The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 387: Mystery contract

Mo Xie told all the things he knew about the Temple of Life to the saint of the Light Element Protoss.

Seeing her leaning in horror and her angry expression, he instantly understood that his plan was correct. There really were huge differences within the Protoss, and there were also close connections between the six veins.

The most important thing is that the Light Element Protoss and the Life Protoss are indeed two friendly alliances.

Now that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, the disaster that allies have encountered has also made this saint full of vigilance against the Flame Protoss. Mo Xie's plan to instigate discord and find a way to get out seems to have been halfway smoothly.

"Damn the flame temple, actually did such a nasty thing!" The saint Qingxi raised her arm angrily, and a golden sword suddenly appeared in her palm, just like when she threatened Moxie just now.

But as she waved her arms, Mo Xie instantly showed countless golden lights and shadows in front of her eyes, and an innumerable golden long sword flew around. With the golden light shining, the sound of bombardment suddenly sounded around...

Boom boom boom!

All the surrounding trees that were hit by the golden lightsaber were instantly cut into two pieces. Mo Xie was stunned to see the tragic scene when countless big trees fell...

Let me go, the saint of the Light Element Protoss, the strength is so powerful!

Mo Xie looked at the back of the slender beauty in front of him, and was really frightened.

Fortunately, there are system restrictions that prevent the saint from actively attacking the players, otherwise who can stop her wave of the arm?

The myth level is really extraordinary, and a large-scale killing can be launched with just a gesture...

"Master Saint, I have already told you all about the situation, now you don't need to take me to the Temple of Flames, right?" Mo Xie asked nervously.

"What you said is very important. I must inform the master as soon as possible. Otherwise, the experience of the Temple of Life will most likely fall on us or other temples. So I will not take you to the Temple of Flames, but you I must go to the Holy Light Temple with me, and re-describe what you just told me to our head teacher." Saint Ching Hee said thoughtfully.

"Ah... Going to the Holy Light Temple?" Mo Xie opened his mouth wide, feeling abnormally helpless.

Although he was very curious about the true appearance of these Protoss temples, he still had a lot of things to do, especially the establishment of tribes and level 30 copies, which were all waiting for him to unfold step by step.

Going to the Holy Light Temple now would at least waste a lot of time.

"To be able to worship in the temple is a supreme honor for you humble humans! It seems that you are still a little unwilling to look at you?" Saint Ching Hee asked coldly.

"No...Master Saint, can we go there later, I still have a lot to do." Mo Xie explained quickly.

"With your current strength, you can't even enter the gate of the Temple Mount. The deity will have to wait for you to be level 30 before he can take you to the head teacher." Saint Ching Xi said coldly.

"What? It takes 30 to enter the temple?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"The humble human, the deity will let you go today, but you must sign a contract with me to ensure the safety of the Life Orb, and upgrade to level 30 as soon as possible. Once you meet the strength requirements, you must go to a designated location. I'll take you back to the temple." Saint Ching Hee turned her beautiful eyes and finally thought of a proper way.

As long as the contract is signed, this guy can no longer play tricks.

It should be understood that the system contract cannot be signed casually. Once the contract is signed, the system will fully supervise the contract. If the contract is signed between the two parties, once the contract is signed, the two parties must complete the contract in any case. If there is an accident, the system will directly carry out the cruelty. The punishment may even lead to the direct death of one.

The contract between players is also regulated by the system. If someone violates the contract, the system will forcefully deduct the contract conditions. Players who cannot meet the conditions will also be severely punished.

The so-called contract system is actually a mandatory regulation set by the government in the virtual world to bind both parties to the contract.

This kind of contractual conditions in the virtual world makes all players feel very relieved. With its existence, players no longer have to worry about transactions being deceived, or breaching accounts and other common violations in reality.

Because the contract in the virtual world, if it is a commercial transaction, the system will first deduct the contract conditions involved by both parties, and will automatically distribute to both parties until the contract is successfully reached.

For example, there is a player who wants to buy a high-value item from Moxiexiang, but has not yet been able to get it. As long as the two parties have confirmed the price and officially signed the contract, the two parties must first hand over the agreed amount of gold coins to the system for safekeeping. .

In other words, if the buyer and seller pay the same amount of payment, Moxie’s share is called a margin. If the transaction cannot be concluded, this is the contract penalty for compensation to the other party.

If Moxie fails to obtain the item within the time specified in the contract and hand it over to the system for contract determination, the system will transfer his money to the other party.

But if Mo Xie succeeds in getting the agreed item, even if he doesn't want to give it to the other party, the system will immediately lock the item, complete the contract content by himself, and send two copies of the payment to Mo Xie's mailbox...

This is the advantage of mandatory agreement. After signing the contract, both parties cannot go back.

Of course, the compensation conditions of this kind of commercial contract do not necessarily require the other party to take out the same figure as the mortgage. As long as the two parties determine the compensation and punishment conditions and include the content of the contract, they are also protected by the contract.

The system only accepts the conditions that it can handle. The absurd contract content cannot be submitted normally, and it is finally established.

What surprised Mo Xie now was that there was someone who took the initiative to sign a system contract with him...

It can be seen how important all the things he said to Saint Ching Hee about the Temple of Life for the Protoss!

"Well Saintess, since this matter is very important to you, I am also willing to help you." Mo Xie nodded and said.

He understands that he can no longer refuse the other party's request, otherwise this cold and arrogant beauty will definitely be angered, and it will be in trouble.

"Very good, accept the contract." Qingxi Saintess nodded and waved her hand...

Two white beams of light suddenly descended from the sky, covering the body of Mo Xie and this saint in the beam of light.

At this moment, Mo Xie realized that his feet seemed to be nailed to the bamboo raft, unable to move half an inch, but other parts of his body were still normal.

Ding...System: Don’t be sad for the player, Saintess of the Light Race: Qingxi sends you a system contract application. Are you willing to accept it?

Accept it.

Mo Xie knew that he could not refuse, so he nodded and chose to confirm.


As he confirmed accepting the contract, a glare flickered in front of him, and a white system interface quickly popped out...

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