In the face of Longyuan's hypocritical explanation, Gongliang Che didn't take it to heart at all: "Don't get excited, Longyuan, I'm not prepared to use the contract here."

Long Yuan's heart was relieved for a while, and he felt that he was really a double eagle in the living (PS: The Three Kingdoms are very popular in Sakurajima), not only the perfect solution to Gongliang Che's contract that extremely restricts him, but also let Gongliang Che not find himself There's another purpose here, it's just perfect.

"If you don't want to hand over your points, then wait for the results of the exam. I'll leave first." After saying that, Gongliang Che took Horikita and prepared to leave.

Horikita didn't understand how twisted and twisted the secret confrontation between Ryuyuan and Gongliang Che was in front of him. He just felt that it was a waste of time. Why did he go out to spy on information twice, and why did it become a rip-off? She was really puzzled.

Seeing that the two were about to leave, Longyuan lay down silently, enjoying the sunbathing again, while Ishizaki, who was beside him, secretly followed out nervously and stopped in front of Gongliang Che and Horikita.

Horikita frowned, not understanding why this Ryuuen follower came here, while Gongliang Che asked Ishizaki to speak directly.

Ishizaki didn't dare to hide it: "Yes, it is like this, Gongliang-kun, Kaneda and Ibuki from our class, look, look... I can't stand Ryuuen's use of test points like this, and he was kicked out by Ryuuen."

"Now, I don't know where, if, if Gongliang-kun or someone from Class D sees them, can you help me spread a word? Just say that they come back and kneel down with Longyuan to admit their mistakes, and Longyuan can let go of the past?"

"It's an uninhabited island forest after all. If something goes wrong, it would be too bad."

Gongliang Che wanted to laugh a little. Jin Tian and Ibuki were the spy that Ryuuen sent out to spy on other classes, trying to deceive other classes by 'driving them out', so that it would be easier for the spies to gain trust?

After giving Ishizaki a positive answer, Gongliang Che took Horikita back to the camp. The girl was very depressed and unwilling along the way.

Horikita didn't play a role before, but now he wants to use his brain power to speculate on the leadership of the rest of the class, but he finds that there is absolutely no room for action.

Class A is the tortoise shell of the iron king, and Class C is absurd to give up the exam. How can she judge this? Along the way, she asked several times whether Gongliang Che really knew that the leaders of Class A and Class C would propose a deal, but Gongliang Che smiled and didn't answer, which made Horikita hold his breath even more.

Is it just a coincidence or premeditated?

When Gongliang Che and Horikita successfully returned to the camp, they just saw what the class D class was arguing about. Looking closely, it turned out that it was Ibuki who was kicked out of the class C camp by Ryuuen, as Ishizaki said earlier. was brought back to the D class camp by Kushida.

Ibuki is quite slender, not the size of Sakura or Ichinose that crushes the entire academy. Her navy blue short ear-length hair makes her look quite neat.

Both the hair and the sports jacket are stained with a lot of soil. It seems that this period of time on the uninhabited island is very difficult, but even so, the face still maintains a determined look, just like the ancient gladiatorial arena. General fighter.

Gongliang Che is not surprised, why does a high school girl have such an expression, as far as he knows, this Ibuki seems to be the daughter of a samurai family, and it is estimated that she was carefully raised by her family since she was a child, right?

And what everyone in Class D was arguing about was whether to take Ibuki or not.

The classmates headed by Hirata and Kushida felt that Ibuki was too pitiful, and was kicked out of the class. It was too dangerous to be left alone in the jungle. I hoped that Ibuki could stay in the D class camp.

On the other hand, some of the boys on Sudou's side were full of vigilance, thinking that no matter how pitiful they were, they were all members of the outside class, and they might do something that would endanger the interests of Class D.

Ibuki just stood there so coldly, with a look of fortitude mixed with anguish: "I didn't ask you to take it in. If you can, just provide me with some drinking water and food. I haven't eaten for more than a day."

"I'll leave after I finish eating, and I won't cause any trouble for your Class D."

"Why is this?" Hirata, the good and bad guy, really couldn't bear it: "Otherwise, Ibuki-san, you should stay, and the classmates should help each other."

In the depths of Kushida's eyes, there was a trace of impatience, probably thinking 'If you want to leave, just leave and stop bbw', on the surface, he continued to play the role of an angel like a good person: "Yes, Ibuki-san, you are stay."

"It's really too dangerous for a girl to persist for the remaining five and a half days in such an uninhabited island forest."

While persuading sweetly, Kushida put his hands into his pockets and clenched them into fists. If he hadn't gone out to pick herbs, he found Ibuki lying on the side of the road, just by his classmates. Ibuki brought it back.

In a place where no one is around, Kushida cares about her life and death?

Sudou was a little unhappy when he heard the words of the two popular people in the class. He wanted to refute a few words, but happened to see Gongliang Che, and immediately seemed to have the backbone: "Gongliang! This way! You too! Say a few words?"

"Let her stay." Gongliang Che came to look for the sound, and gave a direct answer. Since Longyuan was so troublesome, he sent the spy to Class D, so he had to make use of it, otherwise, how could he get into Longyuan? ?

In order to avoid raising a free-spirited spy, Gongliang Che did not have the slightest sense that he had just gone to the C-class camp to rub a coconut: "However, she has to help her with the work, picking fruit, herbs or processing. , she has to help."

"Ah?" Sudou was dumbfounded. He originally thought that Gongliang Che must be as vigilant as him, but Sudou was still convinced of Gongliang Che: "Well, that's okay, Gongliang, you said so, there should be no problem. ."

Ibuki secretly glanced at Gongliang Che while no one around was paying attention. His eyes were deeply guarded. The leader of Class D, who made Ryuuen and Ishizaki a big loss, was so good at talking? Let her in without questioning? Could it be a scam?

Ibuki's little spy, at this moment, his heart has begun to tremble.

After all, in order to deceive Gongliang Che, she practiced and recited many times before. Last night, she practiced in front of the mirror for three hours, just to develop a helpless and bitter expression, hoping not to be seen through.

But what's the matter, now Gongliang Che let her sneak into Class D without asking a question? Fucking ah? This is not at all comfortable, is it?

Therefore, Ibuki can only be on guard all the time, learning the operation of the girls in class D, helping to process some tableware, and at the same time glancing vaguely, hoping to find out who will go to the edge of the lake and contact that stronghold during this time!

"Ah, it looks like this is Class D's camp." After Ibuki's matter was settled, Class D started to work together with laughter and laughter. It was quiet for about half an hour, and there were two more visitors from outside the forest. this lake.

What caught the attention of everyone in Class D was Kanzaki Ryuji, who had a relationship on the cruise ship before, and the leader of Class B, Hobami Ichinose.

Presumably, Class B is also actively running to pass this exam. *

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