The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1305: From **** to earth

Chapter 1305

Although the leader of the wolf clan is extremely fierce on weekdays, he can decide the life or death of a ratman tomb thief with his fingers.

But under the impact of the explosion of the temple and the collapse of the rock, they had broken bones and fractured their internal organs and suffered serious injuries.

The broken bones of several wolf clan leaders protruded violently from the muddy flesh. Through the shocking wounds, you could even see the trembling internal organs, which was extremely weak.

However, in the face of the dying wolf clan leader, the vast majority of rat people tomb robbers still dare not resist, but are dominated by innate fear, allowing the wolf clan leaders to ask for what they want.

The leaders of the wolf tribe took all the food and water from the hands of the survivors without any effort.

The hungry and bruised survivors were forced to dig an escape route to the ground.

The harsh environment and overloaded work have caused the Ratmen tomb robbers to keep falling.

But after the wolf clan leaders ate all the food, they even hit the rat people tomb robber with their ideas.

In the beginning, they only gnawed the flesh and blood on the corpse after the rat people tomb robbers were exhausted.

But in order to restore strength and heal wounds, the leaders of the wolf clan urgently need a lot of food, how can it be enough to eat the dead?

As a result, their hungry eyes entangled the throats of living people.

I don't know how long it will take to get through the escape route.

One more living person will consume one more food.

Turning the still alive rat people tomb robbers into food, the improvement of survival chances is far more than simply doubling.

What's ridiculous is that most of the rat people tomb robbers are clearly resisted by the master's fangs against their own throat. They don't even know how to resist. They are more docile than cattle and sheep, as if the master's stomach is their best. Home.

The still alive rat people tomb robbers, seeing their masters looking for various excuses to kill and swallow their companions, turned out to have hollow eyes and expressionless faces. They were more calm and numb than a pig when another pig was slaughtered. .

There was only one ratman tomb thief, staring at the purgatory-like picture in the world, looking furious.

In this cannibalistic survival game, "Jackal" Kanus finally set foot on the road to reverse his destiny.

He knew that he was alone and lonely, not an opponent of the wolf clan leaders.

Therefore, he used his deep understanding of rock structure and his proficient digging skills to move his hands and feet on the escape route, deliberately introducing the owners into traps, and creating a new and more deadly collapse.

The leaders of the surviving wolf clan were hit hard again.

The wounds that were already riddled with holes have worsened.

The limbs of many wolf tribes were smashed to pieces, and they were bitten by the collapsed rocks.

The last power, accompanied by the stench of blood, shot out like a fountain.

"Jackal" Kanus took the opportunity to pounce on a "master" and bit his throat with his own mouth.

The incredible picture deeply stimulated the surviving rat people tomb robbers.

"Jackal" Kanus's pleasant and refreshing chewing sound constantly echoed in their minds.

They were dumbfounded for a long time, and finally realized a very simple fact.

The lofty master, the clan warrior who has the blessing and shelter of the ancestor spirit, who exists like a god, will also die.

They will also be bitten to death by dirty, humble, and weak rat people.

It can also become food.

A battle with fangs and claws, the most primitive and most tragic, immediately broke out deep underground.

In many cases, fear is like a piece of tissue paper as thin as a cicada's wings.

When it is not punctured, the shadow of the teeth and claws behind the tissue paper is like an invincible monster.

Once you pierce it, you will find that the so-called monsters are no big deal and can also become prey.

In this most primitive fierce battle, all the rat people tomb robbers except "Jackal" Kanus were buried deep underground.

But before they died, they finally tasted half the stench and half the sweet blood of the "masters".

And after they died, they did not fall into the belly of their master, but were buried upright in the earth.

Ten days later, "Jackal" Kanus was alone, successfully digging through the escape route and crawling back to the world from hell.

All wolf clan leaders and rat people tomb robbers, and even the past of "Jackal" Kanus, are all annihilated in the depths of the earth, in the dust of history.

When he stumbled down the hillside, rolled into a stream, greedily sucking on the stream, and through the reflection of the stream, he could see clearly that he had become totally unrecognizable due to explosions, fights, and burial, a bold idea could not help but emerge from the bottom of his heart.

Now that everyone who knew his identity was dead.

Why does he have to live under the name of the rat clan?

Why can't he pretend to be a certain owner, a certain wolf clan tomb thief, and start a new destiny?

Tomb thief is a high-risk occupation, life and death gatherings are normal things.

Not only do you need to be careful when exploring ancient tombs and temples.

Unearthed the ancient weapons that contain the power of totems, whether they are used or traded by themselves, they must be up to 120,000 points.

A little carelessness, either by the power of the totem, becoming completely unrecognizable, or being eaten by the trade partner and dying.

In this case, the tomb robbers will find ways to easily modify and change their names, and will not let anyone know their details easily.

The origins of several wolf clan tomb robbers whom "Jackal" Kanus had served are very mysterious, and no one knows their past at all.

Out of caution, he did not pretend to replace any wolf clan grave thief.

Instead, they combined the characteristics of seven or eight wolf clan tomb thieves to create a brand new identity.

That was the original "corpse dog".

At first, Kanus was quite anxious about his impostor.

For fear of being seen by others, ruined and ruined, there is no place for burial.

But he soon found out that he was worrying too much.

Perhaps no one thought that a most humble rat clan could be so frantic and bold enough to pretend to be a member of the incomparably noble Golden clan.

Or perhaps there is no essential difference between the wolf tribe and the rat tribe, the nobleman and the slave, the eagle and the maggot.

With the name "corpse dog", Kanus gradually gained fame among the tomb robbers.

The jackals, tigers and leopards in the circle only care about how many good things he can find out of the lost temples and ruined tombs.

No one would pry open his lips and observe carefully what shape his front teeth are broken, sharpened, and inlaid with sharp braces every day.

After all, sharpening the teeth, carving flowers on the tooth surfaces, and decorating all kinds of gorgeous and sharp braces, to show their martial arts, this was originally a very popular aesthetic culture among the Turan orcs.

The only thing that made Kanus dissatisfied was his fake wolf clan identity, which was still too low.

After all, within the territory of the Golden Clan, there are the Lion Clan and the Tiger Clan who can ride on the neck of the Wolf Clan as a domineering blessing.

And within the wolf clan, as a tomb thief "corpse dog", he did not have any identity or status at all.

Whether it is the chiefs of the wolf clan's large settlements, the domineering army head, the nominal wolf king.

Still the strong men of the Liger tribe.

Anyone can step on him as he wants, and anyone can cough gently and send him to the most dangerous tombs and temples to take risks that are disproportionate to the benefits.

This is something Kanus absolutely cannot bear.

In the dark and damp underground, between the organ traps stained with blood and minced meat, Kanus, who has been there for more than ten years, can no longer bear being used, squeezed, driven, commanded, and enslaved by anyone. , Was stepped on by anyone.

He wants to climb up, unscrupulously, and desperately to climb up, stepping on the heads of all wolves, tigers and leopards, to climb to the place closest to the sky, until his humble bloodline and the blazing sun. Until there are any barriers.

This is of course difficult.

But in the collapsed temple, fighting and devouring like ghouls, stepping on the corpses of the "owners", climbing step by step, and finally, after the experience of crawling back to the world from hell.

The rat boy of the past, the "corpse dog" now, the "Jackal" soon, and the "doomsday magic wolf" in the future do not feel that there is no place in this world that can not be climbed by themselves; yes No one's head can be trampled underfoot by oneself!

This is the story of the Wolf King.

A bizarre and thrilling story.

Meng Chao certainly did not believe 100% of every word the Wolf King said.

After all, no one knows the "Doomsday Demon Wolf" better than him.

Although the rat boy in the story is full of sympathetic childhood experiences and the hardship of being forced to fight back.

In the end, the Jedi counterattacked, fabricated identity, and miraculous counterattack experience was also amazing.

But Meng Chao couldn't believe that the truth would be so simple.

In that destiny-changing temple collapse, everyone died, and only the Wolf King survived alone.

The dead cannot speak.

Who knows, what is going on in the ground where you can't see your fingers, and who is the first to attack whom?

Who knows how many corpses the Wolf King has gnawed away in order to survive-in addition to the corpses of the leaders of the wolf clan, are there any corpses of the rat people tomb robbers?

Even, who knows whether the so-called "temple collapsed unexpectedly" is a real accident, or is it a dangerous game that the Wolf King is deliberately planning to change his destiny and bet on the lives of himself and his fellow Ratmen?

Also, the Wolf King intentionally or unconsciously missed the most critical link in the story.

That is the source of his power.

Where did his first pot of gold come from?

Is it so easy for a little thief who has been soaked in his bones to soften his bones and acted as cannon fodder?

Even in the collapsed temple, all the leaders of the wolf clan were seriously injured, and he was lucky enough.

After he fabricated the identity of the "corpse dog" and formally stepped into the circle of tomb robbers, how could he gain a foothold so easily?

If you are someone else, you might relax your vigilance because of the "openness, honesty, and truthfulness" of the Wolf King.

But Meng Chao felt more and more that there were too many secrets worth digging into the wolf king.

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