The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 247: Kitty's revenge

In addition to being hungry very quickly, the efficacy of the compound decoction also quickly lost its effectiveness after Fisch's stomach rang.

Feishe, who had just taken out his snacks to replenish his energy, watched in amazement as the hair on his hands faded away, and in a short while, he returned to a white and tender state, and a small face quickly collapsed.

He didn’t want to drink that awful and uncomfortable compound decoction anymore. He was so hungry that he didn’t say anything, and the promotion of transformation became weaker and weaker. No matter how much he jumped up and down, he didn’t see "black feet." The growth of "cat power"...

Otherwise, he wouldn't have thought about the trouble of looking for the Eight-eyed Giant Spider just now.


Seeing that Feish was in a bad mood, Fox fell from the tree and touched Feish's cheek lightly with his beak, and comforted.

The magical creatures who had been watching Fei Xu's tossing around all the time came out of their hiding places and came to Fei Xu's side.

"I'm fine."


Feish’s bad mood came quickly and went quickly. He touched Fox’s head and replied: “Before, Feish could become a big cat without a compound soup. Try a few more times and become a little cat. It must be fine too!"

Kitty's confidence is very high, unlike when he had no clue before, he has now awakened the "power of the black-footed cat", as long as he thinks of a way to make it continue to grow.

Anyway, he only fought Professor McGonagall not long ago, and he is not in a hurry...

He definitely wouldn't drink the compound decoction anymore. It did little to help himself and didn't last long. The key was that the experience was still so bad, which in Feish's eyes was really uneconomical.

After saying goodbye to his friends in the Forbidden Forest, Fisch took Fox back to the castle.

At this time, what he was trying to become a new cat had passed through Ron and Harry and spread throughout the school.

Everyone didn't pay much attention to Feish's whim. They were more interested in Hermione Granger, who also became a cat.

Because of Fisch, Hermione didn't stay in the infirmary for too long, so she appeared in front of everyone with her furry head.

The result was just as she expected. Instead of laughing at her, other people chased after her and asked how they did it.

Hermione, who had met Professor McGonagall and had not been deducted, stopped covering up, and directly told them about the compound decoction, and bluntly said that the rest of the medicine was handed over to Fisch, and there was no material and time. Boil one more pot.

While the others were still hesitating, the twins approached Fisch directly.

"Fish, can you give us a copy of that interesting compound decoction?"

Fred grabbed Fisch by the arm, and asked with blinding eyes.

"We also want to become cats like you and Hermione!"

George, with his eyes shining, grabbed Feishe's other arm.

"It's okay for you..." Fei Xu, who didn't plan to drink anymore, shrugged indifferently, and then kindly reminded: "But it's uncomfortable after drinking this medicine. The whole body seems to be burning. "

"It's okay!" George patted his chest and said, "It doesn't matter if you suffer a bit of crime for such a fun thing!"

"That's great."

As Fisch spoke, he took out two small glass bottles containing black liquid medicine from his pocket and handed them to the twins at random.

"If I were you, I would return the compound decoction."

Just as the twins had just received the bottle, Professor McGonagall's voice suddenly came from behind them.

"Minerva~" ●ω●

Patting Fisch's little head, Professor McGonagall looked at George and Fred.

"Don't you want to be Animagus? If you use this wrong animal transformation technique, you will not be able to perform Animagus transformation for a long time, even if your appearance is restored. No, it will take at least one year of adjustment before we can try again."

The specific reasons are more complicated, and Professor McGonagall didn't bother to explain, just reminding the two of them.

George and Fred looked at each other, and regretfully returned the bottle to Fisch.

Compared to becoming a cat, Animagus, who has been preparing for so long, is more important.

After warning the twins, Professor McGonagall squeezed Fisch's cheek angrily.

"Really, if you don't pay attention, you little guy will cause something to me."

"The medicine is not what Fei Xu wants to boil!"


Fisch retorted unconvincedly: "I just helped Hermione find a place where she can make medicine easily. These medicines are her reward for me!"

Of course Professor McGonagall, who had visited Hermione, knew this, otherwise she wouldn't be as good at talking as she is now.

"Anyway," she snatched Fisch's magic pocket and searched out all the glass bottles containing the compound decoction, "I confiscated all these things."

"How can I be like this!"


Feish immediately quit. Although he didn't plan to drink anymore, how could his own things be taken away casually, even Minerva!

"Give it back to Feshmeow! Badass Minerva!"


The kitten raised her hands and leaped in front of Professor McGonagall, trying to grab the glass bottle in her hand.

"No! If you want to drink again, you can ask me for it, but the potion can't be put on your side, it's too dangerous!"

Professor McGonagall was as worried as Dumbledore, if Fisch put some magical creature material into it, and then some kind of unknowable change occurred, that would be terrible.

Not to mention the situation where the compound decoction was handed over to other students casually like just now. If it weren't for Professor McGonagall to stop it in time, God knows the Weasley twins and the group of unceasing guys in Gryffindor. Will make some trouble with this thing.

The danger must be suppressed in the cradle!

Professor McGonagall was determined and put away all the glass bottles in his hand.

"Fei Xu refuses to accept Meow!"


Of course the kitty won't be convinced, he didn't cause the disaster, and he didn't do anything wrong, so why should he confiscated his things.

"Give it back to me! Give it back to me! Minerva, you big villain!"

Fisch pulled Professor McGonagall's robe and refused to let go...

Then Professor McGonagall pinched both cheeks and twisted it half a circle.

"Meow woo woo woo-Minerva, I was wrong!"


The little cat who was ruthlessly suppressed quickly begged for mercy.

Professor McGonagall released his hand, then patted Feishu’s head again, and comforted: “The compound decoction is still too dangerous for you. You can only leave it to me for safekeeping. You can ask me to fetch it, and it's the same."



Fisch held his flushed face, pouted his mouth and turned his head, not wanting to pay attention to Professor McGonagall at all.

Although the compound decoction Feishe is no longer going to be used, and there is no idea that he must take it back, but Professor McGonagall's unreasonable practice still makes Feishe very angry, so he decided not to ignore it until tomorrow. Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall knew that Feish was having a temper, so he could only smile helplessly, then gave the twins a warning look, and left here first.

Even if it is a holiday, she, the vice principal, has some work to do, but not much time is wasted here.

"Oh... what a pity..."

Fred looked at Professor McGonagall who was leaving, and said, "I was thinking that if we can't drink, we can also secretly trick Percy into drinking a bottle of compound decoction mixed with streaky hair. It will be interesting by then. ."

"I'm different from what you think," George said, shaking his head, "I think Percy is more suitable for old hen feathers. He usually nags like an old hen."

After the two said, they laughed and slapped each other.

And Feish, who was listening to their conversation, his eyes lit up...

Growing hair all over the body is not a punishment in Fisch's opinion, but the feeling of burning all over after drinking the compound decoction is not uncomfortable, as if accidentally ate super spicy chili...

It made Feish couldn't help but remember that he used to smear the chili sauce on Professor McGonagall's bread slices secretly.

And compared with pepper, the uncomfortable time of the compound decoction is less than ten seconds, and it will not last for a long time like pepper. The medicine itself is not harmful, but it can produce a beautiful fur. .


I must find a way to get Minerva to drink the compound decoction too!



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