The students in the lounge listened carefully to Gongliang Che's explanation, and then suddenly realized, Ichinose thought: "No wonder, we are divided into twelve groups, the school does not use the first group and the second group, but uses ten Two zodiac signs."

"It turns out that there is already a basic hint here, or it is misleading. If you directly use the first group and the second group, it will be easy to deduce this kind of rule? That's why twelve sticks are used to affect us. thinking."

Horikita raised his hand in disgust, biting his thumb nail a little like a child: "Is that so? There is still such a reminder, the school really... If only we could have noticed it earlier!"

Longyuan made a comparison in his mind, and found that the three students in his class could indeed match this pattern, and he knew that what Gongliang Che said was true, but when he detected Kanzaki Ryuji, he felt that something was wrong.

Only then did I realize that the dragon group preferential treatment that Gongliang Che said just now is not Kanzaki, but the citrus stems from Class D!

After the tyrant reacted, all the clues were connected, and the double trap was directly seen through: "Ichinose, are you asking for us?"

"Send?" Ichinose then remembered that once the law was revealed, her and Kanzaki's little tricks would naturally be ineffective.

Ichinose Maase patronized and listened to Gongliang Che's explanation of how to select preferential treatment. After all, she was also very curious about this matter.

After ignoring the law and revealing the secret, you will be seen through the small conspiracy.

But Ichinose did not waver, and faced Ryuuen very sincerely: "If Ryuyuan-san thinks this is an offense, I will only express my embarrassment on a personal level, deception is a very bad behavior. ."

"However, in the class competition, we should all do our best. Whether it is to find out who is favored, or to induce others to answer wrong, it is a feasible policy. I don't think this tactical deception is wrong."

"Cough." Ichinose's sunny and candid attitude left Ryuuen speechless: "Okay, I will be more careful when I meet your class B in the future, and there is no need to apologize, it is my lesson learned this time. already."

Regarding the declaration of attacking Class B hidden in Ryuuen's words, Ichinose did not have any fear, and greeted him with a straight face: "I believe that my class, together, will overcome all difficulties!

Ichinose's attitude was really hard to make people hate, so she smiled at the same time.

The group played cards on one side while laughing, and Katsuragi on the other side sat there in a gloomy silence, and the joy of people was not the same. Now Katsuragi just thinks that these classmates are very noisy.

Because Gongliang Che summed up such a rule for selecting preferential treatment, it was like a slap in the face, one after another slapped him in the face!

Once the law of selecting preferential treatment is found, then only need to find the list of twelve groups, and then the twelve preferential treatment can be locked.

The defensive tactics he was proud of, and all the students in Class A who had been insisting on for a long time were silent and did not let anyone find out the policy of preferential treatment. In the face of this truth, it seemed so ridiculous.

People don't need to care about whether your Class A is silent or not. You can directly find out from the list whether you say it or not. The so-called defense is just deceiving yourself and waiting to die.

That's why Katsuragi is so uncomfortable now.

But no one paid any attention to him. When Gongliang Che was explaining, the bell rang, indicating that the one-hour discussion time had come, and Class A retreated early. After that, Tsunakura ended the game with no interest and left to go back to the room.

After leaving the lounge, Gongliang Che also found Sakura, this time Sakura did not wait for Gongliang Che at the stern, just because there were many students in pairs occupying the space at the stern.

Sakura was alone and was not too embarrassed to go there, so Sakura could only linger in the passage into the stern, walking back and forth with a hunched back, only when he saw Gongliang Che, his face glowed with joy: "Lord Gongliang.

"Sakura, how is the exam?" Gongliang Che beckoned, and Sakura, like a small hamster, trotted over for a while.

"Huh... Sakura first calmed down and then looked at Gongliang Che with a look of peace of mind: "Trouble, trouble Gongliang-kun, in the middle of the exam, the students of Class A seem to have signed the contract. "

"After that, the students in other classes didn't ask about the preferential treatment again. Everyone was doing their own thing. Some of them were playing with their phones like me, and some were chatting casually."

"Anyway, the atmosphere is much better, it's not so uncomfortable, it's all done by Gongliang-kun, right? I'm relying on you without authorization, and I can help you no matter what, does it really add a lot to you? !"

Gongliang Che didn't want the little hamster to continue to be polite, and directly blocked Sakura's words, making Sakura blushing and sluggish on the spot.

After a long time, Gongliang Che slowly backed away: "Little fool, what are you talking about, if the exam is not a big problem, just stay at ease for three days."

Anyway, "Every day you only need to go to the lounge for an hour. After these formal procedures, these troubles will be over, and you no longer need to worry about it."

"Gongliang." Sakura still closed his eyes tightly and hunched his back. He didn't dare to say anything, and he didn't dare to look up at people. Saying the name of Gongliang Che.

This ostrich looks like a human, which makes the index finger move, and for some reason, Gongliang Che sent an invitation: "Sakura, do you remember the first time you came to my dormitory?

"Well, I, I remember." Sakura nodded, it was the first time she felt the cherished memory of the joy of communicating with people, and she could never forget it no matter what.

It was also after that day that Sakura discovered that the world is actually very beautiful, and she was no longer alone, but could quietly discover the beauty of the world with Gongliang Che's company.

No longer alone, no longer unable to communicate, even, can already communicate with people, even kiss or something.

After that kiss, Sakura couldn't let go of Gongliang Che anymore in his heart.

As long as she is by Gongliang Che's side, her heartbeat seems to accelerate in a straight line uncontrollably. Beautiful things that come out of my heart.

At this moment, Sakura is clearly aware of the fact that she is in love with Gongliang Che.

"That's good." Gongliang Che hugged Sakura and ran down her smooth long pink hair: "I said that, when you're in a bad mood, eating something sweet and absorbing powdered sugar will help Relax?"

"Last time, I invited you to drink orange juice, which made you relax, this time, come to my room, I will treat you to sour candy.

Sakura didn't seem to have heard of this kind of candy. He blinked like a hamster, and wanted to raise his head to ask a little curiously, but in the end he was shy and could only continue to shrink like an ostrich: "It's that kind of sour candy. ?"

In fact, Sakura is a little different from other girls. Girls generally like to eat desserts, but they are not too resistant to eating sour things, but Sakura generally does not like sour foods, but only likes sweet ones.

The corner of Gongliang Che's mouth smiled, which made Sakura worry about the taste problem: "It's not a shout, but it's not sour at all. In the scientific name, we generally call it DNA."

The luxury cruise ship shrouded in the night, the sea water is already pitch black, only under the bright moonlight, can you see the snow-white waves in the moonlight, wave after wave slapped directly on the side of the cruise ship, shattering into hundreds of millions. The white waves are as beautiful as rolling up a thousand piles of snow. three.

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