The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 253: Slytherin's successor cat

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When Harry Potter left in a quilt, Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall set their sights on Fisch again.



The kitty looked at the two men dumbfounded, wondering why they stared at him suddenly and didn't speak.


Dumbledore spoke first, "Fish, should you take us to meet that basilisk?"

Seeing Feishu's face hesitating, he quickly comforted: "Don't worry, I don't intend to hurt that basilisk, I just go there to arrange some spells, if it slips out under Voldemort's control, we too Good preparation. Of course, if you can catch Voldemort in this way, it would be even better."

"You didn't lie to Fei Xu Meow?"

Although Uropoulos deceived himself, Fisch still didn't want it to be harmed.

But Fisch also knew that if Uropoulos was released by the villain named Voldemort, it didn't need to do anything. It could cause a lot of casualties in the school just by looking at it.

So if Dumbledore were only going to set up a warning spell, he certainly had no reason to refuse, even as long as it didn't hurt Uroboros, but locked it up, Phish could accept it.

"Of course, I still want to use it to lead Voldemort out." Dumbledore reminded: "Fish don't say missed the mouth, if Voldemort can be solved, then we don't need to hurt the basilisk, right? ?"

Fisch, who was persuaded by Dumbledore, nodded, and then said with concern: "Then remember not to look at Uroboros's eyes. Fisch has seen several mice, and they died just by looking at them. ."

"Don't worry, in fact, a wizard with high magic power can withstand the sight of the basilisk," Dumbledore said with a smile and pointed at himself: "It just so happens that I barely met this condition."

Then he pointed to Professor McGonagall and said: "Although Minerva can't look directly into the eyes of the basilisk, there are other ways to keep her actions unaffected."

"Is it a supernatural curse? Feish knows it, Minerva has said it."


In the previous stories collected by Professor McGonagall, there were some solutions to the loss of eyesight. What impressed Feish the most was naturally the super-sensing curse that was used very frequently in battle...Although this curse had an impact on perception ability The already powerful Fisch is of little use.

"Yes, this is one of the methods."

Dumbledore nodded and waved his wand at the same time, covering both his and Professor McGonagall's figures.

"Minerva and I will stay behind you invisibly, just as usual, just go and chat with the basilisk."

"Okay Meow!"

Fisch walked out of Professor McGonagall's office and walked directly to Myrtle's bathroom.

Myrtle didn't stay inside tonight. After Fei Xu came in, he went directly to the entrance of the secret room with a "hissing" snake language in his mouth.



When the entrance opened, Fisch jumped in immediately.

Hidden Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall hurriedly followed, and the three of them fell to the bottom of Hogwarts one after another after a stimulating gliding.

Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore sighed too late, so they continued to follow Phish all the way, past the giant snake, and came to the door of the secret room.

As the door was opened by Fisch, the two followed suit.

Professor McGonagall silently cast a Transcendent Charm on himself, and then closed his eyes.

In a short while, she felt a huge snake emerge from the hole in the front wall, and then swam to Feish.

Although it was known that Fisch and the basilisk had a good relationship, Professor McGonagall clenched his fists in worry, for fear that the basilisk would suddenly go crazy and attack his cat cub.

Fortunately, the basilisk just touched Peng Feixu's face lightly, and then lay quietly beside him.

"Ulopoulos, are you okay lately?"


Fisch patted the basilisk on the head and said hello.

"His hiss..."

"as usual."

Dumbledore was translating snake language to Professor McGonagall. Of course he was not a snake tongue, but he had also learned snake language. He couldn't speak it, but he could understand it.

After a few chats, Fisch took a pile of food from his pocket and fed it to the basilisk. He also took out a knife and fork and ate a piece of ham gracefully.

"Ginny came to visit you recently?"


Fisch chewed on the food and asked vaguely, as if asking casually.

Although Professor McGonagall told himself that Uropoulos deceived himself because of Voldemort's orders, Fisch couldn't help but want to confirm it.

It's just that he knew he couldn't disturb Voldemort, so he asked Ginny, who was once possessed.

"His." (No.)

"Then you want me to bring her to see you Meow? You haven't seen her for so long, should you miss her?"

"Hiss, hiss, hiss." (No, that little girl can't block my gaze, she will die if she is not careful.)

"Then how did you meet meow?"

Feish tilted his head puzzledly and looked at the basilisk who had finished eating and was lying lazily next to him.

The basilisk was silent for a while.

"Hiss...hiss." (Can't say... someone ordered me not to say.)

As the time spent with Fisch got longer and longer, the basilisk affected by the heart of nature became clearer, so it actually wanted to remind Fisch a long time ago.

It’s just that Kitty usually talks to him about her campus life, and has never found an opportunity.

Now it's rare for Fei to mention this topic. It is of course to seize the opportunity to tell Fei what he can say so that he can be prepared.

"Is Ginny Meow?"

Feishe looked at the basilisk nervously.

"Hiss, hiss." (It's not that little girl, I can't say who it is.)

Although he couldn't get the exact answer, Fisch was still very happy. He only had to know that Uroboros didn't deliberately deceive himself, that was enough.

"That person is really annoying, why don't you say anything...Can you take Fei Xu to see him?"

Feish lowered his head and continued to eat the ham on the plate, while still not forgetting to inquire about Voldemort's traces from the basilisk.

"His." (No way.)

"It's his order again?"

"Hiss." (Yes.)

"Speaking of which, why do you want to listen to that person's order? Is it because you can't beat him?"

After eating the ham on the plate, Fei Xu stood up, patted the basilisk on the head curiously, and said, "Then you can't beat Fei Xu, do you have to listen to Fei Xu's orders?"

"His hiss..." (It’s okay with I am because of the old master’s contract and must obey his orders. However, if that person dies, according to the contract, I will obey your orders. Up.)



Fei Xu blinked. "You don't like that person?"

Uropoulos did not answer, but glanced at Fisch lazily.

But Feishe read the meaning in his eyes.

"Don't worry, Meow! Fei Xu will definitely **** you from that bad guy!"

The kitty patted her chest and vowed to say that, anyway, he wanted to find the trouble with that guy named Voldemort, but now there is only one more reason.

After bidding farewell to Uropoulos, Fisch walked out of the secret room, and Dumbledore's arrangement was completed. The three of them didn't stay longer, and quickly left the ground, and then walked to Dumbledore's principal's office.

As soon as he stepped on the spiral staircase, Professor McGonagall, who showed his figure, squeezed Fisch's little face.

"When did you fight with the basilisk again?!!!"




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