into your hands... elves and orcs will have no place in the Windy Highlands.

Mrs. Carol picked up the food stamps and put them away, and said to Yanxing: "When I mentioned you, Knight Yanxing, to Ligeia, Ligeia was very interested in you. She was pursued by the nobles in the capital of the principality all day long. , but look down on those dudes who rely on the merits of their ancestors.

Women...all like real heroes.

I remembered that I still have some things to do. You guys can chat here. I will take Ligeia to the Rose Garden later in the evening. "

Mrs. Carol stood up to create space for Yan Xing and Ligeia to be alone.

Yan Xing said: "Why go... just stay here after dinner. My embassy has many rooms, the bed is big and soft, and the bathroom has hot water all day long."

Mrs. Carol knew that Yan Xing was full of eyes and she was not afraid of him looking at them, but Ligeia was not.

She is too young and prone to mistakes.

"Knight Yanxing, I am a widow. I don't have to worry about others gossiping when I live here... But Ligeia is a daughter of an important official in the principality. It is better to go back to the Rose Garden in the evening."

Yan Xing said regretfully: "Okay... Miss Ligeia goes back to Rose Garden at night and comes to my place to play during the day. I have a lot of goodies from Thunder Swamp here.

Carol, you can go.

Just leave Miss Ligeia to me. "

Mrs. Carol gave Ligeia a look, then turned and left. She and Prince Elledo still had a negotiation.

Yan Xing and Ligeia were the only two people left under the umbrella in the back garden.

Instead, he became silent.

Yan Xing continued to look at Ligeia.

Ligeia felt the fiery look in her eyes, feeling not only anger but also shyness in her heart, which made her ears turn red.

The clothes worn by nobles are very different from those worn by ordinary people. The necklines of aristocratic court women's clothes are very low, and large areas of skin are exposed, which makes Ligeia, who is used to wearing civilian clothes, very uncomfortable.

I originally thought this dress was too revealing, but now I was being stared at by a man.

The embarrassment can be imagined.

If it were anyone else, Ligeia would have walked away, but she had a mission.

As a secret agent of the Principality, he is always ready to sacrifice himself for the Principality.

Ligeia recalled the words Mrs. Carol taught her and took the initiative to break the silence: "Knight Yanxing..."


Yan Xing put his finger to his mouth to silence her, and then whispered: "That's good, don't break the scene. I'm going to take a nap, I'm really tired these days."

After saying that, Yan Xing turned the chair into a recliner, lay down, and really fell asleep.

Ligeia was left alone, wondering what she should do.

Mrs. Carol didn’t teach you anything about this kind of scene!

Ligeia had no choice but to sit there and wait obediently, observing her mission target.

A few days ago, he and Tran were planning how to assassinate him, but now it turned into seducing him.

But how to seduce someone who is just lying there and sleeping?

Yan Xing was really sleepy.

The connection between the magical world and the real world, especially the formation of Thunder Company, all requires one's own hands.

Then we went to Griffin Island. After sending the griffins to the island, we also conducted a field trip to this island that we had only seen in photos.

See if the island is suitable for griffons to survive.

There are a lot of things that need to be dealt with in the territory every day, and the reorganization and training of the army are the top priorities.

I don’t know when I will be able to relax.

Ligeia sat for a while, and when she saw that Yan Xing showed no signs of waking up, she also learned to move the seat and lie down.

Ligeia has also been very tired these days and has too much to learn.

In addition to aristocratic etiquette, you must also memorize the names, positions, and family backgrounds of the principal officials; the roads and departments of the principal capital; the members of the Eldofin family, their occupations, the family's territorial property... and even farmland income.

Not to say there are no loopholes, but I have to make sure that I can fool Yan Xing.

So comfortable!

Lying on the recliner, Ligeia felt that having such a chair was definitely the luckiest thing.

My whole body was wrapped in the chair, making me feel more comfortable than ever before.

It would be nice if the underwear around the waist could be a little looser.

Ligeia put her hands on her belly, closed her eyes and enjoyed a brief moment of relaxation.

Then he accidentally fell asleep.

When Ligeia opened her eyes again, there was a black sky outside the parasol. She immediately realized that she had made a mistake and that she should not have fallen asleep here.

Ligeia sat up suddenly. She looked around first and then at Yan Xing...

The recliner was empty.

Did he discover anything?

Ligeia regretted it greatly. It was not easy for Mrs. Carol to re-enable the important rules, but she actually fell asleep during the mission.

It’s all because the recliner is so comfortable!

The situation is unclear now, and Yan Xing is not here, so he doesn't know how to remedy it.

"Miss Ligeia." A female voice called from beside her.

Ligeia stood up, and a blanket fell from her body to the floor.

She quickly picked up the blanket and held it in her arms with one hand, straightened her appearance, then turned to the maid standing by and asked: "I'm sorry, I fell asleep. I don't know where Knight Yanxing is. I want to apologize to him."

The maid smiled and saluted Ligeia, and said: "Miss Ligeia... Count Theodore invited my master to go to the city lord's palace to discuss matters. Before I left, the master did not let us disturb your rest, and asked me to wait until you wake up. I’ll give you this photo when I do.”

"What is a photo?" Ligeia breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that Yan Xing was not here. Her mistake was too serious. Moreover, my mind is already in chaos, and I am afraid that I will make more mistakes when facing Yan Xing.

Mrs. Carol's evaluation of Yan Xing is very high.


The person who was able to torment the Assassin's Guild has not yet recovered. UU read and you will know that Yan Xing is a person who looks rough but is actually very capable.

When facing him, you must be more careful.

Since he is not here, he will come back tomorrow to adjust his condition.

Ligeia took the palm-sized wooden frame from the maid's hand, and then saw the photo in the wooden frame.

It turned out to be a magical image.

Just why is this magic image so clear!

Clear just like a real person!

In the photo...a woman dressed in court women's clothing is sleeping soundly in a lounge chair.

She turned her face sideways, closed her eyes, and opened her mouth slightly, sleeping so quietly. The light shines through the parasol and falls on the woman's face and body, as if the world has stopped because of her.



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