The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 149: Onlookers

Just as a group of unscrupulous onlookers were making noise, Harry rode a flying broomstick and successfully caught the correct key.

He and Ron controlled the broom to fall back to the ground, shove the key into the door lock, and looked at Hermione who had become less active since just now.

"Hermione, what's the matter with you? It suddenly became so quiet."

When Harry asked, he pushed the wooden door open, and it was completely dark inside.

Hermione hesitated for a moment, and decided to tell Harry what she had discovered, but instead of expressing her suspicion directly, she reminded him sideways: "Do you think... these levels are a little... trivial? Can you stop Snape, or other dark wizards who want to steal the Philosopher’s Stone?"

Harry and Ron, who were about to go inside, were stunned. After Hermione's reminder, they also found that these levels seemed a bit too simple, and the few first-year students passed them without much effort.

"Snape had been blocked by Lu Wei and Quirrell's levels before," Ron failed to understand what Hermione really wanted to express. "And wouldn't it be simpler? So we can get it first. The Philosopher’s Stone."

"Yes, and according to Fisch, there are giant monsters behind, which is not easy to deal with."

Harry was also helping out, and he didn't hear Hermione's subtext either.

However, what he said gave Hermione a moment. She felt as if she had caught something, but she couldn't be sure for a while.

"Okay, Hermione," Harry lifted his foot into the next room, "I don't know what you are struggling with, but isn't the most important thing now to get the Sorcerer's Stone?"

As he stepped into the room, the originally dark room immediately became brightly lit, and the giant wizard chess that Feish had mentioned was displayed in front of them.

Ron, who is very good at wizard chess, exclaimed again: "If only I could have a set of such wizard chess."

Then he stomped the chessboard under his feet and looked at Hermione who was still trying to catch the hint of inspiration. "Hermione, can you turn this chessboard into a pit like Fisch?"

Hermione, who was interrupted, gave him an angry glance, "No!"

" looks like we have to play chess to get to the end of the room."

Ron suddenly appeared excited, as the best chess player among the three, now is the time for him to show off his talents!

"Huh! It's Gryffindor as expected. They all like to show off so much."

Seeing Ron's unabashed joy, Snape also showed an expression of disgust without hiding.

He thought of the two people he hated the most when he was a student-James Potter and Sirius Black. Those two guys also wanted to show off all the time, and Snape was the one they used to show off.

Snape squinted his eyes and looked at Harry, filled with his malice and hatred. After staring for a while, he glanced at Dumbledore beside him.

Feeling the gaze from Snape, Dumbledore said with a smile: "Don't worry, Severus, I won't break my promise before I promised you, I believe you will be able to handle it well."

Professor McGonagall looked at the two guys who were obviously trading privately, frowning without questioning.

She also knew a little bit about the relationship between Snape and Harry, so she wasn't worried that Snape would be disadvantageous to Harry, at best she took the opportunity to teach it a lesson.

Defamation of professors and taking risks in violation of school regulations should be a good lesson!

Professor McGonagall who thought of this turned his head to look at Fisch.

Feish had just been taught a lesson by Professor McGonagall, and now he was rubbing his reddened cheek with his teeth grinning, and had no intention of paying attention to the conversation between the bad old man and Professor Youtou.

Until Professor McGonagall cast that dangerous look at him...


The frightened Fei Xu jumped back abruptly, staring back at Professor McGonagall with a full face.

"Don't pinch Feixu's face anymore!" (ノ)`Д(ヾ)

Fisch held his cheek and protested loudly.

"Then you don't always make trouble for me!"

Seeing Feishe's cautious appearance, Professor McGonagall stretched out his hand angrily and amusingly, and rubbed his head vigorously.

"I didn't always get into trouble!" Fei Xu said, and then he immediately lowered his head and raised his fingers...

After counting carefully, he raised his hands proudly, "I have been caught by Minerva nine times from the beginning of school until now, and I can't even reach me with both hands!" (●ΦДΦ●)

"I've only caught it nine times..." Professor McGonagall gritted his teeth and stared at Fisch with a smile, "That is to say, what else I don't know?"

"Meow! Just... there is no such thing... Fei may be obedient..." (●3●)

Seeing Feishe's obviously insincere expression, Professor McGonagall shook his head dumbfoundedly, but didn't really pursue it, because she also knew that it was unrealistic to catch Feishe completely.

Not to mention Fisch, even when the twins violated school rules, she was not able to catch them every time.

"Do you still think Weasley is simply showing off, Severus?"

At this time, Dumbledore next to him suddenly spoke. Professor McGonagall looked at the chessboard he had built, and saw that the chess game had come to the end. Ron gave away the knight he represented to Harry as the bishop. Created an opportunity to checkmate the white king.

"Stupid, reckless, and innocent."

Snape curled his mouth in disdain, and vomited three words that Slytherin most commonly used to mock Gryffindor.

"In my opinion, this reflects the noble quality of Weasley's bravery and sacrifice!"

Professor McGonagall, the dean of Gryffindor, immediately retorted.

However, as before, Snape didn't intend to argue with Professor McGonagall at all. He turned his head and ended the topic.

"We can't leave Ron here. If Snape comes over, he will kill Ron!"

Because of Ron's "sacrifice", Hermione's original suspicion was slightly reduced. She grabbed Harry who wanted to get the Sorcerer's Stone quickly, and said anxiously.

"Heh...stupid, reckless, and unconscionable."

Snape let out a short sneer, repeated the previous three words, and glanced at Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore.

Professor McGonagall shook her head helplessly, because Harry's performance just now gave her no confidence to refute Snape, but fortunately there was a Hermione who could slightly save their Gryffindor face.

And the old and cunning Dumbledore was still smiling and didn't care about Snape's mockery at all.

Knowing that the next level was a troll, Harry and Hermione could not bring Ron, who was in a coma, forward together. So they discussed, dragged Ron to the corner, and then covered him. Invisibility cloak.

When the two of them left the room, Dumbledore and others walked up.

Snape opened the invisibility cloak on Ron, then drew his wand with a grinning grin.


Ron, who was awakened by the tingling pain, yelled and jumped up, and then he saw the familiar and gloomy face in front of him.


"Gryffindor deducts five points, for reasons, disrespect for the professor."

Snape said slowly.

"What, what?"

Just when Ron was to figure out the situation, another familiar face appeared next to him.

"Good evening!" (●ΦωΦ●)

"Fish?! Why are you here?!"

"I'm with Minerva and the others, to see you guys who play the level-breaking game."

Fisch tells the truth.

"Professor McGonagall? Professor Dumbledore?"

Ron, whose head became more and more confused, turned his head, only to realize that besides Snape and Fisch, Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall were also here.

"What the **** is going on?!"

Ron held his head, suspecting that he had just been knocked out and hadn't woken up yet, and everything in front of him was his dream.


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