The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 337: Epic difficulty

"Little guy, do you know my current identity and name?" Devil Phoenix Chiyu asked.

"You are a divine beast, I don't see any difference." Mo Xie shook his head and replied.

"Although I am still a divine beast, I have already failed to live up to my name. Because of my serious injury, my current strength has been cut by more than half, and my level is only half of the previous one. After trying my best to set the barrier outside, the remaining power is even The defense of the exclusive domain is no longer enough, so you can come to me unimpeded. But it’s nothing. The most hateful thing is that after the Protoss supported the great prince to ascend the throne, he actually deprived me of the guardian beast. Qualified, and listed me as a hostile demon, it is really a kind of humiliation to me!" Mofeng Akabane said angrily.

"Ah... the title of the devil phoenix above your head is actually a ghost made by the gods?" Mo Xie understood why this is clearly the advanced level of the phoenix beast, and how could it be called the devil phoenix by the system. Such a situation.

"Yes, just like you, I am under the chase order of the Imperial Army Corps. In order to ensure safety, I must recover my injuries as soon as possible." Mofeng Chiyu said.

"God, please tell me, how can I help you?" Mo Xie asked.

"We are in the line of the sacred beast Phoenix, but I am not the only one. I now need you to help me find other clansmen and bring one of them here to help me restore my divine power. Can you do it?" Mofeng Chiyu asked lightly Tao.

"Great God, please rest assured, as long as you give me a little clue, even if the sword is in the wild, I will definitely bring your people to help you heal your injuries!" Mo Xie said sincerely.

"Very well, with your words, I am very relieved of you." Mofeng Chiyu nodded, very satisfied with his answer.

Ding...System: Don’t be sad for players. Congratulations for successfully gaining the trust of the **** beast. Your friendship with the **** beast Mofeng Chiyu increases by 100. You can take the initiative to talk to the gods and get clues for the next mission!

Suddenly, the system prompt jumped out, and Mo Xie stared blankly.

There is actually such a setting?

Only now did Mo Xie understand that in order to receive a mission from a monster of this level, he must also gain the trust of the other party, and only after the friendliness reaches a certain level, can the next mission clue be opened.

There is no such description in the official information. There is a mysterious friendliness system between the player and the beast...

Moxie has played many games, and he has seen a lot of this kind of friendliness.

But now, between the unfinished players and the mythical beasts, there are also hidden friendliness settings, and there must be other uses in it.

If the friendship with a beast reaches a very high level, can the beast be asked to help fight?

The thought of this made Mo Xie's heart excited...

"Little guy, what are you thinking about?" Mofeng Chiyu's voice sounded.

"Great God, please give your instructions." Mo Xie immediately recovered. Now that the friendliness of the system prompt has been reached, he can open the mission clues of the beast at any time.

"Very well, since you are ready, I will give you some clues." Mofeng Chiyu nodded and said with satisfaction.

Ding...System: Congratulations to the players, don’t be sad. You successfully launched a special plot mission to rescue the divine beast. The Demon Phoenix Chiyu asks you to find a Phoenix divine beast as soon as possible and bring it back to the Outer Demon Realm to rescue the divine beast. carry out!

Mission requirements: Find another phoenix beast, and successfully achieve his (her) favorability, and bring him (her) to rescue the devil phoenix Akabane.

Mission success: Devil Phoenix Akabane's injury is healed, the mission success reward is unknown.

Mission failure: Self-level is over 50 or Devil Phoenix Akabane dies, if both meet either, the penalty for mission failure is unknown.

The system task information popped out, and two command options of yes and no appeared in front of Mo Xie's eyes.


Of course, Mo Xie would not miss such a rare task, so he immediately decided to confirm.


The golden light shone, the information interface disappeared, and Mo Xie's task icon flashed a circle of golden light. As the task interface opened, a line of scarlet font displayed the task options, and it appeared before his eyes!

I go, how is an epic difficulty mission!

Looking at the crimson mission display in front of him, Mo Xie was completely stunned...

You know, most of the tasks he received were green, blue, and purple, and there was only one golden perfect difficulty task, which was to find the whereabouts of the holy princess.

But the task he received now was an epic task that surpassed the perfect difficulty...

The so-called epic level is already the task clues of the **** level difficulty that players can receive, and further up there are only disaster level tasks displayed in colorful fonts.

Disaster-level missions are limited to large-scale mission scenarios, such as extremely difficult mission requirements such as national warfare or regional warfare.

In other words, the highest task difficulty players can receive is only this kind of epic task...

Isn’t it just to find another phoenix beast and bring it here to heal the devil phoenix Akabane? How can it be difficult to be judged as epic by the system?

The situation is a bit bad!

Looking at the crimson mission font, Mo Xie, who thought this mission shouldn't be too difficult, was completely at a loss now.

"Little guy, thank you for your willingness to help me heal my injury, but there is a word I want to tell you in advance, our Phoenix line is called the undead bird, when our lives are in desperation, we can choose to turn into golden eggs. Rebirth, after rebirth, we will lose all the memories of the previous life, but our lives are endless. Therefore, the Phoenix line has not been very prosperous for a long time, and the number of clansmen is very few." Mofeng Chiyu said with a smile.

"You mean, it will be very difficult to find your people?" Mo Xie understood the situation and felt panic in his heart.

The phoenix is ​​indeed called the undead bird again. When their lives come to an end, they will exhaust all their divine power and burn a raging flame, while it transforms into a golden egg and breaks its shell in the fire. Come out and become the new sacred beast Phoenix.

This kind of rebirth from the ashes is called Phoenix Nirvana in the myth...

"Yes, I have a younger sister, the Goddess of Fire Phoenix you mentioned earlier, but she has been separated from me for a long time, and she has been born again in Nirvana in battles with other beasts, and I can't remember this for a long time. My brother exists, so even if you find her, you may not be able to ask her to come and save me." Mofeng Chiyu said.

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