The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 119: The Melancholy of Rubeus Hagrid


After the two difficult potions lessons in the morning, Harry and Ron got together and whispered.

"I really want to see Snape's panicked look after his conspiracy failed!"

Ron groaned angrily at Snape's away back, he had just been targeted in the Potions class.

Especially after Seamus exploded the cauldron, neighbouring Neville had to leave early to go to the infirmary for treatment, Snape devoted all his energy to mocking him and Harry.

"There are also Young Master Brains and his attendants. When their dean is fired, let's see if they can be so arrogant!"

Harry, who was also targeted, added that Malfoy and his two followers were Snape’s best supporters. Every time Snape satirized Harry, Malfoy would bring Crabbe and Gore together. The atmosphere made a harsh ridicule.

After thinking about the tragic future of Snape and Malfoy, the two decided to pull Hermione together in the afternoon and visit Hagrid at the Hunting Lodge.

Since knowing that Dumbledore on the trapdoor had been paying attention, the two of them stopped worrying about the Philosopher’s Stone, but at any rate they also spent a lot of time searching for Nico LeMay, so they thought Go to Hagrid for a moment...

Stop by and visit him.

Gryffindor had no class this afternoon, and Wood's training mad did not ask for additional training. They just had time to show Hagrid the results of their hard work.

The behavior was a bit naive, but Harry and Ron were not old at first, and it was normal to have such a mind.

However, Hermione was not very interested in it.

"I still have to prepare for the review plan for the final exam, not going!"

Hermione, who was lying on the table struggling to write, refused without raising her head.

"Final exam? Review plan?" Ron couldn't believe his ears. He exaggeratedly shouted, "Hermione, the exam is still hundreds of years away from us!"

"Twelve weeks," Hermione retorted, "not hundreds of years, for Nico Lemay, it was just a blink of an eye."

Harry and Ron glanced at each other speechlessly, they didn't understand the world of learning tyrants.

"But we are not six hundred years old," Ron felt that it was necessary to remind the young lady in front of him. "And, don't you know everything? Why do you need to review it?"

Ron was referring to Hermione's other nickname-Miss Know-How.

"Why should I review? Are you crazy? Did you know that we have to pass these exams to get into the second grade? They are very important..."

Hermione ignored Ron's ridiculous reminder, but Barabara made a long speech, and the two of them had a pain in their heads, and even had a faint tendency to be persuaded by her to review together.

Fortunately, Harry recovered his sanity in time, "But, this afternoon is not bad, isn't it? You don't want to ask Hagrid to verify whether our inference is correct?"

Hermione rolled her eyes, this kind of obvious answer to the question, where to ask for proof, and Harry and Ron also said before, there is still Dumbledore watching over the trapdoor, she doesn't care about it at all now. Thing up.

However, the little friends who have read the book together, they all invited themselves so sincerely, and Hermione felt that it would be acceptable to take an afternoon to come.

"Well, then I will accompany you on a trip."

Hermione raised her head proudly, and reluctantly agreed.

After lunch, the three of them came to Hagrid’s hunting hut and knocked on his door.

Tall Hagrid opened the door for them.

"It's you?" Hagrid didn't seem to be very emotional. After opening the door, he just glanced at the three of Harry, and then let go, "Come in."

Harry was a little puzzled about Hagrid's performance. He usually had a more enthusiastic attitude if he saw him visiting.

"Hagrid, are you okay?" Harry asked caringly.

"Thank you for your concern, but I'm okay." Hagrid grinned reluctantly, and handed them three large wooden cups. "Come and have some tea, or rock cake?"

"No thanks."

All three shook their heads decisively and refused.

"Have you heard that too?" Hagrid sat across from the three of them, and said with a sigh, "Thank you for coming to see me."

"What?" Harry and the three were confused.

"Huh?" Hagrid raised his head questioningly. "Didn't you just come to see me after hearing about those kids?"

"Sorry, we don't know what you are talking about..."

Harry scratched his cheeks in embarrassment. Hagrid seemed to have encountered something unhappy, and they were still running awkwardly at this time, which seemed a bit unnatural.

So he stabbed Ron with his elbow, then winked at him.

Ron understood Harry's meaning perfectly, and he immediately changed the subject, "Then what happened? Can you tell us? Maybe it can be helpful."

"Thank you, Ron," Hagrid smiled reluctantly, then shook his head: "But you can't help with this..."

He said in a low mood, "It's the thing about the little guys in the Forbidden Forest. Recently, the Eight-eyed Giant Spider has been targeted by other animals. In the past few days, many members have died..."

During this period of time, due to Feish’s sake, the eight-eyed giant spider was attrition a bit serious. As a hunting field guard, Hagrid naturally discovered this situation, but under the active cover of the group of magical creatures, he didn’t know that it was all. The ghost of Feish.

At first Hagrid thought it was the horsemen who led the work again, but when he approached the horsemen, they denied them. Asking them what was going on, he got a lot of babbled replies.

Hagrid, who could not find the reason, could only ask other animals to stop their actions against the eight-eyed giant spider, and the result effect.

This made Hagrid feel very melancholy.

"Eight-eyed giant spider!"

But Hermione didn't care why Hagrid was melancholy, she screamed loudly, startling everyone else.

"That is a terrifying creature that is classified as xxxxx by the magic part, they are actually in the forbidden forest!"

"Actually, they are not that dangerous," Hagrid retorted. "The people at the Ministry of Magic are too sensitive. Aragog and his children are very kind."

Harry and Ron had expressions of disagreement. Although they didn't know what happened to the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider, the xxxxx-level classification was enough to explain everything.

At the same time, they probably understood what was going on... Fei Xing said that he had to go to the Forbidden Forest every night to fight big spiders every night.

It seemed that he was not only fighting by himself, but also brought his animal friends to fight with him.

The two looked at each other and both decided to remain silent about it.

And Hermione didn’t know about Feish’s night tour, because it involved their unintentional betrayal of Feish, so Harry and Ron concealed it, and only told her that Dumbledore was at the trapdoor. Has been paying attention.

Coupled with the level of the girls' treasure to Feish, Harry felt that if he told Hermione, Feish would go to the forbidden forest with his help to find xxxxx rated spiders...

Harry shuddered and made his decision to remain silent even more firmly.

Even so, Hermione was still crazy.

"Oh my God! There are such terrible creatures in the Forbidden Forest. You still bring Fisch with you every weekend! What if he gets injured?! What do Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall think? Agree to this terrible thing!"

Excited, Hermione even abandoned her idol Professor McGonagall.

"Hey, don't get excited, Hermione," Hagrid quickly soothed, "Actually, Professor McGonagall and I had an agreement not to bring Feish to deal with magical creatures over xxx."

Although this agreement was broken on the first day...

Hagrid added silently, but like Harry, he remained silent wisely.

But Hermione still looked worried, and kept whispering in her mouth.

Harry saw that this would probably go on forever, and quickly turned off the subject.

"In fact, we are here this time to ask you to verify something, Hagrid."

At this time, he could no longer take care of Hagrid's mood.

Besides, Harry also felt that Hagrid felt sad for a group of spiders... and it was inexplicable.

"It's about Nico LeMay..."

"I said it a long time ago, I won't tell you who he is!"

Hagrid interrupted Harry with some annoyance, "This is not something you should know!"

"Actually, we figured out who he was hundreds of years ago," Ron said triumphantly, as if he had discovered who Nicol LeMay is. "We also know that the dog is guarding. What, the Philosopher's Stone..."

"What?!" Hagrid jumped up from the stool in surprise, interrupting Ron's desperation, "How did you know?!"

"Of course I found it by flipping through the books," Ron thought of that period of suffering, but he was also disappointed, and said with a melancholy expression: "You absolutely can't imagine how many books we have flipped through this period of time!"

Hermione glanced at him silently, without saying a word. She was still sad about Feish and didn't want to care about the magic stone at all.

"Oh... that's it..." Hagrid looked a little flustered, and finally, he sighed sullenly, "Well, even if you know this, don't say it everywhere, this is not something you students should know. ."

"Of course we won't talk around," Harry said with a frown. "This will shock Snape who wants to steal the Philosopher's Stone."

"Huh? Snape?" Hagrid was taken aback for a moment. "Are you still doubting him? It's impossible. Snape is also helping to protect the Sorcerer's Stone. He won't steal it."

"What?! Snape!!!"

This time it was Harry and Ron's turn to jump up in surprise. Even if they knew that Dumbledore was observing in secret, if Snape had known other organs long ago, the Sorcerer's Stone would still be dangerous.

"Yes, Dumbledore borrowed Lu Wei from me, and then invited a few teachers to the design agency," Hagrid recalled. "The deans of the four colleges were all involved...Oh, yes, and Professor Quirrell in charge of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class..."

"He was the last one to cast the spell because he had taken time off before. Of course, Dumbledore had also cast protection magic himself, so there is no need to worry about the Philosopher's Stone being stolen."

"By the way, when I took Professor Quirrell to the design agency, I also happened to ran into Feish." Hagrid chattered.

Hermione, who had been thinking about it all the time, heard Fisch's name and finally stopped and turned to look at Hagrid.

As for Harry and Ron, they had heard Fisch mention it a long time ago, so there was no surprise.

At the same time, they finally knew why Snape had been pressing Professor Quirrell, because besides him, Snape had already figured out the magic of several other professors.

But fortunately, there are still Professor Lu Wei and Quirrell, and Dumbledore has been observing in secret.

Although he was still a little worried, Harry couldn't think of what he could do for a while, and after saying this, he began to avoid the problem of the Philosopher's Stone.

After sitting for a while, the three of them left Hagrid's cabin full of sorrow.


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