The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 285: To rebel against Duanli's mother

The Druid Master of Hogwarts https://

Although the problem of the basilisk was solved, because of the crooked criminal record of a certain little cat, Professor McGonagall called Feish, who was holding the basilisk and wanted to run outside, and began to kill the kitty's ears.

In addition to reiterating that the basilisk cannot be restored to its original size outside, Professor McGonagall also warned Fisch not to use the basilisk to bully and scare others, and as he spoke, the topic turned to some of his usual bad habits. And asked Fisch to correct it as soon as possible...

In short, Fei Xu has listened to similar content many times. The originally cheerful little cat gradually collapsed in the nagging voice of Professor McGonagall.


Kitty looked disappointed as she listened to Professor McGonagall's chattering there, feeling that her little brain was inflated, and her pouting mouth silently and synchronously chanted what Professor McGonagall was saying at this time...

These clichés he has long since receded!

After talking for a while, Fisch suddenly raised his hand, took the basilisk hanging from his neck, and trot to Newt Scamander's side with it.

"Grandpa Newt, take care of Uropoulos for me first."

After handing the basilisk to Newt with a face of confusion, Fisch turned around, ran back to Professor McGonagall, raised his fists and shouted seriously—

"Minerva! Fisch wants to fight you, Meow!"


After successfully transforming into a black-footed cat, Fisch wanted to challenge Professor McGonagall, but the timing was wrong at the time, so it was temporarily postponed, and then it was his birthday again, and he made contact lenses for Uropoulos. , It has been shelved.

Just after being so nagged by Professor McGonagall, Fisch remembered it again, and the secret room was also a good place, so Kitty's brain heated up and challenged Professor McGonagall.


Professor McGonagall's face twitched twice, knowing that his little cat started to itchy again.

So she smiled and asked without a smile: "Oh? So what is your appeal this time?"

According to past practice, Fisch would propose a victory reward before the challenge...Although he has not succeeded once, this does not prevent Kitty from having illusions about this.

Correspondingly, Professor McGonagall will also make a request to Fisch as a punishment for the failure of the challenge.

In the past few years, Professor McGonagall has used this model to let Feish get rid of a lot of bad habits, and can also master the learning progress of Little Fur, so she doesn’t mind Feish coming to challenge herself...

Of course, it doesn't conflict with whether she doesn't mind or doesn't mind.



Fisch scratched his cat's head and frowned in annoyance.

He just suddenly remembered that he would become a black-footed cat, so he took advantage of the opportunity to challenge Professor McGonagall. As for the reason for the challenge...

"Fish hasn't thought about meow..."


Professor McGonagall rolled his eyes speechlessly. This situation has not been uncommon before. Ephesh's thoughts are out of character, and similar situations are not rare.

So she made her request first.

"If you lose again this time, you can't deduct more than 100 points from the college next semester. If you do, you have to find a way to add the points back."

Professor McGonagall thought about it for a while and said that although Fisch was added two hundred points by Dumbledore this year, the actual deduction may be less than fifty points, but she still relaxed a little bit.

You can't have Voldemort or Voldemort's Horcrux every year...

If this were the case, she and Dumbledore would be happy, and the Horcrux themselves would send it to the door. Even if it was a little more dangerous, they couldn't ask for it.

"Fei Xu won't lose meow!"


Kitty retorted angrily first, and then he also offered his own terms——

"If Fisch wins, Minerva, you will not be allowed to hit Fisch's ass! And... next semester you will always drink the compound soup that Fisch prepares for you!"

Little Fur Cat suddenly remembered Professor McGonagall's frustrated look after being turned into a Lion, so he temporarily added another sentence.

He regretted it after speaking...

Because the expression on Professor McGonagall's face suddenly became very scary.


Fisch shrank his head trivially, and then struck his neck very stiffly.

Not only did he want Professor McGonagall to become a lion, but he also wanted to use all the animal hair that Dumbledore gave him!


"Ha ha ha... Very good! I promised!"

Professor McGonagall sneered, gritted his teeth and agreed.

Dumbledore next to him grabbed Newt's arm and quickly withdrew back for a long distance.

"Professor Dumbledore, what are they?"

Newt didn't care about studying the basilisk in his hand at this time. He looked at McGonagall and his son who were facing each other in front of the Slytherin statue, completely unclear of what was going on.

"Hehehe, just stay aside and watch the excitement with me. Fisch will definitely surprise you."

Dumbledore stroked his silver beard, watching the excitement with joy.

Newt, who didn't know why, had to stand beside him, a little curious about the next development. WWWW.8㈦㈦zw.℃οm

After all, in the cognition of a normal wizard, the gap between a second-year little wizard and a senior professor at Hogwarts is really too big, and it is unlikely to see any excitement.

In Newt Scamander’s puzzled gaze, Fisch drew out his magic wand and turned the nearby gravel into large and medium-sized cats such as lynx, snow leopard, and scaly cat. To Professor McGonagall Pounced.

Just this hand shocked Newt.

Not to mention the second grade. When he was expelled from Hogwarts in the fifth grade, his mastery of polymorphism was far less than that of Fisch. This level of polymorphism was at least available after he was transferred to the Beast Office at the Ministry of Magic. . m.⑧七七zω.℃oM

After Feish added an iron armor curse to himself, he quickly turned into a big tabby cat over half a meter long, and rushed towards Professor McGonagall together with the other big cats.

This time Newt wasn't surprised. He had known that Fisch was born Animagus. The only thing that surprised him was that... Fisch's changed cat is too big, right?


Professor McGonagall, who had been prepared for a long time, snorted coldly, so he used Transfiguration to **** the big cats that Fei Xu had But to her a little surprise, it was the closest to Fei Xu. She actually couldn't take those big cats from, it seems that Feish's transformation technique has also improved during this period of time.

Professor McGonagall nodded in satisfaction, did not continue to **** the big cats, directly controlled the other big cats, turned around and rushed to Feishu. The few big cats couldn't affect the situation at all, and even they played together. Enough.

Fisch did not rush towards Professor McGonagall as he did last time. Instead, he took his few remaining "subordinates" and fought with the group of "traitors", and for a while, hairs of various colors flew up and down. , The cat howling and the leopard roar, one after another.

However, after a turbulent battle, Fisch finally left the battle group, slapped the two lynx blocking the way, and rushed towards Professor McGonagall. M.㈧七七zw.cΟM


Professor McGonagall raised his brows, somewhat surprised.

Because so far, except for the few big cats that are not easy to capture, Fisch hasn't shown any new tricks, which does not fit the character of this little fur cat.

Although there were still some doubts in his mind, Professor McGonagall did not hesitate in his hands. While blocking the action route of the big tabby with the Stupefying Curse and the Petrification Curse, he did not forget to add the Iron Armor Curse and the Super Sensation Curse to himself.

After the big tabby cat dodges a few spells, it was hit head-on by a coma spell, and the red light hit the tabby cat's head, causing it to roll over directly.

At the same time, a little black shadow less than the size of a slap shot out from under the big tabby cat at a faster speed, turning into a sharp arrow and rushing towards Professor McGonagall.




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