The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 221: Gentleman of england

"I'll just say it! I should have bought Knockdown Alley before!"


   On the chessboard, a chess piece in a blue wizard robe complained loudly to Dumbledore. When he was passing the Knockover Alley area, he was charged a large sum of money by the chess piece in the yellow wizard robe.


   Dumbledore did not speak with a smile, but tossed the dice in his hand again.


   "Awesome! It's a bit!"


The red chess piece cheered happily. Before Dumbledore could move his hand, he moved forward one square, and then shouted to Dumbledore: "I want to buy the Thorn Leaf Road! In this way, this area will be It's all mine!"


   and the chess pieces of other colors all let out a sigh of annoyance.


   "Did you cheat for him? Why is red luck so good?!" The blue chess piece shouted at Dumbledore again, "Don't forget, I am your chess piece!"


   "I can't cheat. Didn't we win last time?" Dumbledore retorted with a smile, "I can only say that the red **** was a little too lucky today."


   "Stop talking nonsense! It's my turn to go! Throw the dice!"


The green chess piece beside    shrieked and urged, Dumbledore picked up the dice and threw it out.


   What he is playing now is naturally the magical monopoly developed by the twins.


  Like the wizard chess, the chess pieces of the magic tycoon have their own ideas, so even if Dumbledore has only one person, he can have a good time...


   He only needs to control one of the pawns, and the other pawns follow their own ideas, and he can help throw the dice.


   Of course, with the twins' abilities, it is naturally impossible to make the chess pieces so smart. Dumbledore can play this way purely because he specially upgraded the chessboard after he bought it back.


   After Dumbledore’s upgrade, the chess pieces of this magical monopoly became much smarter all at once. The pieces made by the twins before can only express some emotions simply, and won't stigmatize the player.


   I don’t know if it’s because these chess pieces were made by twins. After their intelligence has improved, they are a little bit baffling in character, and they like to use props to harm people.


   Even so, this set of magical tycoons is very interesting when played alone. After all, this thing is different from wizard chess. It does not require any skill, it is pure luck.


   So even if you follow the chess piece's own ideas, you can still play a close match, instead of being killed by Dumbledore by playing the wizard chess.


   It’s just that Dumbledore is a little absent now...


  According to past experience, at this time, Fei Xu should have finished his homework a long time ago and ran to Professor McGonagall to listen to the story, but he waited so long outside the hallway on the eighth floor and didn't see the little cat.


   Although he was a little puzzled, Dumbledore didn't have too much doubt, thinking that Fisch had slipped out.


   Because Fei Xu occasionally chooses to stay in the dormitory and play with other classmates instead of going out and wandering around, especially when the weather gets cold, he will stay in the dormitory for most of the time.


   Although it hasn't reached the point of freezing and snowing, the temperature is actually quite low. It is normal that Fei Xu can't get out.


   What's more, Fei Xu has been followed by himself recently, and he has not been able to find a solution. It is also possible that he stayed in the dormitory thinking about a solution.


   As for the trick of letting the house elves send Feish out directly, Dumbledore is not worried, because except for Comey who has "rebelled", the other house elves still take Dumbledore's orders as the highest priority.


   As long as Comey changes, other elves will come to inform him.


Fisch also knew about this, because he had used this method before, and was soon caught up by Dumbledore.


And the elves didn’t conceal this from Fisch, so they didn’t need to ask him. When Comey sent him out of the dormitory, other elves came to tell him, they had already informed Dumbledore about this matter. .


   So after leaving Myrtle’s bathroom, Fisch continued to remain invisible, and did not go to the kitchen to replenish food, but wandered around in the castle.


   He wanted to try if he could meet the murderer who attacked Mrs. Loris while invisible.


   Of course, this is all useless work. Fisch has circled the castle a few times. Except for the professor who is patrolling and Filch, who has been dangling near the fourth floor, he hasn’t seen anyone else...


   By the way, there is also Dumbledore who is also invisible, playing with Magical Monopoly in the corridor on the eighth floor while waiting for the cat.


After confirming that there was nothing tonight, Fisch still did not choose to ask Comey to send himself back to the dormitory, nor did he directly pass the fat lady with a password... After all, Dumbledore was in the corridor outside, so he would definitely be discovered. .


   Even if Harry stopped borrowing his invisibility cloak afterwards, Fisch didn't want to reveal that he had sneaked out.


   It wasn't that he was thinking about Harry, but that after exposure, Dumbledore would have a high probability of suing Professor McGonagall.


  Fei may not want to be caught by the nagging Minerva and ask endless questions.


So when he found Dumbledore still guarding the corridor outside the dormitory, Fisch turned around directly, turned to the responsive house on the same floor, found a fairly pleasing cat litter inside, and went in and fell asleep. .




   "Here, your invisible cloak, meow."




   On Saturday morning, Fisch returned to the dormitory and returned Harry’s invisibility cloak.


   "May I ask, where did you go last night?"


   Harry took the invisibility cloak, stuffed it back into the box, and then asked carefully.


   "Fei Xu went to investigate the secret room, but unfortunately nothing was found..."




   Talking about The kitten’s ears drooped immediately, and her pretty brows became a ball.


   This feeling of wanting to avenge a friend but not finding the culprit is really terrible.


   "Don't talk about it, meow!"


   Feixu shook his head and threw this distressing thing aside for the cat.


"Wait to go to the first floor to have breakfast, and then go to Minerva’s to listen to a story. Feish will go to the Forbidden Forest to play Meow, and eat at the horse tribe at noon. Harry, you didn’t mean to go with Meow. ? You should have nothing else to do at noon today, right?"


Feish will never forget the forbidden forest trip on the weekend, and yesterday he also promised to take Harry to the horseman to play, not to mention, he also needed other animals in the forbidden forest to help destroy the diary. Try this.


   Harry also remembered Fisch's promise to him yesterday, and his small face flushed instantly.




  Although his face was hot and panic, Harry nodded, replied with a slight but firm voice.


   He just likes horse people's food, he doesn't want to see the female horse people like Corla, as Fisch said!


  He, Harry Potter, is going to prove to Fisch today that he is a traditional and elegant English gentleman!




  ? Recommended ticket?? Monthly ticket?

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