The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 189: Lockhart: Danger!

As Lockhart's story began, other students gradually became a little fascinated.

One thing they have to admit is that Lockhart is really talented in telling stories. Even if some students have read the content of the book, they are still attracted by Lockhart's ups and downs.

And when Lockhart talks about the rise, he will make some changes to the content and insert some other short stories from time to time. He has collected more than seven stories over the years, but he It hasn't been written yet.

As a result of such a fascinating story, Harry and the others suddenly became a little confused.

Maybe Lockhart really has the real stuff?

After all, the story he told is really good, and the whole process is out of manuscript, full of voice, not like a random fabrication.

At this moment, Lockhart talked about another confrontation between him and the werewolf, and then he was already floating, planning to do some new work.

"You may not fully understand that. Why don't we invite a classmate to come up and cooperate with me in a performance."

He smiled and looked down, "Anyone volunteering?"

As soon as Lockhart's words were uttered, Harry swiftly shrank himself behind the pile of textbooks, for fear that he would point to himself.

But Harry's worries were obviously unnecessary.

"Fei Xu is coming! Fei Xu is coming!" (●ω●)

Fisch got up from his seat, stretched out his arms impatiently and shouted.

He had wanted to fight Lockhart a long time ago, but he had never been able to find a chance, and if he acted privately, he would most likely be talked about by Minerva.

But now it's different, Lockhart requested it himself!

This is awesome!

"This is awesome!"

Lockhart, who was still unaware of what was going to happen next, was surprisingly consistent with Fisch's thoughts at this time. He happily clapped his hand and tapped Fisch with his finger.

Originally, in his mind, the most suitable actor was a famous and popular student like Harry Potter or Fesh McGonagall.

So he invited Feish to the podium without hesitation.

"Come here, stand here, stand opposite me." Lockhart enthusiastically commanded Fisch to stand, "Let’s confirm the plot to be played next... Don’t worry, it’s very simple, because I let the fight It ends quickly..."

The excited Lockhart didn't forget to brag at this time, and then he talked about the next plot.

"The werewolf jumped over from my right side at the time, and then I..."

"Fei Xu knew about it, meow! Let's get started!" (●ω●)

I have already worsened the fidel to interrupted his chatter. He said with the tail: "It's just that I am going to be 揍, then Professor Yedro will fight!"

Fei Xuyan briefly summarized the process.

"That's right," Lockhart smiled, tucked away the curls on his forehead, and corrected triumphantly: "To be exact, I easily subdued the werewolf in reverse."

"But Feish doesn't think you can easily subdue me." ω

Even for Lockhart in the story, Fisch didn't think he would lose, so he reminded him very seriously.

But Lockhart didn't care at all. He laughed and replied: "It seems that our little Feish has confidence in his own strength, but I still want to say that the difference in strength between the little wizard and the adult wizard is still Very big, especially when the opponent is a famous Defence Against the Dark Arts master like me!"

After saying these words, Lockhart was very satisfied with his rhetoric, so he glanced at the reaction of the group of students from the corner of his eye.

One by one, the students below tightened their faces and stared at the stage nervously.

This made Lockhart's heart a little bit, and then he remembered that Phil may be the baby bump of all the teachers and students at Hogwarts.

"Don't worry, guys, of course I will be merciful. After all, Fisch is my lovely student just like you. After the performance, I will definitely return you an unscathed Fisch."

Lockhart said beautiful things, soothing the students below.

In fact, other students have to say they are worried, and they are indeed a little worried, but more are still looking forward to it, because as early as last year when the school started, they had already seen Fisch’s ability to test Luo Hart's standard couldn't be more appropriate.

And Harry and the others, who knew more about Feish, were cheering on Feish silently, hoping that he could teach Lockhart like Uncle Vernon who taught Harry.

"So meow?" ω

The frequency of Feishu's tail wagging slowed down a bit, he nodded his head, and said seriously: "Then Feishu will be merciful."

"Hahaha! You can really joke."

Lockhart, who was talking and laughing, made a helpless expression and shook his head, "You can do your best. I am not a weak academic wizard, but one who defeated many dark creatures and black wizards. Sir Guidro Lockhart!"

He made a fancy move with his wand, then held it up in front of him and swung it twice as if using a stabbing sword.

Among other things, at least this set of actions still looks pretty handsome.

"Really meow?" (●ω●)

Fisch's tail started to flick again, and the ears on his head flicked, looking very excited.

"Of course, let's officially start!"

Lockhart, who was also very excited, said loudly, "Remember, the werewolf pounced on my right side."

At this time, Fisch had already leaned down, the cat ears on his head were also pressed into the shape of a wing, his black pupils almost filled his green eyes, and the frequency of the tail flicking behind him was also reduced, but Instead, his feet were quickly and lightly stepping on the ground, while the upper body was strangely still.

Lockhart pulled the collar uncomfortably. For some unknown reason, when his gaze met Feish's big eyes, he would subconsciously avoid it, as if being stared at by some beast.

The students in the audience also held their breath. It was the first time they saw Feish, who was in a hunting state, the cute little cat, but at this time it gave people an inexplicable pressure.

Harry and Ron even thought of the majestic Professor Dumbledore they saw last semester.


Lockhart, who finally realized that something was wrong, opened his mouth and wanted to make a tentative decision. With a kick of Fisch's legs, who was already ready to go, he rushed towards him from the right side.

What is waiting for is your moment of sudden relaxation!

Cat’s hunting law, when the prey fails to respond, give the opponent a heavy blow as quickly as possible!

Jidro said before, there is no need to keep your hands!

【Stride Meteor】【Freedom of Action】【Quick Run】【Leopard's Swiftness】

【Ant Force】【Bull Brute Force】【Wild Force】

Between the electric light and flint, Fisch decided not to use the elven fire and the claw of the beast for the time being.

Lockhart only felt that with a flower in front of him, Fisch had already appeared in front of him.

The expression of surprise did not even fully appear on his face, and Fisch’s white and tender little fist was already firmly Lockhart’s handsome face was instantly beaten. It has to change shape.

This guy was also unlucky. Fei may be left-handed. Let him attack from his right side, which is Fei Xu's left. Wouldn't it happen to hit the tip of the wand?

Then Lockhart only felt dark in front of him, and he didn't even have time to feel the pain, so he fainted very refreshingly.

In the eyes of everyone in the audience, Fisch’s figure appeared in front of Lockhart in the blink of an eye. They didn’t even see Fisch’s fist, and Lockhart flew out. , Slammed down on the wall of the classroom and lay motionless on the ground.


Fisch, who knocked Lockhart off with one punch, looked at his small fist, and then at Lockhart, who was lying on the ground, who didn't know anything about him, and the cat was stunned.

Is this different from what you said?


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