The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 212: 2 evenings

Night came quickly. After Harry flushed the candies sent by Snape and Lockhart into the toilet, he pulled up his friend Ron, and instead of attending the Halloween dinner, he went to Nick's death party.


  Hermione still didn’t go with her after struggling for a long time...


   Although she is very interested in the mysterious ghost death party, in comparison, staying with the cat is more important.


   "I don't know why I want to go to Nick's death party with you."


When passing by the auditorium, Ron couldn't help but mumbled softly when he saw the lights and colorful scenes inside: "The party celebrating the day of death, I think it is weird to hear... It is said that Dumbledore also bought one. The Skeleton Dance Company!"


   In fact, Harry regretted it a little, because as they went down, the temperature around them dropped rapidly. And beside the aisle leading to the venue of the banquet, countless black candles with blue flames were lit, which looked gloomy and uncomfortable.


   "Ah... at least we avoided Lockhart, didn't we?"


   Harry tried to comfort Ron who was willing to accompany him, but he didn't say a few words of comfort, and he couldn't continue.


Because in the underground classroom where the party was held in front, there was a sound of a thousand fingernails scraping on a huge blackboard, and he actually heard a strange rhythm in the grotesque voice. feel?


   The two glanced at each other, then bite the bullet and continued to walk forward.


   have all walked here, and there is no need to turn around and leave.


   Just as Harry and Ron were attending the death party, the Halloween party in the auditorium also began.


Thousands of bats are decorated on the ceiling of the auditorium. They fly around in the sky with Halloween decorations. The huge pumpkin planted by Hagrid is carved into a lantern, big enough to accommodate three people sitting in it. .


   The skeleton dance troupe invited by Dumbledore also appeared in the center of the auditorium, and began a weird but interesting dance, which suddenly aroused the atmosphere of the entire auditorium.


   The so-called skeleton dance troupe is not really like ghosts, skeletons with their own consciousness, but a kind of existence similar to a puppet show. The dancing skeletons are actually manipulated by wizards.


  Of course, this is not important to the students attending the banquet. They only need to give the Skeleton Dance Troupe warm applause and applause and enjoy their dance.


   In such a lively time, it is natural that the little cat named Feish will not be missing. With a cheer, he turned into a cat and rushed into the skeleton dance troupe.




  ? (=`?′=)?


  The little tabby cat burrowed between the piles of bone racks, gently paws them from time to time.


   Professor McGonagall, who had wanted to come forward to drink Stop Fesh, was stopped by Dumbledore on the side.


   "It's a rare holiday, let Fisch have a good time, Minerva."


   Dumbledore said cheerfully: "Besides, Sandro and the others don't have any opinions, don't they?"


Sandro was one of the wizards responsible for manipulating the skeletons. As Dumbledore said, they did not stop performing because of Feish's sudden joining. Instead, they controlled the skeletons to change their dance and began to dance around Feish. .


   Now, the auditorium became more lively, everyone did not spare their cheers and applause, and cheered loudly for the dance troupe and Feishu.


  In such a highly anticipated scene, it is obviously impossible for Lockhart to stay obediently and watch. He wears the daytime vampire costume and also joins the skeleton dance troupe.


Compared with Fisch’s sloppy dance, Lockhart’s dance appears to be much more organized, and his dance style is indeed not bad, plus Fisch was originally aimlessly sloppy, so Luoha soon Te replaced Fisch's position and became the center of the skeleton dance troupe.


Sandro and others are not clear about the situation at Hogwarts. Although they think it is more interesting to cooperate with the cute kitten, when Lockhart, a more "professional" dancer, joins in, they still control the skeletons to cooperate. Dancing in an elegant style dance.


   Then they soon discovered that the enthusiasm of the faculty and students around had faded a lot. Apart from not waiting to see Lockhart, a group of skeletons and elegant dances did not match well in style.


   But with Lockhart's temperament, he obviously doesn't care about other people. He just wants to be the most beautiful cub in the audience.


   So while he continued to dance, he reached out and took out a handful of colorful beads from his pocket, and then threw them into the air.


   When these beads flew into the air, they all exploded, frightening the bats on the ceiling to scurry around.


   Countless shining ghosts flew out of the exploded beads, and crackling sparks flashed on their bodies, running around in the entire auditorium.


   This is a portable Halloween magic firework that Lockhart specially ordered from the Bounce and Frolick Magic Joke Store.


   Originally, he wanted to use magical creatures such as fairies to create momentum for himself, but when he thought of Fisch’s weird affinity, Lockhart chose these magical fireworks because they...


   out of control,


   Including Lockhart.

So after Lockhart threw out these fireworks, these sparking ghosts scared away the bats on the ceiling, lit the ribbons and flags hanging in the auditorium, blew up the dishes in front of everyone, and instantly made the banquet. It's a mess.




Several little witches with burnt hair screamed and drew out their magic wands to launch spells at the ghost fireworks flying around. As a result, these spells not only failed to destroy the fireworks, but made them more active in the auditorium. Scrambling around.


   "Put down the wand! Keep calm!"


   Fortunately, the other professors quickly stood up. Professor McGonagall waved his magic wand to wipe out these flying firework ghosts, and shouted with a cold face, but the chaotic little wizards gradually calmed down.


   Soon, under the joint action of several professors, all the fireworks sent by Lockhart were wiped out, and the auditorium was restored to order.


   "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjj) that the fireworks sold in the joke shop also have fake products, I must write to them to complain!"


When he discovered that the fireworks were running around out of his control, Lockhart immediately hid. After all the dust settled, he immediately jumped out and threw the pot to the merchant, completely ignoring that he hadn't watched it at all. Instructions for use delivered with the fireworks.




  Fish, who was the only one having fun just now, looked around and turned into a cat and rushed to Professor McGonagall.


   "Minerva Minerva~What about those pumpkin lanterns and ghosts with Mars just now? Fisch still wants to play with them~"


  ? (●?ω?●)?


"there is none left!"


   Professor McGonagall glared at Lockhart, then used food to divert Fisch's attention.


   "The performance is over, it's time to eat."


   "Yes, yes, yes! I just performed a dance for everyone for so long, and I'm already starving!"


   Lockhart sat down on the teacher's desk with the disgusting gaze of a group of professors, and ate himself.


   Not only the professors and students, but also Sandro and others of the Skeleton Dance Company, the look in Lockhart's eyes is a little wrong now-it is the first time they have seen such a weird character when they are performing around.


   But in comparison, the cat-eared teenager attracted their eyes more, so after slanting Lockhart a few times, Sandre and the others began to inquire about Fisch from Dumbledore.


   These people plan to wait for Fei Xu to graduate and recruit him into their dance troupe...


   Then of course it was rejected by Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall.


   Although there was something wrong with Lockhart, the Halloween party soon started again. Everyone enjoyed the various delicacies prepared by the house elves.


   But on the other side, Harry and Ron who attended the death party were not so lucky.


  Who would have thought that what these ghosts eat is some rotten meat, cheese covered with green hair, meat lamb belly with maggots, this food that living people can't swallow at all!


  No... Actually, thinking about it carefully, they should be able to guess. After all, the ghosts are already dead. How could they still prepare normal food at the death party...


   Harry regretted it very much now. He had known it would be like this. He would rather go to the auditorium and face Lockhart, so that he could have a full meal there.


After finally getting through the headless hunters team, Harry said to Sir Patrick "Nick is very scary" as he promised Nick, and then he eagerly joined Ron and wanted to leave the underground classroom. To the auditorium.


   "Oh ha! Are you trying to leave now, Harry?"


Pippi suddenly emerged from the side. He yelled loudly while turning around the two of them, causing the ghosts around to look at You must be against Nick. Dissatisfied with the death party, right? Also, there is really nothing interesting here. "


   Pippi had a malicious smile on his ugly face. He did it on purpose, because there was no way for Feishe, so he could only find Harry and Ron who were familiar with Feishe to vent his anger.


   Nearly headless Nick floated over, "Is that right, Harry? You don't like my death party?"


  Nick was initially depressed because he failed to join the Headless Hunter team and was robbed of the limelight by them. Now that Harry and Ron are leaving, he looks even more saddened to cry.


   Coupled with the characteristics of the ghost itself, Nick was filled with a tragic atmosphere at this time, making Harry unable to say goodbye.


   "No, no such thing!" Harry bit his scalp and said, "I'm just... urgency! Yes, I just want to go to the bathroom."


   "If there is a toilet, there is one on the side door of this classroom!"


   Pippi yelled again, and he pointed in the opposite direction to the way he had left, stopping Harry and Ron from urinating.




   After gritted their teeth and thanked Pippi, Harry and Ron could only stay, cold and hungry, waiting for the next opportunity to sneak out.




  ? Recommended ticket?? Monthly ticket?

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