The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 196: There is no astrology for 1 point

Unlike the animals who are afraid of Lu Wei, the horseman has a good relationship with Lu Wei under the introduction of Feishu, so when they see Lu Wei from a distance, a few pony people are already there. Take the initiative to greet you.


   And after seeing Fei Xu above, he ran around Lu Wei with excitement.


   "No wonder Firenze asked everyone to prepare more food this morning. It turns out that they have fortunetelling that you are coming!"


   Pony Man Brandwaden raised his front hoof excitedly and said to Fisch, who was sitting on Lu Wei's neck.


   "Fei Xu doesn't believe in Meow! Your divination is useless at all!"




   At the beginning, Fisch heard about the horseman's astrology, and was quite interested.


   As a result, he asked Bain and Firenze to fortunetell themselves when they could not do their homework, when they could defeat Minerva, and where there were delicious and fun things, but they couldn't tell them.


   From then on, Feish didn’t believe in divination.




   A few pony people are also very helpless, after all, astrology is not omnipotent.


   What's more, what are the divinations of Fei Xu, how can anyone ask this for divination...


Fortunately, Firenze came over at this time and relieved the siege for several pony men: "I just fortune to see that there are guests today, and I will lose a lot of food, so I guessed that Lu Wei might come over, but I didn't expect Feishu you too. coming."


   He smiled and patted Brandwaden on the head, then raised his head and said hello to Harry and Ron, "Welcome to our tribe, two little guests."




   Harry and Ron responded politely.


   Then Lu Wei got down and let them get off his neck.


   "This is Harry, this is Ron, both are Fisch's good friends at school, Meow."


   Feishu introduced to both parties: "This is Firenze, Brandwaden... They are both horsemen, and they are in charge of the forbidden forest just like Hagrid."


   Firenze and Ronan later approached Harry and looked at the scar on his forehead carefully.


   "He should be the boy from the Potter's family."


   Ronan said in his characteristic low and sad voice: "What a poor man."


   "But the astrology has changed, hasn't it?" Firenze didn't think so, "Things are slowly getting better."


   "I hope so...His recent fortune is not so good, he may die."


  Like his own voice, Ronan's personality is relatively pessimistic. When interpreting the astrology, he is also accustomed to understanding the worst.


   "Excuse me...what are you talking about?"


   Harry asked cautiously, what is going on with these horsemen? Why do you say you might die as soon as you meet?


   Although his luck is really bad recently...


   Thinking of the bad things he had recently encountered, Harry suddenly became a little nervous.


   "Don't worry about them," Fisch waved his hand indifferently. "The horseman likes to say some weird things, saying it's astrology... it didn't work at all!"




   "Yes..." Ronan continued to say in his sad tone: "We can only see what happened, but we can't interfere. Everything is doomed."


   Harry wanted to ask more, but was dragged away by the already impatient Feish.


   "Leave meow! They can talk for a whole day like this, it's meaningless, let's hurry up and drink the broth cooked by Aunt Korla, it tastes good, meow!"


   I have been eating Chinese food for some time recently, and Fisch plans to change his taste at noon today.


  Fei is not a narrow-minded cat, as long as it is delicious, he will always come!


   "Aunt Corla! I'm here as a guest!"




  Fish took Harry and Ron and ran to the female horseman with the best cooking skills in the entire tribe.


Corla is a soft-looking female horseman. She has long light gray hair **** with straw ropes and draped on her right shoulder. Her mane is also gray, but it is more color than her hair. Slightly deeper.

   Horsemen don’t have many clothes on their bodies. Male horsemen are almost naked, while female horsemen simply wrap a piece of animal skin or linen on their chests, and Corla is no exception.


  Fish didn't feel much about these things, but Harry and Ron were different. When they saw Corra, they blushed instantly, lowered their heads and dared not look at her again.


   "I know, I heard Brandwaden and the others screaming all the way."


   Corla showed a gentle smile, and handed the rough wooden bowl in his hand to Fisch, who ran in front of him, "Hey, I've already prepared it for you. Be careful, it's still a bit hot."


Then she looked at Harry and Ron beside Fisch, took out two new wooden bowls from the clay pot on the side, and while serving them soup, she asked, "You are Fisch’s friends at school. Huh? This is the first time he has brought people to the Forbidden Forest."


   "It's not Minerva and Albus, they don't allow other students to enter the Forbidden Forest Meow, otherwise Fei Xu has a lot of friends who want to introduce you to."




   Feishu complained violently while blowing into the broth in the bowl.


"Yes, you humans always have a lot of rules," Corla's voice is the same as her appearance, both gentle and gentle, she handed the wooden bowl to Harry and Ron, and said with a smile: "Say so. , Did you two sneak in?"


   "Hmm, uh..."


   The two people who have never dared to look up at Corla vaguely responded, took the wooden bowl that the other party handed them, and immediately moved to their mouths, trying to hide their shyness...


   Then he was scalded straight.




   Harry and Ron were grinning and sticking out their tongues, causing Feish and Corra to laugh together.


   "Don't worry, we have prepared a lot."


   "Meow hahahaha! You and Fisch are exactly the same when you first came here for soup!"




   Feishu laughed at the same time, and did not forget to throw a rejuvenation technique on their tongues.


However, after interrupting this trivial matter, Harry and Ron, who were still a little shy, gradually returned to normal. Although they still didn't dare to keep their eyes on Corra and other female horsemen for too long, they wouldn't be forever. Head down.


The three of them ate lunch at the horse tribe, and played with a few pony people for a while before taking Lu Wei to say goodbye. Before leaving, Fisch left a lot of snacks for Brandeva. Board them.


   After leaving the horse tribe, Fisch did not climb on Lu Wei, but took Harry and Ron into the woods to the side, crossed a small soil slope, and came to a bush.


  Fei may not forget his main purpose for bringing Harry and Ron to the Forbidden Forest.


   "Kiia! Ecolonis! I'm looking for you guys!"


He yelled to a hidden cave in the With a rustling sound, two pythons slightly thicker than the golden snitch came out of the cave and looked at their bodies. The appearance of the bulge in the middle is obviously just not long after eating.


   One of the snakes "hissed" his tongue at Feish, but in Harry's ears, the other person was saying hello to Feish.


   "I know a friend, and he seems to understand what you are talking about, so I brought him over to have a look."


  Fish directly explained his intention, pointed to Harry Potter on the side, and said to the two pythons in front of him.


   Seeing the two pythons turned their heads to him, Harry grinned reluctantly and said, "Hello."


   And the two pythons responded to Harry kindly.


  After a few brief conversations, Harry looked at Fisch and Ron, "That's all right? Huh? Ron, what's your face?"


   Harry saw Ron staring at him in shock, and asked suspiciously.


   Then without waiting for Ron to answer, he heard Fisch ask from the side: "Harry, what did you ‘hiss’ just saying?"






  ? Recommended ticket?? Monthly ticket?

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