The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 707: Helpless enemy

Facing the sudden sound in the valley, the players of the arrogant alliance turned their heads, and suddenly saw the team in the distance.

"Rush over and kill them all!" The head of the sub-group gave the order loudly, and at the same time quickly contacted the commanders.


While shouting loudly, hundreds of arrogant alliance players brandished their weapons and rushed to the end of the valley.


Suddenly, there was a strange sound of water in the sky, the sky was splashing with water mist, and raindrops like rainstorms continued to fall, and the hundreds of players who were rushing were suddenly drenched.

Before they could understand what was going on, a wave of water fell rapidly from the top of their heads, like a high-pressure water gun. The tumbling water wave suddenly rushed the front row of players back and knocked down a group of teammates behind them. The call suddenly resounded throughout the valley!

A huge water curtain fell from the sky, covering the entire valley mouth at once, and even half of the statue was covered by the water curtain. The huge waves of water continued to rush forward, quickly forming a large area of ​​water on the ground...

This time, Qing Bing'er did not give up after experimenting. Instead, according to Mo Xie's instructions, he simply reversed the two water columns, forming a large waterfall just in front of the valley. The huge water waves were mixed with Qianjun. With the momentum, all players who rushed to the front were easily rushed directly and rolled back continuously.

In an instant, all the arrogant Alliance players turned into a pot of porridge. At this time, where there was still a forward mood, they quickly stepped back to avoid the rushing spray.

The situation in the triangular valley is slightly better. The terrain here is the highest. After the waterfall descends, the water is gushing towards the low-lying place, but Mo Xie and his teammates have no effect.

Large swaths of water rush forward rapidly, quickly turning the outside of the valley into puddles, and the water is still rising rapidly, spreading towards the periphery of the map...


The water curtain was splashing, and the muffled sound resounded across the map of General Tomb...


In the valley, the roar of anger continued to sound. In the huge sarcophagus, two huge arms covered with rotting green hair suddenly stretched out, making the beauties hide behind Mo Xie, Mo Xiaolang and others in fright.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a BOSS." Mo Xiaolang quickly comforted.

The task has been triggered, and the BOSS is about to show up, they must hurry up and kill this guy, and then leave immediately.

According to the setting of the system, this is a trial boss of a team of 20 people. The strength should not be too bad, but it is definitely not that easy to fight.

Seeing two big green hairs holding on to the sides of the sarcophagus, a huge body slowly stood up. It was a dry giant corpse with only half of its head left. The other half seemed to have been taken from the sarcophagus in battle. Cut into two halves from top to bottom, each image is crippled!

As the BOSS slowly sat up, countless transparent holes could be seen on its huge body, and it seemed that it had suffered numerous serious injuries before dying.

It was wearing broken iron armor, and two green beams of light were emitted from a pair of green eyes. Its general's helmet had long disappeared, but it was wearing long hair, looking coldly at the player team in front of it.

"Who disturbed my peace, ah, my head hurts, I want revenge!" The angry roar sounded again, and the tall figure slowly stood up.

Looking at the huge figure of the BOSS, Mo Xie knew that the battle was about to begin.

"Brother Wolf, you go to attract the blame, try his strength, if you can't hold it back, immediately retreat." Moxie said.

"Don't worry, I am not before." Mo Xiaolang said confidently.

Now he, after the continuous purchase of level 30 dungeons, his whole body is all purple suits, plus he was originally a professional master, he will only be excited when he meets the BOSS, without the slightest fear.

Mo Xiaolang was holding the shield, ready to rush forward, waiting for the boss to leave the sarcophagus.

Under Mo Xie's wave of gestures, the other teammates immediately dispersed, scattered on both sides of the valley, ready to output firepower at any time.

Mo Xiaoyu stood in the backward position in the middle, holding a short cane in her hand, and the green light was shining, and she had begun to help her husband in various states...


The roar of anger resounded throughout the valley. Far away, the people of the arrogant alliance could also hear clearly, knowing that these guys had begun to deal with the boss, but facing the huge waterfall that fell from the sky, not only could they not get close, they had to look for it. A safe location to avoid higher and higher water levels.

The waterfall flows down here for a long time, and the entire map of the General Tomb will become a piece of water!

But they have nothing to do with the enemies close at hand...

At this time, the commander of the arrogant alliance also learned the news, and hurriedly led all the legions to the end of the map to support, but when they saw a large swath of water rushing, everyone was stunned. .

"Fuck, what's the situation?" a commander asked with his mouth wide open.

"How do I know that this is troublesome, how did they come up with this method, who told me that there is such a big waterfall on the top of the cliff?" Another commander said puzzled.

"What are you doing in a daze, all rush to me, I will go offline and contact President Luo!" The commander-in-chief standing in the front roared angrily.


With the order given, the densely arrogant alliance players immediately rushed forward and joined the hundreds of people staying in front of the waterfall.

But looking at the rushing water at their feet, as long as they jump off the mountain bag, they will be directly washed away. Where would they dare to move forward?

Faced with such a dangerous environment, a group of people stood there stupidly and had no way...

Moreover, the flow of the waterfall is too large, and the water level at the mouth of the valley has been increased by half a meter in a short while, and it is still increasing.

Looking at the large mountain packs being gradually submerged by running water, a group of commanders knew that their opponents were powerless, and they had to order the retreat quickly, otherwise more than 10,000 people would also be submerged in the mountain packs!

As for the map of General Tomb, the entire terrain is low, like a huge funnel. The exit is very narrow, which is more conducive to the rise of the water level. If there is no other way, the entire map will become a vast ocean...

The terrain here was carefully explored by Mo Xie. Only the triangular valley is the area where the tomb is located. The terrain belongs to the highest part of the map. Unless the rapid current floods the general tomb, it will eventually flood back, and the sarcophagus will also be completely submerged.

The situation is now in favor of Moxie's side, they can just deal with the boss with peace of mind.


The roar of anger continued, the huge zombie general held his head, strode out of the sarcophagus, and stared at the group of players in front of him.

"I'll go up and see the situation first." Mo Xiaolang held his shield, locked onto the body of the boss not far away, and immediately activated his charge skills.


A purple afterimage rushed forward quickly, just hitting the BOSS's right thigh, making a muffled sound.

The shock retreat effect of the charge skill appeared, and the huge body of the BOSS staggered backward for half a step, then angrily waved his arms and swept towards Mo Xiaolang.

But he was prepared for a long time, stepped sideways and leaned back, cleverly avoiding the attack, and then with a wave of his shield, a yellow halo hit the BOSS body.

A yellow halo suddenly lit up on its head, and the taunting state took effect immediately.

"You can attack, be careful of the hatred state and the boss group attack." Mo Xie roared loudly, waving a ball of black smoke quickly flying out...

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