The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 233: Virtual survival items

This body has reached more than three meters long, the round silver monster fish body is now tightly entangled by the iron net, and the steel angry ape strode the rope to the distance, dragging this The shrinking iron net tightened the big fish's body more tightly.

With the crazy swing of the strange fish, the water on the lake splashed everywhere.

It's a pity that no matter how hard this monster fish is, it still cannot be compared with the steel angry ape with its strength, and can only accept the reality of being dragged to the shore of the lake.

Mo Xie stood aside, holding the rope with the iron hook in his tense hands, ready to use the iron hook to help the pet drag the strange fish, but watching the strange fish wrapped in the iron net was quickly dragged to the shore, he didn't need to go. Worried.

The sound of the water crashed, and the fish on the lake had eaten the jerky. They fled without seeing new food. Hundreds of ripples quickly rushed to the center of the lake, and gradually disappeared without a trace.

The spectacular scene just now has receded, but the strange fish wrapped in the iron net was still struggling desperately, and was dragged by the steel angry ape from the lake to the grass area.

I only saw the silver light shining in the grass. The body was covered with silver scales. The hideous-looking bloodthirsty silver electricity, a pair of blood-red eyes through the iron net, was staring fiercely on Mo Xie's body, as if it would open up at any time Pounced...

"Small, still dare to be fierce now!" Mo Xie laughed, but subconsciously stayed away from this strange fish.

As the rope continued to pull forward, the struggling iron net was pulled farther and farther from the shore of the lake, more than ten meters in length from the shallow water.

Only then did Mo Xie feel relieved, and immediately ordered the pet to stop advancing, and asked it to come back quickly to help deal with the monster.

Ever since, I saw the steel angry ape wielding a giant mace and hammering the strange fish in the iron net. Mo Xie hid behind the pet, waving the short ruler in his hand continuously, and black smoke **** flying towards the poor monster... …

Although the tragic bloodthirsty silver battery looks fierce and large, it is just a monster no matter what. Faced with such a fierce attack, the blood volume on the head suddenly dropped, and it didn't take long to be taken by one person. Pet hangs up quickly.

The monster that left the lake was so easy to clean up, and the experience value for killing this strange fish was double that of monsters of the same level!

Even the spiritual power obtained by the steel angry ape has increased by about twice the number of usual killing monsters...

No way, this monster at the bottom of the lake, why is the experience value so powerful?

Mo Xie didn't pay attention, but only this monster was killed right now. The experience value number he jumped out just now made him see very clearly.

Moreover, he had just fought another level 29 monster by the lake not long ago, those silver-armored rhino monsters.

Like this strange fish, it is a level 29 rhino monster, and its experience value is not so rich...

Could it be that this kind of fish monster that cannot exist on land has twice the experience value of a normal monster?

Does the system really have such a setting...

Mo Xie's eyes lit up, and this inadvertent discovery made him seem to see new hope.

If he guessed right, when the official set the monster experience, perhaps considering that the underwater monster refresh area is relatively hidden, players want to level up in the water too difficult, so they deliberately refresh the experience of the underwater monster The ratio is doubled.

If this is the case, look for similar monsters in the water to level up in the future, and the upgrade speed will be twice as fast as other players!

However, Mo Xie also knows very well that leveling in water is indeed too difficult. Not to mention that the protection limits of the system are very troublesome. In addition, the players' attack methods in the water are not as smooth as in the land environment. On the contrary, these waters The fish monsters are very fierce in the water, and the difficulty and danger of leveling have increased exponentially.

If you want to understand it this way, this underwater monster has more experience points, and it seems that there is no controversy.

But for Mo Xie, this exciting discovery is definitely a great thing.

The strange fish has been killed, and the experience points are exciting. Next, let’s see what kind of strange props it will explode...

Just now the strange fish died, Mo Xie clearly heard the system prompt that there was an explosion of props, and strode forward excitedly, quickly walked to the front of the iron net, and looked at the silver strange fish lying there taller than him. Corpse...

The monster tightly entangled by the iron net had two halos shining at the same time on the billowing belly.

Mo Xie looked at the unusually puzzled, the white light effect of the trophy, the special luster of auxiliary materials and auxiliary props, was very obvious at first glance.

But, how come there are two auxiliary materials?

Mo Xie was very surprised, and hurriedly waved his arm. Two white lights flew up from the iron net and quickly flew into his package...

System: You get a complete fish maw with excellent auxiliary materials!

System: You get a copy of the survival props making map and diving buoy making map!


Seeing the information of the two systems popping out at the same time, Mo Xie was stunned, just looking at the names of these two items, he immediately understood the settings of the system!

The cunning system actually divides the production of diving buoys, a survival prop specially used to enter the bottom of the lake, into several materials and production drawings, and hides them on these ordinary monsters around the lake...

This setting is really painful. If it’s a player who doesn’t pay much attention to details, they can get the materials when they are leveling up monsters on this map. Maybe they don’t know what it is for. Kill all the monsters once, and only a small number of people can understand the use of these materials.

And the most critical production map, and the last important material, is to kill the fish monsters at the bottom of the lake...

Such a secret setting made Moxie feel extremely helpless. It seems that in this virtual world, the more clever settings there will be in the future, if the players are not paying attention, they will inadvertently release Take some very important mission clues!

This also reminded him that no matter what strange things he encounters in the future, he must think more carefully so as not to regret it.

After the fish monster was hung up this time, except for the two violent auxiliary materials, no other trophies were seen, not even a piece of copper plate.

Mo Xie secretly scolded the system for being stingy, and quickly check the latest items in the package...

A book, this is obviously the production map called the diving buoy.

There was also a long strip of white bubble-shaped stuff, like a long strip of balloon, except that it was connected to a circle of coiled hoses, which made Mo Xie look a little curious.

Soon he finally understood that this item called a complete fish bladder was surprisingly the urine bubble in the bloodthirsty silver electric belly...

Urine bubble is just the local dialect where Moxie calls it. The scientific name of this bubble is indeed called fish swim bladder. It plays a role in helping fish float up and down in the water.

To put it more clearly, this is what fish animals use to store air. When the air is spit out, the fish sinks to the bottom. When the swim bladder is full of air, the fish's body can float upward in the water.

Moreover, this fish maw is still a good food, anyway, Mo Xie prefers to eat this kind of food.

But what made him strange was that this fish bladder was still connected to a long hose coiled together. What was this?

But in the next second, Mo Xie finally saw clearly that the original hose connected to the swim bladder was actually a large intestine of the fish monster!

I'm going, it's disgusting...

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