The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 199: The realm of photography, you guys who play equipment will never understand

Although the snake has not been found, Fisch's campus life continues.

At noon that day, the kitty had finished lunch and was about to take a nap by the lake as usual, when Malfoy's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Fish, please wait a minute."

At this time, the bruise on Malfoy’s face that Harry and the others had beaten out had long since subsided. He held a camera in his hand that looked much higher than Colin’s, except for Gore and Crabbe. Outside of these two classmates, there were also a dozen Slytherin students with them, and most of them were girls.

"Can you take a photo with us?"

Malfoy shook the camera in his hand.

Naturally, Malfoy asked for this camera from his "omnipotent" father. In fact, he had received the camera a long time ago. It was originally with the seven light wheels 2001 "sponsored" to the Slytherin Quidditch team. Sent.

In the end, before Malfoy went to find Feish for a photo, he had a fight with Harry and the others. He could only wait until the bruise on his face subsided before he ran to take a photo with Feish.

It’s just that, recently, in order to find the snake, Fisch was fascinated at night, and Malfoy was so desperate that he didn’t want to talk about it with Fisch in front of people in other colleges, but he dragged on and procrastinated until today. Daphne and other girls forced him to come to Feishu.

"Don't meow!" ω

Fisch looked at the camera in his hand, folded his hands on his chest, and refused decisively.

"Why, why?!"

Malfoy asked angrily: "Didn't you always take pictures with other people before?"

Could it be that Fisch was finally influenced by the group of Gryffindor guys and began to have a prejudice against Slytherin?

"Fish is tired of playing with the camera because of this thing."

Fisch gave an answer that fits his character very well and makes Malfoy speechless.

The last time he was taken by a group of people to take a photo, he had long been impatient, and now he has no interest in this thing at all.

Hearing that Fisch didn't have any problem with their Slytherin, Malfoy was a little relieved, and then looked back at the other Slytherins behind him in distress...

Mainly the group of girls who forced themselves to come over.

"Step aside!"

Daphne Greengrass pushed away the useless Malfoy and walked to Feish.

"So Fei Xujie doesn't mind if we photograph you next to me?" Daphne asked after thinking about Fei Xu's character and habits: "Are you going to take a nap by the lake now? We don't bother you, just Can you take a picture on the side?"

"No problem, meow."

Fei Xu was originally stupid because he had to stand motionless when taking pictures, and the clicks and clicks were quite annoying, so he didn't find it interesting.

Since Daphne said she wouldn't bother herself, of course he didn't care.

"Do you need me to comb your hair?"

Daphne immediately proposed while the iron was hot, seeing Xia Pei and the others combing Feish's hair before, but she was envious of her.

"Okay, okay!" Fei Xu quickly nodded his head and replied welcomingly.

Although Professor McGonagall's small comb can comb hair automatically, different people have different strengths and techniques when combing hair, and it is more fresh.

So Daphne quickly took Fisch's hand and took him to the outside of the castle. Before leaving, she gave the photographer Malfoy a glance and asked him to catch up quickly.

I have to say that the camera Malfoy asked for from his father is much more advanced than the one in Colin's hands. The most intuitive thing is that the click of the shutter is obviously much smaller.

Although he still couldn't escape Fisch's sensitive ears, it didn't make Fisch feel irritable as before.

Daphne sits on the lawn by the lake, with a cat-shaped Fesh on her lap, holding a small silver comb in her hand, and smilingly grooming Fesh, beside them, they are constantly changing Slaters. Lin's little wizard.

The tool man Malfoy took photos of them not far away.

But soon, Pansy, who had taken a photo with Fisch, walked over and replaced Malfoy as a photographer, so that he could also take a few photos with Fisch.

During this process, all the Slytherins tried to relax their hands and feet as much as possible, not wanting to disturb Feish who was resting, even Crabbe and Gore, who were always clumsy.

The students in the other three colleges didn’t have much thoughts when they saw it. After all, most of them had already taken photos with Fisch, and it was not such a cautious group photo, but with Fisch’s shoulders and arms. The kind, so there is no need to envy it at all.

And Xia Pei and others, who were robbed of combing benefits, did not go forward and entangle Daphne. Although Gryffindor and Slytherin have never dealt with each other, they are in a tacit agreement on Fisch's side-everyone is just trying Cat, then each has its own ability, there is no need to stumbling.

The only one who felt uncomfortable, or jealous, was Lockhart who didn't know where he came out as soon as he heard the shutter sound.

He is similar to Colin Crevy and has an extraordinary passion for taking pictures, except that one of them likes to take pictures of people, and the other likes to be photographed.

If it hadn't been for Feish's blow in class, the two of them would probably get along very happily.

Originally, Lockhart hurried over, wanting to rub a photo or something, but after seeing Fisch, he immediately persuaded him.

Although he had long wanted to understand that as long as he didn't die, Fisch was still a little fan who liked to listen to his own stories, but he understood that the psychological shadow of being beaten and blown was not so easy to overcome.


After seeing Lockhart appear, the group of Slytherin Ziqi who was taking pictures silently cast a warning look at him, which made Lockhart hesitate.

Although Lockhart looked arrogant and arrogant, in fact he still had self-knowledge, but his vanity made him ignore that self-knowledge in most of them.

And he also knew clearly that as long as he didn't do too much, those professors would also choose to be patient.

Moreover, Lockhart’s main purpose of teaching at the school is to trick those little wizards who have not been involved in the world to become his fans, and to catch the popularity of Harry Potter... It’s just that the first goal has died because of Feish. Up.

As for the professors in the school who knew their own details a long time ago, Lockhart didn't mean to have a good relationship with them. Anyway, it is impossible to change their opinion of themselves, so why bother.

Lockhart's thinking is actually very clear. He clearly knows that those people in the school can provoke, and those people can't provoke...

Fisch was an accident.

And the students of the pure-blood family in Slytherin belong to the category that can't be messed with.

Lockhart was born in a mixed-race family. He had two older sisters before him, but they all failed to become wizards, so he got the preference of his mother as a witch since he was a child. This Muggle sister is completely different, which is the origin of his pathological vanity now.

It is precisely because of this that Lockhart's awe of these ancient pure-blood families is also very profound, so in front of the members of the "Holy Twenty-Eight Clan" such as Malfoy, Lockhart has always been relatively restrained.

But leaving so dingy is obviously not in line with Lockhart's character. After thinking for a moment, he hung up his perfect smile of practicing for many years and walked to Pansy who was taking pictures.

"What's up?"

Pansy asked coldly.

This degree of indifference is not a problem for Lockhart. He smiled freely and said: "I just saw that there is something wrong with your way of taking pictures, so I want to come over and ask if I need help."

Without bragging and no overturning Lockhart's performance is still very good, coupled with the bonus brought by his handsome face, even Pansy who despises him in his heart, this Shi could not help but slow down his attitude.

"What's wrong with my shooting method?"

Pansy's eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and he didn't immediately believe Lockhart. After all, he was also famous among the students as a bragging king. It was only for the handsome face of the other party and for Feishu's sake. She didn't drive Lockhart directly.

"Angle," Lockhart compared the frame with his hands, and said confidently to Daphne and Fisch in the distance: "The angle of the photo is also very important. Although the characters in the photos of our wizards move, they are different. The final effect of the photos taken at different angles is also very different."

Seeing that Pansy still had a skeptical expression with frowning eyebrows, Lockhart held up two palms with an expression on his chest.

"Trust me, no one knows taking pictures better than me."


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