The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 292: Strength increase

Large tracts of strange fish were entangled by the vines, and they resumed their normal actions three seconds later and continued to rush towards the bottom of the lake frantically.

And the strange fish that was hit by an arrow also rushed to the location where Liana was hiding, but did not find that among the water weeds, there were densely covered with large silver nets and countless long, messy ropes. ...

"The monster is here, everyone spread out and let them enter the trap." Mo Xiaolang waved his hand and issued an order.

"Got it." The four immediately dispersed, hiding in the nearby aquatic grass, waiting excitedly for the monsters to come to the door automatically...


Mo Xie also officially rushed into the water weeds, and immediately passed through the traps densely covered with iron nets and steel nails, and hid on one side of the safety zone.


A muffled sound came not far from him. The strange fish chasing Lianna suddenly rushed into the large iron net. The fast speed caused it to be immediately entangled by a large net, waiting for it to struggle When I got out, I found that my body was tangled indiscriminately by ropes. If I wanted to rush out, I had to pull up all the large water plants...

The poor strange fish is still struggling frantically, but the more it struggles, the tighter it is wrapped in iron nets and ropes. Numerous steel nails continue to plunge into its body, and a series of red damage values ​​continue to float out!

The tragic experience of this strange fish did not affect the sprint speed of other strange fish in the slightest. I saw the dim lake bottom, and countless silver lights fell like bombs on the water grass area. Every time the silver light hits the ground, it can stir up a piece of muddy water. The sand is flying everywhere at the bottom of the lake!

Boom boom boom!

The muffled sound was like thunder, continuously emitting from the bottom of the lake. Six players hid in the nearby water plants, watching with excitement what happened around...

Gradually, the muddy water at the bottom of the lake is slowly clearing, but there are still many areas where the water is still swaying, and the huge fish tail swings wildly.

"They can't move, they are ready to attack." Mo Xiaolang spotted the timing and issued the order again.

"Understand." The excited squad players immediately got out of the water weeds, brandished their weapons and rushed to their side viciously not far away...

Within the grass, among countless rocks, silver iron nets and countless ropes bound a giant, immobile fish, like a lamb to be slaughtered.

The players immediately attacked these monsters. When the opponent cannot fight back, all they have to do is to clear the monster's life bar...

Even the three low-level new teammates attacked the monsters without hesitation.

Mo Xie held a short ruler and kept waving black smoke balls, hitting the silver monster in front of him, still regretful in his heart, but it was a pity that the steel angry ape could not be summoned here, and the demon spirit value was wasted.

But in order to quickly upgrade the level, he can't care much now.

The six attacked frantically, constantly changing the health of more than twenty silver monster fish, and bursts of black light flashed everywhere in the dark green water plants...

Everyone's experience bar is rising frantically, this kind of concentrated killing method, the experience value is also very fast, making them all smiles.

However, there are things that surprise them even more.

"Wow, what a huge experience point, I have gone up by 7 experience bars this time!" Lianna smiled excitedly.

"Me too, if I keep practicing like this, I can rise to level 22 today." Ouyang Jiaojiao smiled.

"It looks like we can reach 20 tomorrow, and we can do job transfer tasks." Mo Xiaoyu nodded and said.

"Look, everyone, there seems to be something exploded under those strange fish corpses." Mo Xiaoyuan said in surprise.

"What's so strange, isn't it just the map and materials used to make the buoy, you haven't seen it before." Lianna smiled.

"No, it's a green light group, not like a map or material." Mo Xiaoyuan quickly explained.

"What? Has any equipment burst out?" Everyone hurried to the corpse of the strange fish, and began to look carefully one by one...

This time in the team, Mo Xie was the captain, but in order to centrally collect the materials exploded by the strange fish, he did not enable the automatic pickup and distribution function. Now the spoils exploded after the monsters are killed can only be picked up by the players themselves.

Hearing Mo Xiaoyuan's voice, Mo Xie also curiously walked to the corpse of the strange fish next to him, and began to look closely...

But after inspecting several monster corpses, in addition to picking up a lot of materials and maps, he also picked up one or two copper coins, but he didn't see any trophies.

But for him, as long as the monster can explode a copper plate after death, it means that the explosion rate is already good.

According to the system setting, after the monster is killed by the player, it will randomly explode copper coin equipment or some other debris, and rarely explode two different types of loot at the same time.

After finding a few copper coins, he suddenly lost his interest. When he was about to activate the Devourer Soul skill to control the monster's corpse, he suddenly heard exclamations of three beautiful women in the grass beside him...

"Xiao Mo, come and see, the props have really come out, they are of excellent quality!" Ouyang Jiaojiao's excited voice immediately attracted his attention.

He hurriedly swam to the area where his teammates gathered and found five figures surrounded by a monster fish corpse, seeming to be looking at something...

When Mo Xie approached, they found them around Lianna, watching her holding a green halo in her book...

In the green halo, there was a quaint green jade ring with the mark of a ferocious fish.

"Xiao Mo, the excellent level 20 ring jewelry, look at it!" Lianna hurriedly posted a screenshot of the ring's attributes on the team channel.

Excellent quality of bloodthirsty jade ring


Level: 20

Occupation: no limit

Physical Attack: 6-9

Magic attack: 6-9

Strength +2

"Not bad, the attribute bonus for the ring with the attack is also very high." Ouyang Jiaojiao said in surprise.

"It's really good. The current players are not high-level, the equipment is not good, and the attack attributes are very low, but this ring actually blesses 6 to 9 points of attack, and it also comes with 2 points of strength. It is considered the best jewelry for attack. "Mo Xiaolang nodded and said.

"Well, if anyone can equip two such rings, the attack power will be top-notch at the moment." Mo Xiaoyu said.

"It seems that the monsters at the bottom of the lake seem to have exploded this kind of ring, but we also killed a lot of strange fish on the shore, but we didn't even explode a copper coin. Why did we kill the first one underwater? A group of strange fish, the ring of excellent quality appeared?" Mo Xiaoyuan asked in confusion, as if he had already thought of something.

"You suspect that this kind of strange fish can only increase the burst rate if it is killed in the water, and the spoils that burst will also exceed a quality?" Mo Xiaolang asked with a smile.

"I just doubt it, maybe it was just because of good luck this time that this kind of ring burst out." Mo Xiaoyuan said with no certainty.

Seeing Lianna excitedly equip the ring she just got, a green jade ring shining with a faint green light suddenly appeared on her snow-white fingers, and the blood-red strange fish mark was particularly dazzling on the ring.

"Wow, my attacks have increased a lot." Lianna looked at her character attributes in surprise and exclaimed with a smile.

"Sorry, you have to fight monsters harder with the ring." Ouyang Jiaojiao said enviously.

"Hey, I've always been very active in Daguai." Lianna smiled.

"Don't worry, since the bloodthirsty silver electricity here can explode ring-like equipment, as long as we level up with peace of mind, we will definitely get this kind of ring." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Yes, we have killed a few strange fish on the shore, not to mention that we have never seen the copper plate, and we have not seen any trophies except materials and maps. Since we killed the monster for the first time at the bottom of the lake, it burst out. This kind of ring can only prove one point. If this fish monster is killed under the water, the explosion rate will increase substantially.” Mo Xie analyzed.

"I agree with Xiao Mo's point of view, and now only this explanation can explain the problem." Mo Xiaoyu nodded.

"Whether it's right or not, we will understand soon." Mo Xiaoyuan smiled.

"Everyone cleans the battlefield, and then continues to arrange traps. I use the Devourer Soul skills to attract monsters." Mo Xie waved his short ruler, locked the monster corpse in front of him, turned into a cloud of black smoke and flew directly forward...

Ding...System: Don’t be sad for the player. Congratulations on your successful use of your skills. Since you are equipped with special auxiliary props, Life Orb, your transformation form has no time limit except for exiting the game system. You can choose to actively exit the skill state. !

Mo Xie turned into black smoke and just rushed into the monster corpse, once again turning himself into a strange fish, suddenly a system prompt popped out in front of him.

His eyes lit up when he saw the content shown above...

The Pearl of Life has this benefit?

The last time he turned into a strange fish and entered the lake bottom for an expedition, he was inexplicably unable to dissolve the shape, until he finally found the treasure chest in the secret grid of the statue and got the letter and this bead, and then he understood everything.

From last time to now, this is the first time he has used the Devourer Soul skill. He didn't expect the Life Orb to have such a wonderful function...

In other words, as long as the Life Orb is on him, and later using the Devourer Soul skill, he can completely ignore the skill time limit and transform for as long as he wants, as long as he is online.

That's awesome!

Mo Xie was very excited. After a little familiarity with the control of this monster's body, under the surprised gaze of several teammates, the fish tail began to swim.

"Xiao Mo is really comfortable, and he can become a fish swimming underwater." Ouyang Jiaojiao sighed.

"In the entire unfinished combat profession, there are only two professions that can control the monster's body, and Xiao Mo's demon wise man is one of them." Mo Xiaolang smiled.

"What's the situation with another occupation?" Lianna asked curiously.

"You will know in the future, another profession needs the second turn to master this skill." Mo Xiaolang seemed unwilling to talk about this topic.

Although Mo Xie was also very curious, he understood that Mo Xiaolang was once the guild president of the professional guild. The game company must have given them some internal information, but they must also be required to make a promise of confidentiality and not to disclose what they know. anyone.

He didn't want to say it now, and Mo Xie stopped asking.

The five teammates were busy cleaning up all the monster corpses, and packed all the exploded material map, copper coins and other trophies into the package.

This time, Mo Xiaoyuan had better luck, and he found a bloodthirsty ring again from under the corpse of a strange fish entangled in a net bag at the farthest point...

It's just that the ring he picked up was only in the shape of white jade, and the quality was just an ordinary prop.

Based on past habits, Mo Xiaoyuan didn't use the spoils he picked up directly, but gave it to Mo Xiaolang to distribute according to the old rules.

Mo Xie couldn't help but sigh in his eyes, the professional guild really has a clear chance, if it is an ordinary player squad, where the loot will be handed over to others.

This also made him feel a touch. There is no rule and no circle. Since this team has been formally established now, everything must be handled in accordance with the rules in the future, otherwise it is easy to cause conflicts.

"Another ring was found. Although the quality is a bit poor, it is enough to prove that our guess is correct. This ring blesses 3-5 points of attack. I think it will be used by beautiful women. The output in the team can only Depend on you two." Mo Xiaolang smiled and handed the ring to his wife and asked her to pass it to Ouyang Jiaojiao...

After all, the ring can't be given away randomly, let alone his wife is by his side.

Ouyang Jiaojiao excitedly accepted the ring and thanked him repeatedly, and couldn't wait to equip it...

The elf wizard has more control skills and a lot of weaker attacks. A ring can finally help her supplement her attack power.

The discovery of the second ring made Mo Xie more sure of his guess.

He lay down in the grass, waiting for his teammates to quickly recover the trap area, and waiting for the monster bodies to refresh.

It didn't take long for the five teammates to quickly restore the trap area. With the faint silver light flashing, all the monster bodies disappeared.

Mo Xie immediately swung the fish's tail, rushed out of the aquatic grass, and quickly swam towards the monster refresh area in the distance...

Another round of killing monsters started. In order to save the use time of the diving buoy, the five teammates accelerated the attack rhythm and kept clearing up the monster fish entangled by the iron net.

The experience bar keeps soaring. The double experience value is much faster than outside leveling. In addition, you can get materials and maps. If you are lucky, you can also burst out ring equipment, which keeps six people in a state of excitement. .

After attracting the blame again and again, Mo Xie shuttled between the aquatic grass and the dim lake...

After a whole afternoon of rapid leveling, this team has become more proficient in cooperation, and its strength has improved a lot from when it first entered the bottom of the lake.

The first is that the levels of the three new teammates have risen rapidly, unknowingly they have risen to level 17!

And Mo Xie finally reached level 23 at about 16:20 in the afternoon, only 2 levels away from level 25, and he was about to start the mission of the anode general...

Secondly, after repeatedly killing monsters, the players will carefully look for the monster's body every time to see if there is any loot.

The system did not disappoint them either. Killing the strange fish underwater can not only explode this kind of jewelry ring, but it also seems that the explosion rate seems pretty good...

After killing twenty or thirty monster fish in each round, teammates can always find one or two rings, but there is no more green quality ring.

After all, the strange fish is just an ordinary monster, and the chance of appearance of the excellent equipment is too low. Just now because of the flood of luck, the green ring appeared across the quality.

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