The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 477: Item 1 (top)

Two days passed in a flash, and this afternoon, the first event of the Triwizard Tournament will be held.

Fish had been very excited since the morning, because he was finally able to fight the dragon. The only thing that upsets the cat is...

Why do you have to go to class in the morning? !


And the first class was the most boring history of magic. As soon as Feixu entered the classroom, he fell asleep and spent the whole morning in the sleep of Mao Mao.

Unlike the big-hearted Fish, Harry was so nervous that his entire stomach was twitching, and he didn't even eat much of his lunch.

Although Sirius and Professor Moody had both helped him in their own way, and he had successfully mastered those two spells in the past two days, Harry couldn't help but panic a little when things came to an end.

Fish and Harry, who were equally absent-minded for different reasons, saw Professor McGonagall walking towards them after lunch in the Great Hall.

"Minerva~ is it about to start meow?!"


Fischer jumped up excitedly, his tail flapping happily behind him, he couldn't wait!

"Yes," Professor McGonagall reluctantly patted the cat's head and replied, "Now the warriors are going to the field below... You must be ready to complete the first project."

"Okay!" Cat Mao cheered.


"Okay." Harry stood up dumbly, his fork falling into the plate with a clatter.

"Fish, don't be impulsive." Hermione reminded Mao Mao in a low voice, she had explained it repeatedly in the past two days, but she was still not sure whether the cat would listen...

Then she nodded to Harry again and said, "Good luck to you too, Harry."

"Thank you," Harry replied vaguely, his voice dry and hoarse as if he hadn't had a drink in days.

The two left the auditorium with Professor McGonagall. Professor McGonagall also looked a little flustered.

She is not worried about Fei Xu, after all, this little cat can win even a basilisk, and it won't be much dangerous if it doesn't say that it will win against the fire dragon. Professor McGonagall was still mostly worried about Harry.

"Okay, don't be nervous," she reassured, putting a hand on Harry's shoulder, "Keep your head down... We have some wizards around, and if things don't go well, they will come forward to control the situation. ...The most important thing is to give full play to your own abilities, no one will think that you are inferior to others ... Are you alright?"

"It's okay," Harry continued in that dry, hoarse voice. "It's okay, I'm fine."


The cat, who was once again neglected by Professor McGonagall, was very unhappy.

"Minerva, don't you have something you want to talk to Fish about?"


Mao Mao tugged at Professor McGonagall's robe and asked pitifully.

Professor McGonagall rubbed Feishu's head in tears and laughed, "Well, you have to be more careful. If Feishu is injured, I will feel distressed."

"Meow, hahaha! Minerva, don't worry, Feixi is amazing! Meow who will never get hurt!"


The cat that got the attention immediately became happy again, and raised his head triumphantly.

Harry on the side was also influenced by Fish and became less nervous.

The two followed Professor McGonagall around the edge of the Forbidden Forest and walked towards the place where Harry had seen the fire dragon. As they approached the grove where they could have seen the field, Harry found a tent erected there, blocking the dragons, with the entrance facing them.

Fish's cat ears twitched and turned toward the tent, his nose twitched a few times, and his mouth opened slightly.

"It's very similar to Norbert, it really is Fire Dragon Meow!"


There was an afterimage of the cat's tail behind it, and Harry could even hear it whirring as it cut through the air.

"You have to go in with the other warriors," said Professor McGonagall, who gave Harry a deep look, "waiting for your turn. Mr. Bagman is in there too...he'll tell you the steps. Good luck to you..."

"Thank you," Harry said in a flat, erratic voice.

"Fishu will definitely win, Meow!" Cat Mao replied in a dignified manner.


Professor McGonagall led them to the entrance of the tent and led them inside.

As soon as he entered the tent, Harry saw two other warriors of his school, Fleur Delacour and Victor Krum, both sitting silently on the low wooden stools, hearing Phil. The movement of Xu and Harry when they came in turned their faces together.

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Neither of them looked very good, Fleur looked pale and sickly, while Krum looked more gloomy than before. Of course, Harry knew that his situation was probably not going to get any better.

"You guys are so good!"


Only Fish was full of energy as always.

Fleur and Krum gave Maomao a stiff smile, but still didn't speak.

"Fish! Harry! That's great!" Bagman said happily, turning his head to look at them. "Come in, come in, relax, as if you were at home!"

Bagman looked hilarious in his old Hornets jersey again, but no one but Fish was in the mood to pay attention right now.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, it's time to introduce the situation to you!" Bagman happily explained the rules of the first project to the four.

"Pick up the golden eggs? Didn't you fight the fire dragon, meow?"


After hearing the introduction, Fish immediately quit.

"How fun is it to pick up golden eggs! Feixu is going to fight the fire dragon, meow!"


"...How do you know that the project is related to fire dragons?!"

After being dumbfounded for a while, Bagman asked anxiously. At the same time, he looked at the other three warriors, but found that they didn't respond much with surprise.

"Meow?" Fei Xu blinked, then pinched his cat ears, and said, "Of course Fei Xu heard meow, my ears are very good!"



Bagman looked at Fish's shaking cat ears, and then at the other three warriors who were indifferent, as if he had guessed something.

He smiled bitterly, and simply stated the detailed rules in advance: "Okay, the first project is indeed related to the fire dragon, but we can't let you fight the fire dragon, you just need to find a way to be under the guard of the fire dragon. , you can get the golden egg."

"So, Fei Xu can also go to get the golden egg after he has defeated the fire dragon?"


"Fire dragons are not so easy to deal with!"

Bagman seemed to be very worried that Fish and the others really went to fight the fire dragon, and quickly persuaded him.

It's just that how could the cat listen to his advice, just nod and perfunctory.

Seeing this, Bagman continued to persuade him earnestly.

"...that unfortunate wizard lay in St Mungo's for half a year, and until now he has not dared to approach a place with fire, even if it is just a candle, so you must not be stupid and find a way to get rid of the fire from the dragon. If you steal the golden egg, you will complete the project!"

After Bagman chattered and alarmed about the horror of the fire dragon, Fish still looked like he didn't care. On the contrary, he scared the other three warriors a lot.

"By the way," Fei Xu suddenly remembered something, "Can Fei Xu choose which Fire Dragon Meow to deal with?"


"Of course not!" Bagman said bluffingly: "According to the rules, you can only choose your opponents by luck."

"Does it say in the rules that we are not allowed to change opponents, meow?"

Mao Mao still refused to give up, he still wanted to fight the most powerful Hungarian wasp.

"Uh... the rules don't say... but... this is probably against the rules." Bagman smacked his forehead, feeling a little overwhelmed.

"Why don't you ask Albus Miao?"

Bagman couldn't help In the end, he really ran to ask Dumbledore and other five referees in a daze.

"Fish, do you have any way to deal with some kind of fire dragon?"

Furong hesitated for a while, but couldn't help but ask, and Krum on the side also looked over curiously.

And Harry, who knew about the cat's temperament, grinned. He had already guessed which fire dragon Fisher wanted to deal with.

"No, Fei Xu just wants to pick the most powerful fire dragon, so it's more fun, meow."


Sure enough, Fish shook his head and said the answer Harry had guessed.

Fleur and Krum: "..."


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477. The First Project (Part 1)

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