The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 776: His armor is pretty

The sound of metal tearing like a mechanical malfunction came from the boar warrior.

The arms that were tightly wrapped by the totem armor, raised high, suddenly bent at least 120 degrees in the direction of the anti-joint at a very strange angle.

"Kacha, Kacha"!

The elbow joint of the wild boar warrior burst.

Bai Sensen's broken bone was poked out.

The bracers and armguards formed by the condensation of liquid metal, not only failed to provide protection, but re-liquefied, like strips of metal tentacles, scrambling to get into the wound, scurrying under the flesh, and turned into the sharpest steel. The needle, torn the skin, came out with the broken bone.

The roar of the boar samurai turned into a scream.

The pride of a victor hangs on his face.

In the depths of the eyes, there was a flood of fear.

This fear stimulated the Totem Armor to lose control further.

The shoulder guards, arm guards, wrist guards, and breastplate were all reshaped into a sharp blade with a sharp edge and the tip of the knife inward, tearing his flesh and blood, chewing his bones, and devouring his internal organs. Six fu organs.

Exclaims burst out from the audience.

But under the barrier of the iron cage, no one dared to take the stage rashly and touch such a weird monster.

The limbs of the wild boar warrior are entangled and broken by tentacles made of liquid metal.

He rolled around in pain, but he didn't have the slightest strength to resist.

Even his throat was quickly filled with liquid metal, blocking the screams tightly.

Soon, as the Totem Armor lost control, he completely changed his appearance.

If we say that the wild boar warrior just now is still a warrior in armor.

He is now a half-flesh, half-metal monster.

Hundreds of blood-stained metal thorns were poked from his body.

The huge wound that bloomed like a piranha between the chest and abdomen relied on a piece of metal wire to narrowly close like surgical sutures.

The broken limbs were re-joined by dozens of thick steel nails. Although they were deformed and ugly, they could rotate 360 ​​degrees in all directions and anti-articulated flexibly.

The fangs that were originally ferocious were all wrapped in liquid metal and turned into sharp blades, tearing their lips to pieces, exposing their gums, like zombies.

The skull, which was squeezed alive due to the abnormal expansion of the brain, was also mixed with a large amount of liquid metal, which bulged up into dozens of spurs, as if wearing a fierce battle helmet.

The most exaggerated is his hands.

The hands of the wild boar warrior were fragmented and completely swallowed by the liquid metal.

Following Bai Sensen's broken bones, a large amount of liquid metal continued to gush out, condensing into a warhammer and a battle axe on the left and right sides of the body.

The shapes of the two heavy weapons are extremely exaggerated, hanging all the way to the ground.

The lower body of the boar warrior was originally relatively short.

With such two arms that are completely fused with lethal weapons, the toes tend to volley.

It seems that without using both legs, relying on the waving of both arms, they can move very strangely and swiftly.

His eyeballs are also covered with a lead-gray metal film.

Like severe cataract patients.

Through the metal film, no emotions belonging to carbon-based intelligent life can be seen at all.

Only, belong to the cold killing intent of the war machine!


Suddenly he opened his canine-toothed blood basin, and from the depths of his throat that was pouring from liquid metal, he uttered a sound like a war machine starting.


With an extremely strange posture, he instantly moved to the edge of the iron cage, picked up the warhammer and battle axe that grew on the broken arm, and slammed it heavily towards the iron cage.

The iron fence with the thickness of the arm was smashed by him with a hammer, and the deformation was visible to the naked eye, and with another axe, it was split into two!

"...Source Demon!"

Meng Chao's eyes widened, and fragments of memory from his previous life, like hot bullets, penetrated his cerebral cortex.

The horror image that looked like a madness in front of him gradually overlapped with the strongest unit of the higher orcs in the memory of previous lives.

Ice Storm stared at him deeply.

It seems to have found something.

But it can't be said to be surprised or ecstatic.

"Speak down, the'source demon' is the name of the holy light human race. If you are heard by others, you will be treated as a spy who infiltrated the land of holy light and torn to pieces."

Ice Storm whispered, "Here, you should call this unfortunate and great warrior the'origin warrior', or'source spirit'.

"As I said just now, if one's own strength is not strong enough; and with the help of witch doctors and priests, you are not fully prepared; or if you are unlucky, the absorbed totem armor fragments contain thousands of years ago. The brutal killing intent of...In short, for various reasons, the samurai cannot control the totem, and will be controlled by the totem, becoming a'origin warrior' or'source spirit'.

"As you can see, he is not dead yet. Even if he wants to die, he can't die. He has become a puppet of the Totem Warframe. His brain is occupied by the purest and most violent killing intent. There is no more normal emotions. Desire and thinking, only know that the enemy and ourselves will kill, destroy, and destroy, until they exhaust all the energy of this flesh and blood body.

"It looks terrifying, but it's true, because after the Totem Armor is completely out of control, it will explode in a stable state that cannot erupt from a terrorist force, which makes many Turans believe that this is the true Totem Armor. The form is also the original appearance when our ancestors descended from the sky thousands of years ago and conquered Turanze.

"That's why people call the Totem Armor, which is completely out of control and countervailing the owner, as the'origin warrior' or the'primitive spirit'.

"Everyone believes that it is no longer this warrior who controls this extremely vicious armor and this fragmented body, but the oldest and most sacred killing intent.

"He is the incarnation of the ancestral spirit!"

Sure enough, after witnessing the entire process of the Totem Armor defeating the owner, although the audience was surprised, there was not much panic, sadness and fear.

On the contrary, there was a light of excitement and piousness on his face.

The audience all stood up, raised their arms high, and sang ancient war hymns in unison, as if cheering for the "origin warrior" who had violently destroyed the iron cage.

In their cheers, the origin warriors quickly destroyed the iron cage.

Just when this group of half-flesh, half-metal puppet monsters controlled by the totem armor is about to jump into the audience to kill.

Eight figures jumped onto the arena and surrounded it round and round.

Four totem warriors in broken armor, four priests in colorful plumes.

They are all masters of the Bloodhoof family, strong men responsible for maintaining order in the Blood Skull Arena and controlling abnormal situations.

Four totem warriors threw a chain woven iron net at the origin warrior.

And through the iron ring worn on the wrist, scaling the length of the chain, and pulling it back and forth with the origin samurai, slowly killing its power, lest the iron net is suddenly torn by it.

The two priests held tools that looked like long-handled feather dusters in Meng Chao's eyes. They were dipped in a secret potion that was as thick as honey, and they kept beating and smearing on the origin warrior.

The other two priests, each holding a totem beast’s leg bones, were polished, and they looked like panpipes and a delicate small drum. They chanted ancient spells toward the origin warrior.

The fighting power of the origin samurai is indeed amazing.

Meng Chao observed that the area covered by the battle armor of the four totem warriors wrestling with it was a little higher than that of the origin warrior.

With four enemies and one, it was still dragged by the samurai of Origin to sway, and it was almost blown out several times.

Fortunately, the cast of the four priests had an effect.

As more and more secret medicine penetrated into the fragmented flesh and blood through the deformed and twisted armor.

The actions of the origin samurai gradually became sluggish, and his expression changed from brutality to numbness.

It seemed to have been injected with a large dose of high-concentration anesthetic, unable to withstand the attack of the Sandman, and finally, leaning on the twisted iron cage, it sat down slowly.

The four totem warriors hurriedly gathered the iron net.

In one breath, he wrapped a dozen or so turns of iron chains to tie the origin warrior stronger than rice dumplings.

This was a little relieved.

Although the origin samurai was "asleep", his eyes covered with the lead-gray metal film were still wide open.

Flesh spasm and the trembling of the armor made the iron chains rattle, like a restless zombie locked in an iron coffin.

Meng Chao saw his scalp numb.

I couldn't help asking: "How would they deal with this...Origin warrior?"

"The two methods are either to treat the Origin Warrior as a totem beast. They are used to screen out the real strong. If someone is on the arena and defeats the Origin Warrior in an upright manner, then the totem armor in the Origin Warrior body is very happy to change it. Of a stronger master."

The ice storm's words turned, "However, the Totem Armor that has been backlashed once is contaminated with a very ferocious and frenzied aura, and it is easy to backlash again-just like eating human flesh once, it is often addictive.

"The rush to absorb such a totem armor will greatly increase the probability of backlash, so few people do this.

"In most cases, as you have seen, the Origin Samurai is sealed and used as a secret weapon.

"Although the origin warriors have the problem of losing their minds, regardless of the enemy and us, hacking and killing, but when the battle is deadlocked and the enemy camp cannot be attacked for a long time, sending a team of origin warriors to the most critical front can often Reaping unexpected effects-in all previous battles of glory, the Origin Warriors were the most fearful and distraught existences of the Holy Light Human Race. Therefore, they would call the Origin Spirit the Origin Demon!"

Meng Chao nodded.

The introduction of Ice Storm was similar to the scene he saw in the memory fragments of his previous life.

It seems that the origin warrior of the Turan civilization is equivalent to the immortal brigade of the Dragon City civilization.

They are all "undead legions" similar to zombies.

Of course, the origin warrior, who was backlashed and manipulated by the out-of-control liquid metal, was more than a hundred times stronger than the zombie.

The name "Source Demon" is definitely worthy of the name.

At this time, the situation on the court was under control.

The origin warrior was carefully taken away by its people.

Although it has damaged a brave and good fighting wild boar warrior.

But recovered a powerful secret weapon.

This account is not too bad.

The emotions of the tribesmen were relatively calm, and some even had their faces full of joy. They were sincerely happy that this wild boar warrior was qualified to be the "incarnation of the ancestor spirit".

The warriors and priests from the bloodhoof family were even more calm.

Failed to absorb the battle armor, but was backlashed by the totem and transformed into the origin warrior. Although it did not happen every day, it could be encountered every three days.

They are responsible for watching the scene and handling similar incidents. They are already familiar with it, and they are not worth fussing about.

The four totem warriors disarmed and retracted their majestic armor into their bodies.

The huge bull head of one of them has just been covered by a larger helmet and hideous mask. At this moment, it is also exposed to the sight of all the audience, including Meng Chao.

Meng Chao's pupils suddenly shrank.

His breathing became heavy in an instant.

The heart beats violently like a drum of war.

Ice Storm glanced at Meng Chao in surprise.

In her impression, this black-haired, dark-eyed, mysterious guy has always been very calm.

Even if he activates the "Mithril Ripper" and deliberately releases the extreme killing intent, his eyes are only curiosity, and there is no too strong mood swings.

This is the first time Ice Storm has sensed the gaffe of the "Reaper".

No, it's not just a gaffe.

It's killing intent.

Comparable to myself, even deeper, more intense, and lethal killing intent than myself!

Following his sight, Ice Storm saw one of the four totem warriors.

This guy has a very distinctive look—the two horns on both sides of the temple are separated, the left one is short and small, and seems to be stunted; the right one is thick and long, and seems to take all the nutrients from the left corner. Coming over, it was raised high like a machete, and the tip was crystal clear, as if it had been moisturized by psychic energy into some kind of blood-red mineral.

Such a distinctive feature can never be forgotten even with just a glance.

"Do you want to kill'Big Buck'?"

Ice Storm seemed to see through Meng Chao's secret, and asked with interest, "Why do you know him?"

In Turan, "Buck" is a machete of peculiar shape, the blade is curved forward, some are like dogleg knives on the earth, of course it is much larger and heavier.

"Big Buck", which means "Machete", is also a very fierce name.

With such a name, the excessive secretion of male hormones in the Blood Skull Arena, where everyone is suffocated and wants to fight hard, swaggers to this day, this "big buck" is considered strength. Very tough and ruthless.

Meng Chao retracted his gaze.

The killing intent instantly disappeared without a trace.

Bing Storm was slightly startled, wondering whether it was his own illusion just now.

"So he was called'Big Buck'?"

Meng Chao blinked, with a subtle arc at the corner of his mouth, "His totem armor is very beautiful."

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