The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 116: Busy Fisch

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As the sky gradually darkened, the curfew at Hogwarts also came again, and at this time, Feish was still working **** his homework surrounded by a group of warriors and swallows.

The poor little cat didn't know that if he hadn't been counseled by the sisters around him, he might have finished his homework a long time ago.

In a corner of the common room, Hermione looked at Fisch, who was biting on the quill pen with a frown, quietly handed it an apologetic look, and then retracted her head to the back of the book.

I'm also doing this for your own good, but don't blame me...

Hermione explained silently to herself.

"Finally finished meow!"? (●ΦДΦ●)?

With the "help" of a group of bad women, Fisch finally finished his homework at about 10:30. He threw away the quill in his hand and ran out of the dormitory. ?(?)?

And those who tutored him with his homework, and the girls who were tutored with him, helped him to tidy up all the homework, and then gave it to Seamus and Dean, who were playing crackling exploding cards, to help him. Bring Fisch's homework back to the bedroom.

"Put it aside."

Seamus snorted without raising his head. This situation is not once or twice. The few people in their dormitory have long been used to it.

And they are not without benefits... For example, sometimes when the homework is too late to finish, or when there is no clue, they can use Feishu's homework as a reference.

It's the handwriting of Feishu's cat-climbing handwriting, which is a little harder to read.

On the other side, when Feish just pushed away the portrait of the fat lady and got out, Dumbledore, who had been waiting outside, quietly gave him a tracking magic.

If it's other ordinary invisibility cloaks, Dumbledore doesn't need to be so troublesome, just use the detection spell when he first saw Feish.

But the Potter’s Invisibility Cloak is different. It is almost always one of the legendary Three Hallows of Death. Dumbledore’s detection spell can’t see its invisibility, so Dumbledore had to go to Fei. Xu put a tracking spell on him that only let him know the approximate location.

And this tracking spell didn't last long, otherwise Dumbledore would have to wait so long outside.

Fei may not know that a bad old man quietly threw a spell to himself, his time is tight now!

He first hopped all the way to the basement, asked Comey and the others to fill their magic pockets with food, and then ran back to the fourth floor non-stop, taking most of the food and the spider legs that he had hit yesterday. Fell in front of Lu Wei.

Fisch did not stay for a supper with Lu Wei, but after playing with Lu Wei for a while, he clutched his magic pocket and ran to the second floor, knocking on the door of Professor McGonagall's office.


Before Professor McGonagall could open the door, Fisch pushed the door and rushed in, then jumped up and pounced on Professor McGonagall who had just bypassed the desk.


After catching Fisch's pounce, Professor McGonagall patted his little head and asked, "Isn't he missing his homework?"

"Minerwa is so smart!" (●>ω<●)

Feish grinned and rubbed against Professor McGonagall's neck.

"You little fellow!"

Professor McGonagall knocked the little fur cat on the head badly, and then pulled his cat's ears again.

Now she no longer forcibly asks Fisch to show her homework every day for inspection.

After all, Fei Xu has been very well-behaved recently, and she has been writing homework well. Although the characters are still the same as before, Fei Xu has been able to persist for so long, which has greatly exceeded Professor McGonagall’s expectations, so she no longer asks for more. .

"Minerwa is here for supper! I just got the cat from Comey and the others!" (つΦωΦ)つ

Fisch took out the hot food from the magic pocket and placed it on Professor McGonagall's desk.

"Okay, let's eat together."

This was not the first time this happened. Professor McGonagall returned to the table with a smile, sat down facing Fisch, and had a supper with him.

However, Professor McGonagall only tasted a little bit and did not continue. She did not have the appetite and appetite of Fisch. If it weren't for Fisch, she wouldn't have the habit of eating midnight snacks at all.

So after eating a little symbolically, Professor McGonagall held up a glass of cherry juice with a kind face and drank it slowly while watching Fisch gobble it up there, helping him cut the food from time to time.

"I'm full!"? (●ΦωΦ●)?

Soon, most of the food that Fisch brought with him went into his own stomach.

"Come and wipe your mouth, and your hands."

Professor McGonagall dragged Fisch to his side and wiped his greasy mouth and palms with a handkerchief.

"It's fine if you don't use spells, Meow..."

Feishe, who felt it was unnecessary, murmured.

"Although the spells are easy to use, you can't rely on them too much."

Because he wanted Fisch to adapt to a normal lifestyle as soon as possible, Professor McGonagall did not use spells as much as possible in his daily life. Unfortunately, after entering school, Fisch quickly learned to clean up this lazy man’s special spell. And it's also very slippery.

Professor McGonagall couldn't force Feishe not to use magic when she was alone, but she continued to maintain this habit when the two were together.

After wiping Feishe clean, Professor McGonagall patted her thigh, Feishe lightly jumped, turned into a small tabby cat, fell on her lap, lying on the dough into a ball.

Taking out a fairy tale book from the desk drawer, Professor McGonagall opened it and placed it in front of him, and then gently stroked Fisch's back with one hand while reading the story in the book with a soft voice.

After listening to the story, Fisch made a pleasant snoring from his throat, closed his eyes, and entered a state of false sleep.

After reading a story, Professor McGonagall closed the book gently, put it back in the drawer, and then continued to caress Fisch's back, teasing his tail and ears from time to time.

After about an hour or so, Fisch got up from Professor McGonagall's lap.

After pushing up his **** and stretching his waist, Feish stood upright, put his front paws on Professor McGonagall’s collar, stuck his tongue out and licked her face a few times, and then put his small head near her chin. Rubbed.

"Meow~" (=ΦωΦ=)?

Fisch jumped off Professor and walked out the door after talking to her.

"Don't hang around for too long, go back to bed early."

Professor McGonagall reminded him as usual, and Fisch did not listen to it as usual.

After leaving Professor McGonagall's office, Feish found a corner, put on the invisibility cloak, then turned back into the invisible cat, and Sa Yazi ran out of the castle.

His revenge plan is not over yet, how could it be possible to go back to bed earlier!

Dumbledore, who had been waiting for some sleepiness, refreshed.

Brat, finally came out!


?Recommended ticket??Monthly ticket?

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