The next morning, Ye Lan walked out of Liu Ye's room lightly, and saw Zhuyuanyurun as soon as he went out. This book is published at the beginning of the book, and the follow-up book is here. Https://

"How about, did Miss sleep well last night?" After seeing Ye Lan, Zhu Yuan asked the first sentence.

Ye Lan nodded and said, "Sleeping well, it may be the medicine of yesterday, and some, and I haven't awoken yet."

After hearing Ye Lan's words, Zhu Yuan was relieved. When thinking of Ye Lan's attitude towards Ye Lan yesterday, Zhu Yuan said embarrassedly, "Sister Ye Lan, I'm sorry. Yesterday, I was in a hurry, I was a little rude Now. "

After speaking, I was embarrassed and scratched my head.

"It's okay, I know you care about the master."

"Zhu Yuan." Liu Yan's voice came from the room.

Zhuyuan ran into the house in three steps and two steps, and asked, "Miss, you are awake, miss, what are you doing?"

"Now people are eating in the main hall. You go over and tell them that I can't go this morning, it's a bit uncomfortable." Liu Yan said.

Zhu Yuan immediately understood what Liu Yan meant, and said quickly, "Yes, I know, miss."

Looking at the back of the Central Plains, Liu Ye also sat up from the bed, thinking, didn't he want to make people uncomfortable? Then we all feel uncomfortable together.

When Liu Zheng heard that Zhu Yuan said that Liu Yan could not come, his face immediately became difficult to look, and Mrs. Liu was shocked, and almost dropped her chopsticks on the ground.

Ginger is still hot, and Mrs. Liu adjusted her mood after a while and said to Zhu Yuan: "Then let the lady take a good rest first, and I'll come and see her later."

After a round of ceremony, Zhu Yuan retreated.

As soon as Liu Yan was about to say something, Mrs. Liu stared hard.

Liu Ye closed his mouth with interest, and after a meal, he didn't say a word. Even though Liu Liu's temperament was much higher than that of Liu Zhuo, it was difficult to hide the atmosphere in her heart.

After eating, Mrs. Liu and Liu Zheng returned to the bedroom directly.

"This girl, dare to return to Liufu after something happened, is she really not afraid that we can't do it? Or will she do it for us to let us know her skill?" Madam Liu said angrily.

"When I was mad, I knew something happened yesterday when the two did not return, but she was in Liu's house, but I didn't expect it. I thought she would be in the second prince's house, and now only the second prince can save Got her. "Liu Zheng said.

"Master, what do you do now? I'm afraid she's clear." Madam Liu asked a little worried.

Liu Zheng's answer was very straightforward, "It's clear when it's clear. It's better than hiding it and putting things on the bright side. We also just show our position. If he really wants to be home, he should stand. Come to our side, obediently go to the palace yourself. "

Mrs. Liu felt that Liu was confused.

They had just given Liu Ye the medicine, but now they want Liu Ye to be willing and give up the wealth in their hands to listen to them. How is that possible? But she didn't dare to say such a thing.

Anyway, you can only take one step at a time.

Mrs. Liu thought, anyway, when she fainted, no one else was present, no one could prove that she disappeared from her house, Liu Ye ran outside all day, maybe there was no certain enemies. .

Thinking of this, Mrs. Liu had the confidence in her heart.

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