It is true that Liu Ye's heart was a little bit reluctant to say that it was halfway through.

But the ratio of one, two, and three you learned is absolutely incorrect. If you think about it, you will realize how naive you are. The things written in textbooks are all passed on to millions of people. Gunpowder So powerful, how can you write the detailed proportions into the book?

Liu Ye suddenly thought of a recipe written by Sun Siyi.

Sulfur saltpeters are used two or two. After grinding into powder, they are put in sand jars and buried in the ground. Then they must be used, saponin, and charcoal for frying. Already.

When she saw this, she didn't care and didn't write it down in detail.

Now, I have to try this method.

Liu Yan's hope is not high, as long as he can make explosives.

A good news came forward, saying that Bai Guo's army had surrounded Qin Aotian and victory was in sight.

The last time the other side suffered a terrible defeat, the original army's heart was unstable. This time, Bai Guo again led the soldiers in person, and the soldiers naturally had a high momentum.

Qin Aotian's eyes widened, and Shen Sheng said, "Nangong Yu, the old man has been on the battlefield for many years, and I have never served anyone in my heart. This time I confessed."

Nangong looked at the defeated soldiers behind him with no expression on his face, but there was already a sense of intolerance in his heart.

Guo Xuzhao had expected this to happen long ago, so he mentioned it to Nan Gongyu in advance, and solemnly reminded him not to fall into Qin Aotian's tricks.

Fighting is cruel in nature. Although it is a situation in which victory is about to happen, if you miss the difference, you may die in the other's hands.

Seeing that Nangong Yan did not speak, Qin Aotian continued to say, "Victory and defeat are common in the military, and I will not lose heart because of these two defeats. Nangong Aunt, if you have the true skill, we will fight again in ten days. You can Willing to compete with me? "

"Okay," Nangong said without thinking.

Chen Yihan clenched his fists. "Coach, don't let the tiger return to the mountain."

"We won this time, but by killing him this way, people won't convince me in your heart. You can rest assured that after ten days, I have the confidence to win."

Nan Gongxi said this, Chen Yihan was not good at saying anything, only thought in his heart that it would be a pity if Qin Aotian was not killed at this moment.

In any case, the battle ended in victory.

After seeing Liu Ye again, Nangong Yu did not tell her about the decisive battle after ten days, and Liu Ye also kept the matter of deep-fried black leaf blue very tight.

What two people do is nothing more than worrying about each other.

"This is not a showdown between masters of martial arts. Are you really sure after ten days? Qin Aotian is really scheming, but there is one thing he said is true, that is, he has been on the battlefield for many years. It ’s much higher than you, are you really confident? ”Guo Xuzhao asked again.

It was raining outside, but the soldiers who were guarding remained motionless, like statues.

Looking at the drizzling rain outside the camp, Nangong looked grim.

In the end, he spit out a word, "Yes."

What was in my mind was the **** picture of the soldiers in the fight.

This battle between him and Qin Aotian, no matter who it is, cannot be avoided.

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