The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 990: Makeshift hell

It's a piercing cone!

To be more precise, it was an armor-piercing cone with a large number of burrs and barbs after the transformation of the ghost assassin.

Deeply pierced the root of Big Buck's thigh and turned it gently, tearing off a large piece of blood dripping off even the flesh of the belt.

By the way, the things between Big Buck's legs felt unprecedented cold and emptiness.

This is not the end.

The opponent seemed to know the totem armor and body structure of Big Buck well.

Before the liquid metal was covered, the piercing cone stabbed seven times in a row like lightning.

In his waist and hips, chest and abdomen, and even under his armpits, seven shocking blood holes were pierced.

Although the totem armor soon covered the wound.

And seal the wound as much as possible to prevent the loss of blood.

But a wound torn by this deadly weapon is too difficult to plug and suture.

Big Buck suddenly felt the sky spin, and his eyes turned black.

He roared hysterically, and the horned scimitar on the totem armor was waving frantically, marking a series of sparks on the walls on both sides of the tunnel.

The ghost assassin jumped away gently before his madness, blending into the darkness perfectly.

This time, no matter how big Buck's eyes widened, he couldn't scan the silhouette of the opponent in the darkness.

At this moment, an unknown mechanical sound rang again in the darkness.

As the chain "crashed", Big Buck suddenly felt two strange forces on his painful elbow and ankle, pulling his body in different directions.

It turned out that the chain around the animal trap was connected to two heavy sacks suspended high in the air through a set of pulleys and gears.

When the ghost assassin knocked out the bolt and let the sack fall to the ground, gravity immediately tightened the iron chain under the increase of the pulley block.

Big Buck's right arm and left leg were suddenly straightened by the tight chain, and his whole person was almost suspended in the air.

His right hand and left foot were so painful that they would be torn apart by the trap.

Of course, it is impossible to trap a totem warrior by relying solely on the mechanism without being disturbed.

However, just when Big Buck was about to break the chain, the ghost assassin appeared from behind him again.

And before the Totem Armor completes the final colonization, a chain is used to go around Big Buck's neck.

It was slender and long, with spiked chains on it, deeply embedded in the throat of Big Buck.

Even if the totem armor is covered, it can only be wrapped in chains.

Big Buck felt that his throat was stuffed with a blazing flame.

All of the air he had to breathe was burnt up all at once.

The ghost assassin crossed the chain behind his neck and wrapped it around his arms.

Immediately afterwards, the whole person jumped up, his arms exerted strength, his knees pressed against his spine, all the weight was like a weight, and it was placed on the throat of Big Buck.

Creak creak, creak creak.

Big Buck heard his cervical vertebra rubbing against his chains, making a creepy sound.

The seven blood holes on his body continued to expand with the fierce struggle, and blood spewed crazily from under the totem armor, and couldn't stop it.

In particular, the blood hole at the root of the thigh, in addition to the tingling pain, brought him a fear that could not be restrained by any male carbon-based intelligent creature.

The right hand and left foot seemed to be burnt in the furnace first, and then frozen in the ice cave for a whole day and night, and they had no sense of their existence.

Even more frightening is that the opponent seems to have smeared the evil secret medicine on the iron teeth of the trap, causing the numbness to spread upward like a poisonous snake. Soon, he lost the entire right arm and left. The control of the legs and the speed of confusion became faster and faster.

As for the iron chain that was tightened and tightened around his neck, it was like heating both ends in a furnace, and it was quickly burnt to orange-red, as if he was about to twist his head directly.

Pain always magnifies people's perception of time.

Big Buck felt that he had persisted for three days and three nights.

Then, he heard the sound of "click, click, click," and sensed something heavy and strong, cracking from his body, peeling off piece by piece.

"My Totem Armor, even left me?"

Big Buck was flustered for a while, "Could it be that even the totem armor thinks that I must die without any doubt? Doesn't it hold any hope for me?"

This was his last thought before falling into darkness.

Big Buck was awakened alive.

From the teeth to the toes, the extremely clear, intense and continuous pain made him realize desperately that he did not get the glorious ending-the vigorous death of the battle, turned into a part of the ancestral spirit, on the eternal battlefield, drinking stubbornly all day long. Good wine, slaughter the enemy.

Instead, he dragged his body with bruises all over, still imprisoned in the dark, damp, narrow underground like an ant's nest.

Analyzing from the rancid and unpleasant breath as before, and the standing water on the ground, this place is still part of the underpass.

A few digging tools such as shovels and pickaxes were scattered nearby, as well as a few dirty rags.

It should be a place for the slave laborers to take a break and catch their breath when building the underpass.

But beside the digging tools, there are a lot of things that shouldn't be here.

Big and small, all kinds of knives unheard of by Big Buck.

There are also small and exquisite saws, pliers and probes.

And some weird gadgets that don't know what they are, but exude a dangerous atmosphere.

All the equipment is brand new, emitting a faint silver light in the four corners of the shabby room under the reflection of four oil lamps.

Big Buck swallowed hard.

He never wanted to be the first to try these devices.

And at this moment...

Big Buck found that he was still suffering from severe pain all over his body.

But the traps on the right elbow and left ankle have been removed, and the wounds have been simply coated with ointment.

The seven blood holes that were stabbed by the armor-piercing cones were also randomly blocked with ointment and rags, anyhow they no longer spurted blood, but slowly penetrated bloodshot eyes.

The chain that was deeply embedded in his throat was also untied, but his throat was so swollen that he could not yell, and could only make a low and hoarse voice.

Coupled with the amazing vitality of the higher orcs.

His life is not in danger for the time being.

But this does not mean that he can move around freely and escape this makeshift magic cave.

Because he was tightly bound on an iron bed built with four or five iron spears staggered.

The hands and feet were all locked by barbed chains.

There were several tendon whips on his thighs, waist and abdomen, and chest respectively, restraining his body, ensuring that he could not get out of even a finger gap.

There are also two huge iron hooks on his shoulders, which hook into his shoulder blades.

If he struggles forcibly, he will only tear his shoulder blades to pieces, making his arms completely incapable of movement.

All of this was clearly illuminated by a huge bronze mirror.

That's right, someone is directly above his head, above the ceiling, a bronze mirror is hung.

This allowed him to clearly see his body that was originally strong and fit, but now it is horrible.

And, what will happen next.


Like most advanced orcs, Big Buck is not afraid of death.

But the scene in front of him, which was a hundred times more terrifying than death, completely exceeded the limit of the barren imagination of this tauren warrior.

He screamed hoarsely.

The rapid ups and downs of his chest involved the wound, like countless steel needles with burrs scraping the bone marrow in his bones, and the pain made him almost fainted again.

"If I were you, I would save a bit of effort."

From the corner behind the head of the tauren warrior, there was a faint voice, "The search above our heads is over, and the nosy fellows are all gone-just a few screams, no corpses, no bloodstains, There were no weapons to drop. Such things would happen every night in Pointe-Noire, and no one would entangle them to the end.

"I don't think anyone will discover your disappearance before dawn.

"In other words, our work can last all night.

"I hope you can nurture your energy and persevere to the end."

Very calm, even some gentle voice, I heard the big Buck's ears, not hesitating the totem beast's hungry gasps in the back of his head.

He endured the severe pain, twisted his head desperately, twisted his cervical vertebrae into a "click, click" noise, and finally saw the other person's appearance through the bronze mirror hanging in the air.

It's the wretched and cowardly rat man!

Just put on a hooded cloak, shrouded his face in a swaying shadow.

Squatting in the corner, studying the totem armor of Big Buck attentively.

It wasn't until this moment that Big Buck realized that his totem armor had been snatched by the opponent in such a despicable and shameless manner.

The body suddenly felt that the spine-like emptiness was removed.

The other party was not in a hurry to **** Big Buck's totem armor into his body.

Instead, he took a lot of bottles and cans, which were filled with colorful viscous liquid medicine, and dropped them on the chest armor, shoulder pads and wrist guards of Big Buck, and carefully observed the reaction of the totem armor.

The totem armor quickly absorbed all the secret medicines.

From a solid as hard as iron, it gradually softened, and ripples appeared on the surface, and even an impatient "hiss" sound, like an invitation to the rat man's small servant.

"This is impossible!"

Big Buck looked stunned.

How can the humble ratman be favored by the Totem Armor?

Immediately, he realized that the opponent was of course not a mouse-man-he remembered the strange power that came out of his arms and knees when the opponent was tightly entwining his throat.

It is impossible for the Ratman to possess such power.

This guy is a strong man who is by no means inferior to him.

However, what kind of clan warrior would be despicable enough to have such a powerful force and set up such an insidious trap!

After all, the opponent did not respond to the invitation of the Totem Battlegear.

Instead, he used a long robe to thinly wrap the fragments of the totem armor.

Afterwards, he slowly got up, took off his hood, and walked towards Big Buck.

Under the constantly swaying firelight, Big Buck saw a vague reflection appearing in the bronze mirror.

Hair like black flames.

Dark eyes as deep as the night sky.

The unique characteristics made Big Buck horrified.

"We finally met again, Mr. Big Buck, oh, in the Blood Skull Arena, you should have seen me too, at least you knew of my existence, but at that time you didn’t care because you thought I was in a coma. When you wake up, it is impossible to remember you, it is impossible to remember those things you did, you think, I have forgotten you a long time ago."

Meng Chao walked to the bull's head of Big Buck, gently held his horns, lowered his head, paused every word, and said softly, "But, unfortunately, I didn't forget.

"Even in the sewage in the deepest part of the dungeon, when I was dying, I did not forget you for a second, brave tauren warrior, honorable bloodhoof member, Mr. Big Buck."

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