The Empress Dowager's eyes were full of joy, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. This book is published at the beginning of the book, and the follow-up book is here. Https://

"Why is there time today? Aren't you busy at the court?"

After Nangong absolutely bowed her head and worshiped the Empress Dowager, she only said, "After the early morning, I really remember my grandma, so come to see you, how is your grandma's health lately?"

The Empress Dowager did not answer, but patted the position around her with her hand, and said, "Come over and sit with my grandma to talk."

Nangong sat obediently beside the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager touched Nangong Jue ’s head and said, "Time is passing so fast. You are so big in the blink of an eye. You always feel like you are chasing me for candy, just like what happened yesterday."

Regarding Nangong, the Empress Dowager's favor is not ordinary.

Her attitude towards Nangong is like the queen maiden's attitude towards Nangong. If she can't say why, she just likes it.

Facing Nangong Yan, she was full of energy, but also said some polite words, although Nangong Yan felt very close to her.

It's definitely different for Nangong, probably because Nangong grew up beside him from an early age! The relationship between the two is naturally closer.

"Talk to Grandma, what have you been doing lately?" The Empress Dowager asked amiably.

Nan Gong looked a little dim, saying, "Too grandma, what can I do? I have nothing at all. The emperor has just returned from the border. People are busy helping him to nod him, but the father and the emperor did not give me Work hard. "

After I said it, I felt aggrieved.

The Empress Dowager smiled and said, "Stupid child, your credit is there, is it not annihilated by others? You can rest assured that no one can bully you with his grandma here."

"I know that my grandmother hurts me, unlike my mother-in-law's eyes."

"You look at you, do you have to be careful again? Call me to see, you just watch your emperor just married his daughter-in-law, and your eyes are dazzled, don't you look back, grandma will choose a better one for you "The queen queen said, took the oranges aside, and handed them to Nangong Jue.

Nangong must dial oranges and said, "The emperor is a very busy man now. He has to deal with the women at home and run to Liu Yan."

The speaker was unintentional and the listener intentionally. When the queen queen mother heard the words "Liu Ying", her eyes dimmed and she asked, "Why, is he still unconnected with that demon girl?"

Nangong nodded utterly and said positively, "Too grandma, you can't call someone a demon girl. Now, this woman is so good at it, she also opened a mine from the border, even the oil used by the border army is her." The supply is very good now. "

"So, this woman has the economic lifeline of this country in her hands?" The Empress Dowager's eyes flashed sharply.

Nangong never said any more, saying that was what it meant.

The queen queen queen stood up from the couch and began to walk in the hall.

The sound of footsteps hit everyone's heart like a boulder.

"His power is getting bigger and bigger." The Empress Dowager said to herself.

Of course, Nangong knows that the Empress Dowager said that he was Nangong Yu.

At this moment, you don't have to do anything, just look at what the empress queen and queen mean.

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