The Earth Supplier of the Wizarding World

Chapter 238 Mrs. Carol’s Beauty Trap

Chapter 240 Mrs. Carol’s Beauty Trap

Carol didn't understand the power of the assembly line in the industrial park's processing industry.

It was only after working that Yanxing learned what the world's factory is.

Delivering 200,000 sets of quilts in one month would be extremely difficult anywhere else in the world. But in my Greater China region, it’s just a matter of giving more overtime pay.

Raw material suppliers and supporting factories are all together, and all the materials needed for production can be obtained with just a few phone calls.

Then there is assembly line mass production.

My own production capacity is not enough, so I can outsource some orders to other factories.

There are only 200,000 sets of quilts, and it still can’t make any splash in the clothing industry.

However, if it relies entirely on manual sewing, it will be a big project.

The Principality of Silvermane charges one gold coin for a set of quilts. In addition to expensive raw materials, labor is also a big expense.

In response to Carol's repeated questions, Yan Xing took his signed agreement and gave it to the maid to put away, and said to Carol: "You buy and I sell, why do you care how I produce? Anyway, prepare the gold coins. As long as I can deliver on time.

By the way, I remembered something.

My Eternal Food Store is holding an event. If you purchase food stamps worth 200,000 gold at a time, you can get additional coupons equivalent to 10,000 gold.

Very good deal. "

Carol was stunned for a moment and asked: "When did the Eternal Food Store start such an event?"

Yan Xing smiled and said, "Just now. I organized this event specially for you. If you use the food stamps from Eternal Food Store to buy this batch of quilts, it will be much cheaper."

The profits from this linen business are already sufficient for Yan Xing.

If Carol buys all 200,000 gold into food stamps from Eternal Food Store, then after paying the price, she will still have food stamps worth 10,000 gold in her hand.

Approximately several million kilograms.

If you have food stamps, you must consume them, which can increase the circulation of food stamps in New Tower City.

Moreover, Carol and her Rose Garden represent the Principality of Silvermane. The special envoys of the principality all use food stamps from the Eternal Food Company, and the advertising effect is absolutely great.

This endorsement fee is absolutely worth it.

Carol didn't expect that Yan Xing would take the initiative to lower the price!

You must know about state procurement, but many actuarial calculations were done on the production cost of a set of quilts, which pushed the supplier's profit to the bottom.

Suppliers can only make money based on volume.

Yanxing not only lowered prices proactively, but also lowered prices so much at once, which basically makes no money.

If you work in such a hurry, you will definitely lose money.

Carol looked at Yan Xing for a while and guessed his purpose of lowering the price.

I couldn't help but admire: "You are really ambitious! You paid for 200,000 sets of quilts to supply them, just to give me a food stamp."

I don’t know why you are so active in promoting the circulation of food stamps from the Eternal Food Bank. Do you have so much food? "

Yan Xing replied: "Yes! We don't have that much food. Am I not seeking death by giving out so many food stamps?"

If you don’t believe in the food stamps from Eternal Food Store, I can just give you the food directly. However, once the grain is redeemed, it cannot be redeemed again for food stamps.

If it's missing or broken, you have to bear the loss yourself. "

The unique food in the Eternal Territory can only go out but not in, to prevent someone from maliciously exchanging it and then depositing it.

The exchanged grains have to bear the loss themselves, which makes people more willing to keep the food stamps.

Exchanging as much food stamps as you want will allow the excess food stamps to be circulated in the market.

Eternal Grain Bank does not have so much exchange pressure.

Carol considered the pros and cons to herself by accepting this offer.

The purchase fee of two hundred thousand gold for clothes is not a small amount. If you can save ten thousand gold, you will definitely be able to show your ability in front of Duke Silvermane.

With so much extra available funds, I can do a lot of things.

As for promoting the circulation of eternal food stamps in New Tower City...

Since the food stamps from the Eternal Grain Store have become the second currency in New Tower City, there is nothing I can do to stop it, so why not give Yan Xing a favor.

Carol remembers that winning over Yan Xing is her primary goal.

"Then thank you Mr. Yan Xing for the special offer for me." Carol picked up the wine glass and toasted to Yan Xing after signing the purchase agreement, then handed all the remaining papers in her hand to Yan Xing and said with a smile: "I I heard that you are not married yet. For you, a young and promising person, the women from these remote aristocratic families in New Tower City are too vulgar.

A woman from a truly aristocratic family must not only be of noble birth, but also be well-educated and beautiful.

These are the ladies from noble families that I specially found.

Which one do you like...I can arrange for her to come to Newta City to meet you.

I believe that a good marriage can further deepen the friendly relationship between Thunder Swamp and Silvermane Principality. "

Yan Xing did not expect that Carol would suddenly become a matchmaker and introduce women to him.

I can't help but have some small expectations for these noble ladies chosen by Carol.

Each page is an introduction to the family background of a noble lady, and is accompanied by a magical image.

The ladies in the image each have their own characteristics. Although their appearance may be high or low, their overall quality is quite good.

Looking at their status, everyone has a prominent family background, and there must be an elder in the family who is an important minister of the principality.

In modern times, they are all official families.

Yan Xing slowly admired it and graded each noble lady in his mind. Although he knew Mrs. Carol's purpose of being a matchmaker for him, he shouldn't go too far.

If there really is beauty inside that would captivate the whole country, it wouldn't be too much to ask her to come over and meet her.

Just flipping over and over...

Yan Xing found that there was an acquaintance inside.

This...isn't this Ligeia?

In the magical image, Ligeia is wearing a goose-yellow deep V palace dress and wearing a popular bun. Wearing a ruby ​​necklace on her pure white neck, the sparkling diamond pendant makes people unconsciously cast their gaze on that place full of reverie.

The Ligeia here is very different from the one Yan Xing saw in the tavern.

Through comparison, it can be clearly felt that Ligeia has made some slight disguises on her appearance in order to blend in with the market.

It was these subtle disguises that caused considerable deviations in her appearance.

It even feels like two different people.

Yanxing confirmed through Fubuki that this was Ligeia.

This is very interesting...

When Carol saw Yan Xing turn to the page of Ligeia, she stopped turning down, and she couldn't help but reveal a subtle smile on her lips.

Ever since she first met Ligeia, Carol knew that her strongest weapon was her beauty.

As long as she can use her beauty, she can become the most powerful spy.

Due to the leak of intelligence from the Assassin's Guild, Ligeia had to withdraw from receiving the elf emissary according to procedure.

But Carol didn't think that Ligeia's identity had been leaked. It would be a pity to leave her idle like this. It would be better to be the person she placed next to Yan Xing.

The information about these noble ladies was indeed carefully selected by Carol, and their function was to serve as a foil for Ligeia.

Like green leaves, it sets off the bright colors of flowers.

Let Yanxing think that he chose her.

At this time, Yan Xing couldn't help but laugh in his heart.

It turns out that Ligeia is actually Mrs. Carol's person, so the boss behind the Assassin's Guild should be the Principality.

As for why Fubuki didn't find out.

That's because when Ligeia took this magical image, she didn't wait for the watch she gave her.

in this identity profile.

Ligeia's full name is Ligeia Eldofin, the granddaughter of Grand Bachelor Eldofin of Silvermane Principality Academy.

He once studied in the central temple of the principality and has the title of priest.

He is also an earth magician.

At this time, watches had just become popular in the principality. Ligeia did not wear a watch when taking this magical image because she was afraid that Yan Xing would become suspicious.

She took off her watch and put it in the tavern, so Fubuki naturally had no way of tracking her.

As for her identities.

Yan Xing concluded that Carol must have deceived him. Anyway, he had no way to go to the capital of the principality to check.

Just to verify... As long as there is a person like Archmaester Eldofin, it is not a matter of a word to arrange for him a granddaughter or a granddaughter from a family branch.

It's just that Ligeia wants to use her identity as the Blood Falcon of the Assassin's Guild to help me find the orc treasury.

At the same time, I also wanted to use my identity as the granddaughter of Eldofen University to help Carol seduce me.

So busy.

Then let's see what happens if you use two identities against my two identities.

So Yan Xing stopped looking at the information about the noble lady at the back, took out the picture of Ligeia alone, and asked Carol directly: "This Miss Eldoven is really beautiful, I like it very much. If When she comes to New Tower City, I will make her feel like a princess."

Seeing that Yan Xing finally took the bait, Carol took Ligeia's information: "It turns out to be Ligeia... She is now being pursued by countless nobles, and she is becoming more and more beautiful as she grows older.

Perhaps soon, my title as the most beautiful woman in the principality will be given to her.

If you like her, I will invite her to come to New Tower City in my name. I think Ligeia will definitely give me this face. As for the rest, it’s up to you to take good care of it.

After all, Archmaester Eldofin is highly regarded by the Grand Duke, and it is not for me to make the final decision on his granddaughter’s marriage. "

"I know what to do...thank you very much."

Yan Xing toasted to Carol with a smile.

Carol clinked glasses with Yan Xing with a smile.

Next, Carol didn't talk about anything else with Yan Xing. Her goal had been achieved.

Money, women...

The two-pronged approach slowly disintegrated the alliance between Yan Xing and Theodore.

Once the two of them are separated, they can be defeated one by one.

Carol and Yan Xing talked a lot about Ligeia in the capital of the principality, solidifying the impression of Ligeia as a noble lady for Yan Xing.

Create a perfect, innocent woman.

Carol doesn't think Yan Xing can see through the identity she designed for Ligeia.

She could tell that Yan Xing didn't understand human society. Although he is a lord and has his own servants, his treatment of his servants is very different from that of a real human noble.

Who has ever heard a noble say "thank you" to his servant?

But Carol heard Yan Xing say thank you to his subordinates and servants more than once.

That "thank you" wasn't something he did intentionally, but he didn't even know there was anything wrong with saying "thank you."

Yan Xing received a good education, but it was definitely not given to him by "people".

Therefore, he must not be able to see through Ligeia's identity.

Unless he had seen Ligeia.

But how could he go to such a remote tavern that only the lowest class of people would go to?

While talking about Ligeia, Carol kept exploring the secrets of Thunder Swamp.

Want to know what kind of existence the powerful alchemist group hidden deep in the swamp is?

Those alchemy luxury goods are all exquisite.

Now they may still have the ability to produce 200,000 sets of cotton-padded clothes and quilts in a month.

Are there so many dressmakers, so much cloth and cotton in Thunder Swamp?

Why did we detect Thunder Swamp from the air but found nothing?

There is also Yan Xing’s eternal collar.

Information from various channels shows that it is an extremely magical territory.

Its style is out of this world.

The lives of ordinary subjects in the territory are actually better than those of ordinary nobles in the principality.

Regarding Carol's temptation, Yan Xing told her nonsense.

I can build my territory however I want.

My people, I will give them whatever I want...

Yan Xing and Carol ate and drank, chatting like candid old friends.

The Embassy of Thunder Swamp is still magnificently lit, making the rest of the city appear even darker.

At this time, Ligeia was packing her few belongings in the simple hut behind her tavern.

New tasks are coming.

The suddenness caught her off guard.

Use beauty to seduce Yan Xing, alienate him from Earl Theodore, and discover the secrets of the Eternal Territory and Thunder Swamp.

The professionalism is very inappropriate.

He is a thief, wandering in the darkness.

Excessive beauty has always been a negative point for me as an excellent thief, so I have also thought of many ways to make my appearance look ordinary.


Mrs. Carol actually allowed herself to show her beauty and charm, to make a man obsessed with her and to reveal her secrets to her.

Ligeia had no idea what to do.

In my heart, I also rejected the idea of ​​selling my body.

But he is a secret agent of the principality, and Mrs. Carol is now his immediate boss.

An order is an order and must be executed!

Madame Carol ordered Ligeia to move to the Rose Garden that evening. UU Reading She will receive personal training from Mrs. Carol in the next few days.

It is not an easy task to become a noble lady in such a short period of time.

Packing away her few linen clothes, Ligeia couldn't help but think of the incident a few days ago when she received a mission and was recruited into the Rose Garden to shoot magical images.

With the help of ladies, she put on the gorgeous dress that only noble ladies are qualified to wear.

The jewelry he wears, I'm afraid even if I open a tavern for the rest of my life, I won't be able to earn the money to buy them.

Standing in front of the mirror that could only be purchased at the Eternal Chamber of Commerce, Ligeia was shocked by her appearance inside.

Mrs. Carol's words rang in her ears: "Thieves can't just hide in the dark. A real thief, even if he stands under the blazing sun, people will not discover his identity."

Your mission is to steal Yanxing's heart. Let him be obsessed with you, let him be obsessed with you, let him listen to everything you say and tell you everything about himself.

Tell me everything you heard and saw. "

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