The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 155: End of the first academic year

Early the next morning, Harry, who hadn't squinted for three or four hours until early in the morning, jumped out of the hospital bed and hurried to the dormitory.

Then Madam Pomfrey stopped him.

She checked Harry's condition carefully, and filled him with a potion with a strange taste and color before letting him go.

So Harry went back to the dormitory with a nasty red face and dragged Ron, who was still asleep, off the bed.

Ron, sleepy-eyed, was dragged by his friend to a corner of the common room reluctantly, and then began to repeat to him the truth that Dumbledore had told him before.

"It was Quirrell, not Snape, who killed me on the Quidditch pitch?"

If it hadn't been for Ron's vowed guarantee, coupled with the weird experience last night, Harry Potter would never have believed this fact... Snape would have saved him! What is this April Fool's Day joke? !

"Yes," Ron has always had a strong sense of unreality about this, so he can understand Harry's mood very well," and according to Dumbledore, Snape was responsible for staring at Quirrell from the beginning. ."

"That's why I overheard Snape warning Quirrell... he was not asking how to pass the level... His foot was also bitten by Lu Wei because he prevented Quirrell..."

Harry's look was very complicated.

Although it was unbelievable, it was connected to some things he had encountered before, and Harry had to admit that Snape was actually a good person.

"Yes, actually Hermione has noticed some violations, isn't it?"

Hearing Ron's unintentional words, Harry suddenly felt a little ashamed. He was furious at Hermione's speculation before...

"Wait!" Harry suddenly remembered something, "Since Quirrell's identity has been breached by Fisch and escaped from Hogwarts, why does Dumbledore bother us to break through?"

Ron's expression instantly became weird.

"Dumbledore said... he and a few professors spent so much effort setting up these levels. It would be a shame not to use them once. It just so happened that we misunderstood Snape again, so this time it was both an exercise and a The the waste by the way."

Harry: "..."

If Dumbledore was not the principal, he really wanted to take a big dung egg and throw it directly on the opponent's face.

"Hey! Dude, want to start." Ron, who was just smashed his head, didn't think it was unacceptable. He patted Harry on the shoulder and comforted him: "At least this is a good time. Isn't it risky? And the last thing you face isn't Quirrell who really wants your life."

"I would rather face him."

Harry curled his lips and told Ron about his experience in the last room.


Ron opened his mouth. He didn't expect Harry to be so miserable. Seeing Harry come out alive before, he thought Snape was just casting a lump spell on Harry.

The two were silent for a while before Ron reached out and patted Harry on the shoulder again.

"At least you are still alive, aren't you?"

He reluctantly comforted him, then collapsed and sighed: "Well, I didn't expect him to hate you so much, but why would he protect you?"

"how could I know?"

Harry rolled his eyes angrily, and decided to go to Dumbledore to ask afterwards.

The matter ended silently, Harry and the others didn't talk about their adventures everywhere, and Feish had been having fun all day long, and had long forgotten about it.

Harry later talked to Dumbledore about Snape and Voldemort, and then began to prepare for their last Quidditch game of the semester.

The College Cup Gryffindor is definitely hopeless, but the Quidditch Cup is still up for grabs.

Gryffindor and Slytherin, who are temporarily at the top of the list, are still two hundred points away. As long as Harry catches the Golden Snitch after Angelina’s three female chaser scores 60 points, then this year’s champion will be They're Gryffindor.

Therefore, during this period, Wood has been training Harry, all about how to interfere with the opponent's seekers, so that they can not end the game early.

Soon, the last Quidditch game began in a very lively situation. Because there was no need to worry about schoolwork, most students in the school watched this game.

Of course, Fisch did not go as usual. Professor McGonagall is too lazy to restrict him to the forbidden forest, and he does not force Hagrid to follow him. The only requirement is to go back to the dormitory to sleep every day.

Therefore, during this time, Feish was either in the Forbidden Forest, visiting other friends with Lu Wei, who no longer needed to guard the Sorcerer's Stone, or went into the water to find Kanaloa and the mermaids to play.

On the Quidditch side, under the unremitting efforts of Harry and his teammates, Gryffindor finally succeeded in surpassing Slytherin in total points, winning the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup for the first time in many years.

This made the three colleges except Slytherin all burst into joy...

Who made Slytherin so innocent, having held the Academy Cup and Quidditch Cup for so many years?

In such a cheerful atmosphere, the year-end banquet at Hogwarts is about to begin.

"I can have a banquet again, meow!"? (●Φ﹃Φ●)?

Feishu ran to the auditorium happily. It is said that the specifications of the year-end banquet are the same as the banquet at the beginning of school.

So Fei Xu came to the auditorium early and waited for the opening of the table.

Soon, other students and professors also came to the auditorium, and the girls, as usual, gathered at Feish's side for the first time.

Before the start of the banquet, the auditorium was refurbished with green and silver decorations representing Slytherin to celebrate their seven consecutive years of winning the Academy Cup. On the wall behind the main guest seat, a huge banner painted with a Slytherin snake hung.

With Dumbledore's arrival, the noisy auditorium gradually subsided.

Dumbledore glanced at the student below, and his gaze stayed on Fisch for a while.

Although he wanted to award the Academy Cup to his own academy, he was helpless because Fisch deducted too many points, and Snape later deducted a lot of points from Harry, so he wanted to use the Academy Cup. The plan to build momentum for Harry, the "savior", probably won't work.

If he wants to play shady in this way, even Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw will not be convinced, so Dumbledore can only give up this idea and symbolically give Harry and the others some points...

Building momentum is one aspect, and the most important thing is to make Gryffindor's academy points so that it won't look so shabby.

Fortunately, this year Harry also helped Gryffindor win the Quidditch Cup, which can be regarded as a consolation.

After the banquet, everyone's final grades are also available.

Although Fisch is loved by most of the professors, they are still very dedicated in grading, and the scores of all the answers of Fisch are not very high.

However, in terms of practice, Fei may be said to be a standout. He got full marks in almost all practical subjects, which makes his final grades look pretty good.

Of course, regardless of his grades, Fisch never cared about it.

After getting the transcript, Fisch just glanced at and threw it aside.

The most important thing now is, isn't it going to be the summer vacation?

"Finally no longer need to read books and do homework!"? (●ΦwΦ●)?

After sending away the last student, Professor Feish and McGonagall, as well as Comey, who had long regarded themselves as the private elf of McGonagall's family, once again returned to their home in Hogsmeade.

As soon as Fei Xu returned home, he changed back to the form of a kitten and started to play around in the house.

Then he heard Professor McGonagall's calm voice from behind him.

"Did you forget that you still have summer homework to complete, Fisch?"



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