The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 267: The cause of 1 cut

"Well, in that case, let's come here first."

Dumbledore, who had planned well in his mind, was poured cold water by Feish, but he did not force Feish to continue talking to Voldemort.

It’s better to follow Fisch’s previous rhythm. If you’re too anxious, Riddle will easily see abnormalities. Voldemort in this period was very cautious...

When Dumbledore met Riddle for the first time, he slightly revealed his dissatisfaction with his abuse of magical powers. As a result, Voldemort hid in school for seven years. After graduation, he also accumulated his strength in the dark until he was full of wings. Jump to the front of the stage.

As for Voldemort's subsequent act of becoming unscrupulous, in addition to his soul being split many times, resulting in defects in his character, it is more that he feels that his strength is sufficient and does not need to cover up his nature.

"Then, this diary will be kept by me, and Feish, you will come over and chat with him every night."

"Meow every day?"


Since the diary was handed in, Fisch didn't expect to get it back, but he had to write every day...

Even if he could learn how to deceive from Voldemort, Kitty would not have that much motivation.

"Okay, okay, at least once every three days, is this going to work?"

Dumbledore shook his head helplessly and laughed.

Anyway, the one who should be anxious is Voldemort. If you want to take a break, Feish can rest. The big deal is that he can't ask for clues. Dumbledore didn't have any hope at first, but Feish's performance later made him look forward to it.

"No problem, meow!"


This frequency was acceptable to Fei, and he agreed without hesitation.

"Want to go to the kitchen for supper?"

Maomao touched her stomach and invited.

"No," Dumbledore smiled and waved his hands, and said, "I have something to discuss with Minerva. Go by yourself, and..." He reminded again: "Remember to keep secret about the Horcrux. , Especially don't tell Harry."

Dumbledore didn't know whether Fisch had heard his arrangement with Harry before, but he emphasized it.

"Because he also has Voldemort in his head? Harry will be fine, will it?"


There was a trace of worry on Fisch's face.

Obviously, although Fisch was still stunned with Professor McGonagall at that time, Cat's sensitive hearing still automatically received the conversation between her and Dumbledore.

"Yes," Dumbledore sighed. "At least he has nothing unusual right now, and we will find a way to solve this later."


Fisch scratched his cat's head, knowing that he couldn't help him, so he quickly left the matter behind.

"By the way, Minerva, can I visit Uropoulos now?"


Feish turned his head and looked at Professor McGonagall. Because he was worried that Feish would run into Voldemort in the secret room, Professor McGonagall forbid him to play with the basilisk.


Professor McGonagall hesitated for a moment, and still agreed to Fisch's request. Since Voldemort has caught him, there is no need to worry that Fisch will have an accident. The basilisk would obviously not harm Fisch without Voldemort's order. , Besides...

According to Fisch's own statement, the basilisk seemed to be unable to beat him...I don't know how this little fur cat did it.

Professor McGonagall was keenly aware that a certain little cat was hiding something from himself.

For a moment, her eyes on Fisch became sharper.



Perceiving the danger, Fisch didn't know what Professor McGonagall was going crazy again. He clutched his **** and quickly fled outside.

"Fish went to eat supper!"

After Fisch left, Professor McGonagall turned his gaze to Dumbledore again and asked suspiciously, "Is there anything else I can talk about without Fisch, Albus?"

Voldemort is already a turtle in the urn. If it weren't for Dumbledore's plan, the Horcrux would have been solved long ago. Even the matter of Harry being half a Horcrux, Phish already knew that there was nothing else that could not be made Does the cat know?

Isn't this bothering them to have dinner together with mother and son!

Professor McGonagall, who had just beaten Fisch, wanted to take this opportunity to comfort the child.

Originally, I was upset about Dumbledore's help to lie to Feish, and now Professor McGonagall doesn't have a good face anymore.

So she hugged her hands and stared at Dumbledore impatiently. A lion face was not angry and pretentious, and the soles of her feet kept stomping on the ground, making a slight "click".


Dumbledore was a little uncomfortable being stared at by Professor McGonagall. He coughed and avoided her sight by lowering his head before explaining why he had left her.

"What I want to say has something to do with the person who sent the diary to Hogwarts..."

Dumbledore told Professor McGonagall about the results of his recent investigation.

Knowing that the first person to be deceived was Ginny, Dumbledore had already begun to investigate, and then he quickly found out the relationship between Arthur Weasley and Lucius Malfoy before school started. conflict.

Of course, this just doesn't prove anything, but what if there is a house elf named Dobby in Malfoy's house?

Although most wizards seldom care about the name of other people's elves, unfortunately, Dumbledore is one of the exceptions.

And when Lucius himself didn't cover up, but instead often took his house elves around, it was not very difficult to know Dobby's name.

"You mean, Lucius Malfoy gave Ginny the diary deliberately?"

The mane beside Professor McGonagall's head exploded, and her eyes were full of anger.

"Is he crazy?! To put such a dangerous thing into a child! His own son is still in school!"

"I think Lucius might not know that the diary is a Horcrux," Dumbledore explained to him, "I don't think Voldemort will tell him the truth, he probably thought it was just a piece of his master's Magic item, maybe you still know that it can open the secret room?"

Dumbledore shook his head uncertainly, and said, "Of course, the main reason is that he thinks Voldemort is and before school starts, the Ministry of Magic is again searching for dark magic items. , Lucius just took it easy, and while dealing with a trouble, he could also frame Arthur by the way."

Although it is not clear what Lucius Malfoy's specific thoughts are, Dumbledore still speculates that it is inseparable.

"If he can, he can even use this to drive me out of Hogwarts... After all, that's how Mr. Armando left."

Principal Dippet on the wall couldn't help rolling his eyes, and then continued to pretend to sleep with his head down.

Now Professor McGonagall knew why Dumbledore had kept Fisch from it.

Draco Malfoy’s relationship with Fisch is quite good. If Fisch learns that all this is done by his friend’s father, he will definitely be unhappy and may be caught by Voldemort in the diary. To the opportunity to elicit negative emotions.

Although under Dumbledore’s nose, even if Fisch was really caught in Voldemort’s tricks, there would be no big problem, but it would reduce a little safety hazard. Professor McGonagall didn’t want his cat cubs to have any shortcomings. .

Acknowledging Dumbledore's reason for doing this, Professor McGonagall no longer stared at him with that energetic eyes. She nodded and said good night indifferently, and then left the principal's office.


Dumbledore wiped his forehead and heaved a sigh of relief...

Professor McGonagall when he was angry was really terrible, and the principal was really tired...

When Voldemort is solved, he will retire quickly.


?Recommended ticket??Monthly ticket?

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