The Dragon Prince's Wife is a Translator

1313 Chapter 50 Mao Mao Love Story end

"You haven't told me your answer." Mao Mao slowly retracted his lips from the girl's neck. "So? Do you accept or not?" The young man cupped Fen Wen's face in his palm.

"Ah- ah that…" Fen Wen's eyes avoided Mao Mao out of reflex. Her face was burning red and one would see steams raised from her head.

She was overloaded!

"Mmmm I don't mind if you don't like me but…" Mao Mao suddenly lowered his head and spoke in a gloomy tone of voice. "I thought you like I wrong?"

The young man released Fen Wen's face and fiddled with his fingers.

Seeing Mao Mao's face darkened, Fen Wen instantly refuted. "No, no! I- I really love you so- so…"

Fen Wen almost accidentally bit her tongue as she blabbered nonsense. The girl had just about to speak clearly this time when Mao Mao suddenly clasped Fen Wen's palms.

"So I'm right! You really love me too, right? Right?" Mao Mao shook the girl's hand. His eyes twinkled like stars in the night sky. His cheek flushed red, looking like a fresh apple.

"Ah- yes, yes, master is right-"

"No, call me Mao Mao from now on." Mao Mao suddenly pulled Fen Wen closer and hugged her casually. The young man snuggled to the girl's neck as he whispered. "Since you also love me, you can't call me 'master', okay?"

Sensing Mao Mao's hair tickling her neck, Fen Wen once again blushed red. Her heart thumped fast as blood rushed to her head.

A surge of warmth entered her heart and she suddenly felt her body was so light that she could float in the air.

"M…Mao Mao…?" Fen Wen hesitantly asked. The girl gripped Mao Mao's back as she squeezed her eyes tight.

'Ahhh!! I call him by his pet name! this a dream?' Fen Wen had the urge to pinch her cheek but Mao Mao beat her to it.

"Hehehe Fen Wen. Hmm, should I call you A'wen?" Mao Mao squeezed Fen Wen's cheek and fondled it like a meat bun.

"Mnmmm.." Fen Wen nodded, still with her eyes squeezed tight. The girl didn't want to open her eyes just yet, afraid that she would faint once she saw Mao Mao's face from up close.

"A'wen. So from today on, you're mine." Mao Mao chuckled as a smirk merged on his face. The young man carefully patted Fen Wen's back and sighed.

"How about we get engaged right away?" He suddenly dropped a bomb.


Fen Wen's jaw dropped to the floor. She didn't have any chance to get shocked by his previous sentence as this one almost took her breath away.

"E-engaged??" The girl half-shouted. She wriggled trying to escape Mao Mao's embrace so she could see his face yet the young man refused to let go.

Mao Mao tightened his embrace as he spoke, "Yep, engaged! I'm now without fiance so I think we should get engaged as soon as possible?"

The young man silently thought of pressuring Long Ao Zhen to help him.

'There will be a lot of people opposing my relationship with Fen Wen but if I'm immediately engaged…' Mao Mao faintly smiled.

"They won't be able to do anything." He muttered and coincidentally, Fen Wen heard it.

"Eh, what? They? Who?" Fen Wen pushed Mao Mao a bit and looked at his face when a realization hit her.

'They…? Wait, wait, I'm just a maidservant. A lot of people won't approve of my relationship with Mao Mao!'

"I think you already know. Our relationship will be opposed by many so if we get engaged now…" Mao Mao stroked Fen Wen's cheek and looked deeply into her eyes.

"Those opposing us won't be able to do anything." The young man flashed a smug smile. "Ah, it's even better if we bore a child soon-"

"Awawawa what are you talking ah!" Fen Wen subconsciously slapped Mao Mao's hand on her cheek.

Her eyes spun around as her body felt weak all of sudden. The girl stumbled back a bit.

'Why is he talking about baby?? We are still young ah!!'

Seeing Fen Wen was flustered, Mao Mao just laughed it off. He waved his hand and spoke in a teasing tone, "But we will do that in the future, right? Doing it sooner won't hurt…"

"N-no! We are still young!" Fen Wen immediately refused. The girl cast her eyes low unable to look at Mao Mao's eyes.

This panda, why is he such a tease?!

Fen Wen had the urge to cry but Mao Mao just casually snaked his arm around the girl's waist. "Okay, I'll wait until you're ready but about the engagement, you have to agree."

Mao Mao inched closer and gently kissed Fen Wen's cheek. "Let's go to his majesty and get his blessing now?"

They were still young so getting married right away sounded a bit rushed. Not to mention that Mao Mao was still busy with his work.

For the time being, engagement is the best solution.

Fen Wen inhaled sharply and sighed. The girl looked up at Mao Mao's serious face, "Uh...okay then…" she agreed in defeat.

Once Fen Wen agreed, Mao Mao immediately dragged her with him straight to the oldies party. The young man barged in and talked with Long Ao Zhen for a few minutes.

The next day, the two was officially engaged while the Tian Family was demoted because of the old Tian's being corrupt.

Just like that, the two teens spend their day being lovey-dovey as a couple until the day they're old enough to get married.

And that's how Mao Mao found the love of his life.

The end

After this is our little vampire's love story with the ice eagle back at the Academy. Please look forward to it~

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