The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 141: I think of me every time I see the moon

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The fire continued to spread frantically, but Feish, who was on the run, gradually slowed down.

The screams of countless animals and plants swallowed by fierce fire before he died echoed in Feish's mind, making him stop involuntarily.

Feish turned his head and looked at the fierce fire that turned into various flame monsters raging in the forbidden forest.

At the same time, a huge fire dragon composed of Li Huo was spreading its wings and leaped towards Feixu.

At this time, he had lifted the clouded leopard form and returned to the appearance of the original silver-gray little tabby cat, but he remained motionless, with his green eyes looking at the fire dragon pounced on him.


"Meow ~ woo-"

The little cat uttered a sound of milk, but a clear and high-pitched roar at the moon, which had long been obscured by smoke and flames.

The animals running around in the forbidden forest, Hagrid who was rushing here with a huge bucket, and even secretly possessing a mouse, planning to get into the ground to avoid the fierce Voldemort, all at this moment. Find……

In the sky, the moon was flourishing.

The cool, watery moonlight actually overshadowed the fierce flames in the Forbidden Forest at this moment. The entire Forbidden Forest and even Hogwarts Castle and the Black Lake were shrouded in a faint white light.

Immediately afterwards, rain mixed with moonlight fell from the sky. It was obviously only a drizzle, but it suppressed the monstrous fire that had already taken place in the forbidden forest.

The countless monsters transformed by the fierce fire suddenly disintegrated into ordinary flames, and quickly declined, and finally disappeared into a wisp of blue smoke.

The flames that originally illuminated Hogwarts castles were all red, but disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only the moon with a mild white light in the sky and raindrops with countless white light spots.

"Meow ~ woo-"

Fisch's long howling continued.

After the rain of moonlight extinguished the fierce fire in the forest, it continued to nourish the land that had just been destroyed by the fire. Numerous plants and trees sprouted from this scorched earth at a speed visible to the naked eye and thrived.

In a short while, the land that was originally full of ashes and coke was covered with a layer of green again.

"This... is the son of nature..."

Bain and other horsemen bathed in this dense but endless rain and sighed sincerely.

"The moon tonight is the best astrology I have ever seen in my life."

Ronan was a little excited and shoveled his hoofs. He immediately stopped moving because he felt that this would disturb everything. He turned his back to the sky, looking at the bright moon hanging in the sky, and let the drizzle rain on his face.

Like the horsemen, countless creatures of the forbidden forest stood quietly on the spot, looking up at the moon in the sky. The creatures in the black lake also emerged from the water one after another, enjoying the blessings brought to them by this strange rain.

"Meow ~ woo-"

The forbidden forest, which had become noisy due to the fire, returned to tranquility again, and only the long howling of Feish constantly echoed under the night sky.

With the passage of time, this moonlight rain gradually stopped, and the unusually dazzling bright moon returned to its original appearance, and the creatures who had been quietly enjoying it all came back to their senses.

With satisfied smiles on their faces, the horses walked back silently, Kanaloa and the mermaid and other Black Lake residents also sneaked back to the bottom of the lake. The forbidden forest creatures who had fled around also calmed down. Arrived at their respective lairs.

Only animals such as Wuwu and Lochlin who knew something about what happened, after regaining their senses, immediately turned around and rushed to Fisch.

Hagrid, who was holding a bucket, woke up in a daze, glanced at the forbidden forest that was safe and sound, stretched out his hand and scratched his head, appearing a little at a loss.

It took a while before he reacted, dropped the bucket and ran to the castle, trying to inform Dumbledore.

"Don't bother, Hagrid, I'm already here."

Dumbledore walked out of the nearby woods and stopped Hagrid who wanted to report.

"It's really a pleasant and beautiful rain, isn't it?"

He looked into the deep blue eyes of the Forbidden Forest, with a gleam of surprise.

"Do you know what's going on with this rain? Dumbledore?"

Hagrid first nodded in agreement with him, and then asked curiously.

"I'm not sure, Hagrid," Dumbledore replied with a smile, "So, I'm going to see in the forbidden forest now, and leave the patrol to me tonight."

After he finished speaking, he didn't wait for Hagrid to answer, so he got into the woods again and walked in the direction of Feish.

Hagrid scratched his head again, a little confused about the situation, so he didn't think about these complicated things at all, and called his teeth to go back to sleep.

After being exposed to this strange rain, he felt that he would definitely have a good dream tonight.

"Fish... McGonagall?"

The Dark Lord possessed on the mouse felt part of his injury repaired by the drizzle, and finally began to face the "natural Animagus" who had continuously undermined his plan.

"Natural Animagus? Huh! Dumbledore is still as deceiving as before...interesting."

Although the Sorcerer's Stone was hopeless, Voldemort didn't seem to be at a loss when he found Feish, a special little wizard.

It's a pity that Dumbledore had already arrived in the Forbidden Forest by this time, so no matter how he wanted to take Phish back, or attach it directly to him, he could only give up now.

Voldemort looked deeply in the direction where Fei Xu was, and then controlled the mouse possessed by him into the bushes and escaped.

But Fisch, who had done all this, lost consciousness completely at this time and fell softly to the ground.

Lochlin and Wuwu were the first to arrive. They rushed to Feishu, and carefully put their heads on his body.

"Snoring, snoring..."

Fisch, who was lying on the ground, let out a low purr, and fell asleep very soundly.

Lochlin and Wuwu breathed a sigh of relief, and then the two black and white "horses" stayed beside Fisch, guarding his safety.

After a while, the Wuwu tribe and some other flying creatures also came here. Everyone made no sound, but quietly guarded Feishu's surroundings.

After a while, there was a slight noise in the bushes next to him, and Feish's animal guards looked over, only to see an old man with white beard and hair coming out of the forest.

Even Dumbledore, being stared at by a group of magical creatures at least XXX or more is very stressful.

He smirked, and then bowed slightly to Lochlin to show his kindness.

"Good evening, everyone, then, can you give me that little guy? It's okay for students not to sleep in their dormitories."

Dumbledore pointed to Fisch, who was sleeping soundly on the ground, and asked softly.

Some forbidden forest creatures who didn't know Dumbledore immediately made an attack gesture, especially Lochlin, who had just experienced Voldemort's attack, and was now very vigilant towards human wizards.

The Yeqis knew Dumbledore. In addition to helping pull the cart at the beginning of school, occasionally when Dumbledore went away and didn’t want to use Phantom Transformation and Floo fans, he would also choose Yeqi as his mount~ So under the sign of Wuwu and the other people, Lochlin waited for the creatures who hadn't seen Dumbledore before putting his guard down, and slowly backing a few steps.

"Many thanks."

Dumbledore bowed again to these forbidden forest creatures, and then, as they looked at them, quickly and slowly walked to Feish's side and hugged him.

The sleeping Fisch was not awakened as usual, he just twisted his body to give himself a more comfortable position in Dumbledore's arms, and then went on to fall asleep.

Dumbledore nodded at Lochlin and the others, and walked away from the forbidden forest step by step, holding Fisch in this way.


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