The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 167: Save Scarhead Harry

Three days have passed since Hemes sent Harry the letter. Ron still hasn’t received his reply, and Fisch also asked Errol and Hemes. They indeed threw the envelope into Dursley’s house. Mailbox.

"Strange...Is it a trip? But the place where the owls arrive hasn't changed..."

As Harry's closest friend, Ron was very concerned about this.

But other people are not as sad as he is.

Fei Xu was busy throwing chickens and dogs, bullying the goblins in the garden. The Weasleys spent a lot of time unable to drive away the goblins, Fei Xu only took two days to force them to move.

Percy was busy writing letters to his girlfriend. After the matter was broken by Feish, he didn't need to hide in his room all the time. After the shyness passed, Percy was in the breeze.

What surprised Percy the most was that the twins didn't ridicule themselves much, but the magical monopoly who was busying them with their heads covered.

After all, in the minds of the twins, becoming Animagus and their magic joke shop business is the most important thing. The priority of ridiculing Percy is at least one hundred.

Ginny has maintained a great interest in "Boys Living in Distress" as always, but Harry's affairs can't be put aside when there is a cat sucking.

In this way, the time soon came to Harry’s birthday. Ron still didn’t receive a reply from him. He wanted to send some gifts, but he was afraid that it would sink to the sea like those envelopes, so he hesitated for a long time. Finally, a greeting card was sent over.

No way, the children of the Weasley family have learned what thrift is from a very young age.

However, when Mr. Weasley returned home after a busy day the next night, things changed.

"Harry used a hovering spell at home at 9:20 last night and was warned by the Ministry of Magic."

Mr. Weasley took a sip of the delicious mushroom soup and said to the children: "It's probably because he accidentally fell, or something accidentally fell from a height."

He still didn't take it seriously, because Mr. Weasley knew there was Mrs. Feige staring over there.

But Ron didn't think so, he screamed and shouted, "Maybe Harry is in danger!"

"Yes, fell from a height."

"No, I mean, Harry's uncle might be abusing him!"

Mr. Weasley still didn't take Ron's words seriously. In his opinion, Ron's so-called abuse was probably punishing Harry to do housework or something.

As a Weasley, he could hardly imagine that there would be as vicious as the Dursleys among his relatives.

In fact, no one except Ron took this matter too seriously. After all, they had never heard of Harry complaining to his uncle’s family, and they didn’t think Muggles could cause any harm to the wizard, even ha. Lee is just a little wizard who has just studied at the magic school for a year.

But under Ron's tireless rumors, he finally moved to finish dinner and plan to go back to study George and Fred, who are the magical tycoons.

Of course, the main reason is that the twins are used to making some noise from time to time to have fun.

They first approached Fisch, who was lying on the roof looking at the moon, and asked him if he could summon the Ye Qi that had brought him here.

"No way, it's too far from the Forbidden Forest." (`w'≡`w')

Feish, who changed back to the cat form, shook his head snoringly, "It's better to let Comey send us there."

With that, he called Comey.

"Master Feixu, what can you do with me?"

Comey, who was ironing Mrs. Weasley, appeared in front of Fisch with an iron.

"Can you send us to Harry's house? Ron is a little worried about him."

"Of course, no problem!"

Comey replied sharply.

Like owls, house elves have a special way to find people. Muggle families like Dursley have no use to shield their spells, so he easily locates in the Little Huijin District of Surrey. No. 4, Privet Road.


Just when Comey was about to use Apparition to take them past, Fred suddenly stopped his movements.

Carefully looking around, Fred said in a low voice: "We have to wait until Mom and they fall asleep before we can act, or she will definitely stop us."

Just like Fisch has a wealth of experience against Professor McGonagall, there is also a lot of intrigue between the twins and Mrs. Weasley.

Fisch, who is also a troublemaker, quickly understood Fred's meaning, and he quickly ordered Comey: "Remember to keep it secret!"

Comey agreed without hesitation. He was an elf loyal to McGonagall's family, but Mrs. Weasley was not in charge. In the absence of Professor McGonagall, Master Feishe's order was absolute.

As time came late into the night, Mr. Weasley and Mrs. Weasley both went back to their respective rooms to sleep, and the whole burrow quieted down slowly, and the twins and Ron slipped out of their room quietly. Come out and come to the courtyard.

Fisch and Comey have been waiting here for a long time.

"Then let's go!"

The twins looked a little excited. This is the first time they have enjoyed the domestic elf express delivery service.

"Everyone, please hurry up, Master Feixu."

In Comey's reminder, Ron and the others put their hands on Fisch's shoulders and arms.

Then they only felt that after a while, they appeared in the living room of Dursley's house.

"Wow... is this Muggle's home?"

Affected by Mr. Weasley, Ron and the others are very interested in the items of the Muggle world. They looked around such as TV, video recorders and other items that are usually rare in the wizarding world.

After making a fuss about the Dursley's living room, Ron and the others finally remembered the purpose of their trip.

"Speaking of which, which room does Harry live in?"

"Meow here." (●ΦwΦ●)?

Fisch raised his head and sniffed in the air. He quickly followed Harry’s smell to the compartment under the stairs, but when he walked near the stairs, he found that Harry’s smell upstairs was stronger, and There was no sound in this compartment either.

"Scarhead, I mean Harry should be meowing upstairs."

Fisch raised his head and said, pointing to the top of the stairs.

Then a group of people cautiously walked up the stairs and came to a room locked by a huge door lock. On the door of this room, there was a small trap that seemed to be used to deliver food to prisoners. door.

"Oh my God! Harry was really locked up by his uncle! No wonder he never answered my letter!"

Ron exclaimed in a low voice, then he opened the small trapdoor and looked inside, but it was too dark to see anything.

"Harry, are you in there?"

After being hungry for a day, Harry heard Ron’s voice in a daze. He thought he was starving, but his voice became clearer and clearer immediately after Hedwig’s beak. The click of the cage.

Harry woke up instantly, and he quickly turned over and sat up on the bed and rushed to the door.

"Ron, is that you?"

"It's me, as well as Fisch, George, Fred, and Comey. I keep writing to you, but I haven't received any reply. Yesterday my father said that you were warned for using magic in front of Muggles... "

Ron chattered to Harry about what happened.

"I didn't put that spell!" Harry angrily defended, "It was put on by a house elf named Dobby!"

"Actually framed Harry Potter!" Comey screamed, "That must be a very bad little elf!"

" should release Harry first now."

Seeing Harry and Ron talked endlessly, especially Comey, he almost didn't suppress his voice just now, Fred quickly interrupted.

"Leave it to me! Fei Xu opens the door is amazing!"

As Phish said, he immediately stepped forward, stretched out his hands and grabbed the sides of the door frame. Before the others could react, he flicked his arms and tore off the entire door.



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