The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 281: As expected of my optimistic successor!

Dumbledore used his blue eyes full of surprises to look at the basilisk in Feish's hand through the half-moon lenses.

After being shrunk, the basilisk did not become cute. It still had that hideous appearance. It held its head up, like a dead branch, quietly resting on Feish’s hands, watching the sudden change in front of him. Huge human...

Such an experience was only experienced during the period when it was first born.

Unlike Fisch's direct ignorance of the basilisk's gaze, Dumbledore relied on the powerful magic power in his body to abruptly resist the basilisk's death sight, so he could clearly feel that the basilisk was being taken by Fisch. After shrinking, the lethality of its eyes has dropped drastically.

"This is really amazing..."

Even if Dumbledore was so knowledgeable, he couldn't help muttering in surprise at this time.

Because according to normal circumstances, even if it breaks through the scales of the basilisk that can resist most of the magic, it is impossible to weaken the power of the basilisk...

However, there have been many strange spells on Feish, and it doesn't matter if there is one more.

"Albus, how's it going?"


Fisch's voice interrupted Dumbledore's exclamation. He stared at Fisch's little face with gleaming blue eyes.

"What do you want to do, bad old man?!"

Fisch was hairy by Dumbledore's weird gaze, and he took two steps back quickly, squeezed the little basilisk in his hand, and pointed its head at him.

"Be careful that Fisch lets Uroboros bite you!"


The basilisk in Feish's hand also opened its mouth in cooperation, revealing its fangs that had become small but still deadly.


"Oh oh oh oh... don't get excited, don't get excited."

Dumbledore didn't plan to try to experience the venom of the basilisk, he also took two steps back, begging for mercy.

"I'm just marveling at your magic to shrink the basilisk," Dumbledore, who was worried that the willful kitty would really let the basilisk give him a bite, praised it unscrupulously: "I can actually take such a big The basilisks are all reduced!"

"Of course it's meow!"

The kitty immediately raised his head in anger, and boasted without feeling that there was anything embarrassing: "Fei may be amazing!"


"Well, I can feel that the basilisk's gaze is indeed weakened," Dumbledore said back to the subject, surprised Professor McGonagall and Snape, who had their eyes closed, but Dumbledore did not. Ignoring them, continue to say: "But to be on the safe side, we'd better test it a few more times. Can you let Uropoulos cooperate?"

"No problem, meow!"

Fisch also knew the importance of the matter, so he agreed without hesitation, then raised the basilisk to him, and muttered to it in a low voice.

On the other side, Dumbledore used Fox's power to teleport out of the secret room, bringing back a few toads and mice from the outside.

"Come on, let Uropoulos try."

Dumbledore put the poor little animals in his hands in front of the basilisk, and their bodies immediately became stiff, looking no different from Mrs. Loris at the time.

However, in Feish's perception, there are still some differences. Mrs. Loris's breath of life was so weak that it was almost imperceptible, and these toads and mice could easily feel that they were still alive.

After Dumbledore carefully inspected the petrified animal in his hands, he also found the difference.

Because you want to help them recover, you don't even need to use the mandela grass resurrection potion, a powerful cracking spell can do it.

"Well... if it's only this level... Severus, Minerva, you two should also be able to resist the basilisk's gaze."

Dumbledore said this to the two of them.

Professor McGonagall hesitated, but Snape opened his eyes impatiently. He sprinted in front of Feish, and met the little basilisk in Kitty’s hand. The speed was so fast that Feish had no time. Uropoulos took it back.

Fortunately, Dumbledore's judgment was correct, and Snape had nothing to do except his face became paler.

So Professor McGonagall opened his eyes and looked curiously at the little basilisk in Feish's hand.

"Although this will not endanger people's lives, most people can't stop the basilisk's gaze, so you still can't let you take him out...Can you weaken the basilisk's ability again? "

Dumbledore looked at Fisch expectantly.

But the kitten wrinkled her face and squashed her mouth, and he had no other choice.


Narrowing Uropoulos to this level is already the limit. Another weakening spell he has mastered, only the defensive power reduction [Elf Fire], is of no use at all.

Although there is still this option to cover the eyes of the basilisk with cloth, Fisch has already asked Uropoulos, and instead of this, he would rather stay in the secret room and sleep.

Unlike ordinary snakes, the eyesight of the basilisk is still very good, and the feeling of losing sight is uncomfortable, and it is not a wonderful experience to keep helping a piece of cloth on the head.

As for wearing glasses and the like, it doesn’t make sense. Let’s not talk about how to fix it. The basilisk’s line of sight is not blocked by glass lenses. Only through reflection can the basilisk’s gaze be weakened.

"It would be great if you could control your own abilities," Fisch raised Uropoulos in front of him, frowning and said regretfully, "Or you can close your eyes..."


"His hiss..." (I don't like to move much anyway...)

Uropoulos stretched his head, touched Fisch's nose, and comforted.

If you can stay with Fisch and wander around outside, it’s the best, but if you can’t do it, it doesn’t matter to Uropoulos. After all, he has been sleeping alone in the secret room for so many years, and he has been used to it. Lonely……

Besides, the kitten would come to visit him from time to time, it was much better than before, and Uropoulos was very satisfied with his current life.

But Fisch still had a lost expression, and finally saw the light, but the result was still a little bit close, which made the cat very discouraged, and the cat's ears and tail were drooping in frustration.

Professor McGonagall rubbed Fesh's head, but he couldn't help and Snape was wondering if there were any medicines that could achieve a similar effect.

At this time, Dumbledore walked up to Fisch and patted him on the shoulder to comfort him: "Don't be discouraged, maybe there are other ways."



Phish's drooping ears instantly rose, and he looked at Dumbledore with scorching eyes.

Although the bad old man Dumbledore sometimes bullied himself, his abilities were still recognized by Feish.

"What can you do, Grandpa Albus?"

The kitty's unrestrained level is not much more than that... he deserves to be Dumbledore's optimistic successor.

"Grandpa Albus has nothing to do..."

Dumbledore said following Fisch's tone, and paused for a moment on purpose.

But Fisch has become a little bit able to calm down after being trained by Mr. Riddle's friendship.

The bad old man waited for a while to see that Fei Xu hadn't taken the bait. He smacked his lips regretfully and continued: "But I know an expert in magical animals, and he might have a way."

After speaking, Dumbledore glanced at the little basilisk in Fesh's hand, a smile on his face.

"Although Newt has been retired for a long time, he will definitely come with Uropoulos here."

As soon as Dumbledore said his name, Professor McGonagall and Snape knew who he was talking about.

A dropout of Hogwarts, an honorary alumnus of Hufflepuff, the author of "Where are Fantastic Beasts", and the famous Fantastic Zoologist-Newt Scamander.


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