Because of Kanzaki's question, the atmosphere became more and more awkward. Ichinose obviously couldn't stay for a long time, so he left in a hurry. Of course, Gongliang Che took the opportunity to inform the leaders of Class A and Class C, and also gave some small gifts.

Afterwards, Horikita watched Gongliang Che for a long time, and then went back to work a little unhappy, because Gongliang Che didn't pay much attention to her after finishing it, and she couldn't stay any longer.

She just waited to see, if Gongliang Che didn't use Class B to do anything big before August 20th, she must warn this guy well, not to abandon the public for personal reasons, and not to harm D because Ichinose is good-looking. class interests.

Seeing the people from Class B leave, everyone from Class D was not idle. Some continued to form groups to chat and work, and some came to ask Gongliang Che what they were talking about.

Gongliang Che briefly explained the cooperation with Class B, and let them continue to work on their own affairs. On the second day of the uninhabited island special exam, the curtain came to an end slowly.

In the middle of the night, strictly speaking, it is the third day of the exam. The health bracelet issued by the school also has the function of a watch. You can see the time. It is already three in the morning, which is when people sleep the deepest.

At such times, deep sleepers are often not easily awakened, and are best suited to do some sneaky things. In the Class D camp, the spy of Class C, Ibuki, who was taken in, quietly opened his eyes.

When she was in the camp today, she had carefully observed that there were forty people in Class D, and only Karuizawa Megumi was the only girl who had been close to the lake stronghold and took out a magnetic card to make an occupation. .

From this, Ibuki can be sure that Karuizawa Megumi must be the leader arranged by Class D! To this end, Ibuki still spent a lot of hands and feet to get into a tent with Karuizawa and other small groups.

Although Ibuki was very puzzled, why the D class, which was united by Gongliang Che, was so unguarded, not only let her, an outsider from the class, walk and watch at will, but even when Karuizawa went to occupy the stronghold, there was no one around to cover it.

But no matter what, Ibuki is considered to have completed half of his espionage mission. Now he just needs to find an opportunity to steal the key card of Karuizawa's leader and take a picture in the field, even if he is done.

Longyuan had spent all the special test points before, not only buying recreational items such as motorcycles and small refrigerators, but also digital cameras.

It was buried under a tree in the forest by Ibuki.

Waking up in the early morning is also to try and test first, to figure out where Karuizawa usually puts his key card, and then he can do better.

Ibuki gently moved out of the quilt. Due to the school's restrictions, the students had no quilt to cover at all, and could only make do with a sports jacket, so Ibuki moved out very easily.

Stepping on the sanitary products that covered the ground, I came to Karuizawa quietly and silently. I have to say that the sanitary products that Class D laid on the floor for the quality of sleep happened to be the guarantee of Ibuki's silent action.

On top of Karuizawa's head, there is a small backpack, which should contain two sets of clothes, but this is a personal item that the school allows students to bring on the uninhabited island.

Ibuki opened the backpack without any effort. As soon as he opened it, he could feel a hard card. With the help of the weak light of the health bracelet, Ibuki was very surprised. This was indeed the leader's key card, and it also had Karuizawa's name written on it!

Under the card, Ibuki used the fluorescence of the health bracelet to find that Karuizawa's clothes were still pressed under the leader's key card. Suddenly, she had a small plan to destroy the cohesion of Class D.


Early in the morning, everyone in Class D woke up one after another, greeted each other, and washed briefly with lake water. Many girls complained that they couldn't take care of their skin, but they only complained a little, and soon began to prepare breakfast.

Only Karuizawa, who returned to the tent after washing her face, seemed to be burning her eyebrows and hurriedly found Gongliang Che. Gongliang Che was still in the tent, and the other boys went out to drain the water.

He woke up earlier, he didn't need to wait in line, and he had nothing to do now, so he huddled in the tent and waited for Karuizawa, he knew she would come.

As soon as Karuizawa came in, he saw that the other boys were not there, so he hurriedly sat opposite Gongliang Che with an angry look on his face: "This side of the boys' tent, did anyone go out last night?"

"I, I have something missing... Maybe, maybe some boy in our class stole it."

"You mean this?" Gongliang Che wanted to laugh, opened his small backpack and took out a pure white.

Karuizawa was like being filled with a bottle of red wine, and a shy crimson quickly rose on his face: "This...why are you here? You, could it be..."

Did Gongliang Che steal it? Thinking of this possibility, Karuizawa's heart seemed to be on fire, restless, and the previous appearance of asking for guilt had disappeared, and she shyly shy.

How can this man be like this! She stole it without saying a word. If he wanted it, she wouldn't refuse... But it has to be negotiated. How can you steal it directly on your own initiative? How embarrassing it is...

"What are you thinking?" Gongliang Che angrily raised his other hand, which was not holding the clothes, and tapped Karuizawa's head.

There was a hint of surprise in my heart, this honey-colored hair is so smooth, remember that she didn't wash her hair two days ago? Is this natural hair?

Being knocked by Gongliang Che like this, Karuizawa regained some sense of sanity, restrained his blushing cheeks that were too hot, and asked in an uncertain tone: "That's it, Ibuki?"

Since it wasn't made by Gongliang Che, and this thing was in Gongliang Che's hands, if Karuizawa insisted on suspecting it, he could only suspect the member of the foreign class who arrived yesterday.

After all, Karuizawa has a very high status in the class. Even a boy in class D who is not very smart in adolescence can't steal her, right? Risk is too great.

So what are the rest of the girls doing by stealing her clothes? Neuropathy? After thinking about it, only Ibuki was the most suspicious, not to mention Ibuki just happened to live in their tent.

"Not bad." Gongliang Che answered this question sincerely: "Last night, I also found out that she crept into my tent and stuffed your clothes into my backpack."

"Maybe on the one hand, you want to make a big noise when you wake up and destroy the current cohesion of Class D. On the other hand, you also hope to damage my image and make me no longer respected by the rest of the students in Class D."

"In order to cheat Longyuan, I deliberately pretended to be asleep and didn't catch her on the spot."

"Why is this?!" Karuizawa was very angry: "How dare she attack you at night?! Is a girl shameless?!"

"??" Gongliang Che is really confused, isn't it, what Karuizawa cares about is that Ibuki came to his tent last night? Instead of caring about the pure white? How did the brain develop? !

Seemingly seeing Gongliang Che's look at the ghost, Karuizawa hurriedly turned his head away, not daring to look at each other: "Actually, I'm actually mad at her for stealing from me to frame you."

She actually indirectly became a prop for others to persecute Gongliang Che? Thinking of this, Karuizawa has no choice but to go out now and find Ibuki for a royal PK.

"It doesn't matter, everything is in the plan, just pretend that nothing happens." Gongliang Che comforted Karuizawa and handed it out: "Take it back."

Karuizawa blinked his sapphire blue eyes, tangled and questioned, and wanted to reach out to take it, but he didn't know what to hesitate: "You really want to give it back to me?"

Gongliang Che's face couldn't stop twitching, and if he didn't return it to Karuizawa, what did he want this thing for? to generate electricity?

Suddenly, Karuizawa took it and put it directly into his pocket, with a kind of shy and timid scarlet on his charming and pretty face: "No, no."

"Sure enough, it's better to return it to me first, otherwise, I won't have to change it."

"If you really want this clothing... After the exam is over and back on the cruise, I can, I can secretly get it for you..."

Gongliang Che finally couldn't help raising his hand and knocked on Karuizawa's forehead again, he really couldn't understand this person's strange brain circuit. *

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