The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 275: Cat Demon King Kai


George and Fred crawled out of the car slowly, and then stood in front of the four deans and Lockhart like frosted eggplants.

"What's the matter with you two?! Why did you run into the forbidden forest with Fisch? Don't you know that the forbidden forest is dangerous?!"

Professor McGonagall's eyes were like swords, and he stabbed them fiercely.

"Yes, if you don't have as much experience dealing with magical animals like me, it's better not to enter casually."

There was no one else but Lockhart who could say this.

Of course, no one paid any attention to him at all.

"Minerva, don't be angry with them, it was Feish who took them."


Because the effect just now seemed pretty good, Fisch continued to experiment.

Sure enough, the twins saw that Fei Xu took the initiative to take the responsibility, and they were immediately moved. It was obviously Fei Xu they were looking for first!

"It's nothing about Fisch! We asked him to take us there!"

"That's right! It was Fisch that we wanted to see in the Forbidden Forest!"

George and Fred scrambled to say. really works!


The kitty widened her eyes, looked at the twins who had confessed their mistakes, and sighed in her heart.

In fact, he doesn't quite understand why there is such an effect, but it doesn't matter to him, it's easy to use!

Then Fisch continued to speak: "Last time Minerva, you learned about my taking Harry and Ron to the Forbidden Forest, and did not say anything about it. Fisch thought you had allowed this."

Professor McGonagall, who was about to get angry, suddenly stopped. She first glanced at Harry and Ron who had been shot inexplicably, and then said grimly: "No longer allowed to do this!"

"Got it, meow!"


"Also! Why did you come out in a flying car?!"

Professor McGonagall, suffocating his stomach, immediately questioned again.

"Because I met Meow in the Forbidden Forest," Feishe replied honestly, "It drove in front of us by itself."

"I heard Harry and Ron say that they came to school in this car, and Fisch was a little curious, and then he got in the car with George Fred."

The little cat slammed two pads back in to share Professor McGonagall's anger, and emphasized again.

"Fish has learned how to drive, and I can take Minerva for a ride in the future!"


"That's not okay," Professor McGonagall's anger subsided in an instant. Although she still had a straight face, I could see that Professor McGonagall was in a good mood now, and she squatted down and patted gently. Fisch’s little head explained to Cat Cat: “The Ministry of Magic does not allow wizards to abuse Muggle items. This is what Mr. Weasley did, don’t you remember?”

"Meow? But..."


Fisch turned his gaze to the flying car lying aside, his big eyes filled with doubts.


Professor McGonagall cleared his throat awkwardly, complaining about Arthur in his heart... he deserves to be held accountable by the Ministry of Magic!

"In short, I appreciate your kindness, but forget about driving, and don't do such dangerous things in the future."

She rubbed Fisch's head, the expression on her face gradually softened.

It can only be said that it is Voldemort's words. Although Feish only learned a little bit, but with his talent for affinity, Professor McGonagall was really out of anger by Feish's combination of punches. .

After all, even when Maomao is playing around, she still thinks about taking herself for a drive, how could she be angry with Feishu.

So Professor McGonagall said harshly after teaching Fisch a meal, he just forbidden him to take people to the forbidden forest in the future, confiscated the magic car that was still breaking down, as well as the expected confinement and deduction of points.

Even the twins did not scold too much, but just gave them deductions and confinement.

Of course, after Mrs. Weasley sent another roaring letter, that was another matter.

And others...

There is no need for Fisch to use speech skills, and the main responsibility will automatically be placed on the twins. Not to mention Fisch’s performance just now, many little witches even complain about the twins...

If it wasn't for them to expose this matter, maybe they will have the opportunity to follow Fisch in the forbidden forest to "date" in the future.

Only Professor Snape raised his lips slightly and gave Feish a meaningful look.

He has been with Voldemort for a long time. Fisch's naive words can't hide from his eyes, but as a Slytherin, he didn't think Fisch did anything wrong with it, of course he didn't. Will go to pierce the cat's careful thoughts.

Although Professor McGonagall is not so angry anymore, today's events have also reminded her.

Feish, the little fur cat, wants to make trouble, and it has little to do with Voldemort or not.

So in the following days, Professor McGonagall focused on Fisch more closely...By the way, he doubled the homework of the transformation class.

As long as Fisch's energy is consumed in other things, his chances of mischief will naturally decrease.

Under the strict guard of Professor McGonagall, Hogwarts has indeed calmed down a lot. This is also because the days for the final exam are getting closer and closer. Everyone is busy completing more and more onerous homework and preparing for the upcoming exam. prepare for.

Just when Professor McGonagall thought that this semester would go through so peacefully, a guy who had been ignored by everyone for a long time suddenly jumped out.

Guidro Lockhart, the defense against the Dark Arts professor who played the role of a talk show actor in Hogwarts, suddenly went crazy when he was about two weeks before the exam.

"Professor McGonagall, I heard that you have been collecting stories to tell Feish recently?"

At lunch, Lockhart came to Professor McGonagall and asked in a high-pitched tone.

Professor McGonagall frowned, but politely replied: "Yes, Fisch likes to hear some interesting stories. Is there any problem?"

"Of course there is no problem!"

Lockhart raised his voice and attracted everyone's attention, then he showed eight neat, white, shiny teeth, smiling and shaking his index finger to Professor McGonagall.

"But I think you may need a little bit of guidance from my best-selling author." He mentioned his collar, pretending to be reserved.

"Thanks for the kindness, but I don't think it is necessary anymore."

Professor McGonagall refused stiffly. She didn't understand Lockhart's sudden madness, but Professor McGonagall had no interest in dealing with this reputed fellow.

"Don't you believe me? Don't you believe me, a best-selling author?!"

Unexpectedly, Professor McGonagall's refusal made Lockhart burst out like a lit gasoline can.

He yelled loudly: "Do you know how many copies of my book have been sold?! Do you know how many book fans I have?! It is your honor for me to guide you with dignity!"

"Professor Lockhart, are you okay?"

Seeing Lockhart's abnormal performance, Professor McGonagall was not only not angry, but looked at him with some worry. The other party's current situation is obviously not quite right...

Did Lucius Malfoy send in other dark magic items?

Others also noticed Lockhart's abnormality, stopped all conversations and movements long ago, and turned to look at Lockhart and Professor McGonagall.

Only Professor Snape showed a dazed expression after a moment, and then let out a cold sneer.



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