The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 954: Laughter like a two-pound fat man (second more)

The vast development made the war finally kick off in early October. The vast majority of the fleet of the Sapphire Grand Duchy has been assembled, carrying a large number of knights from the Iron Horse Island of Iron Horse Island and rushing to the coastal hinterland of the Eagle Kingdom.

There is no intention to choose the timing and destination of the war.

Liszt only felt that where the eagle kingdom's coastal hinterland was rich, where to fight.

There is a sapphire dragon taking the lead and there is no resistance at all. The recalcitrant castle will be destroyed, and the knight of the eagle kingdom will still be captured. And more noble lords seem to have understood their own endings, especially the small lords, choose to open the door and vote for the World War I.

Li William is the commander of the Knights of the Flame Collar and the Oxtail Collar. At the birthday party last month, Liszt officially presented him the "Cheats Cheats" as a birthday present.

Although half a month is not enough to make him a field knight immediately, but with his mount Super World of Warcraft - Dark Albatross, the combat power can reach the level of the field knight. Behind there is the light magic swordsman Paris, as well as the sword St. Duerte, apricot, and the sea buckthorn.

Even Emily, who was still in the running-in period with Ethan, also participated in the war.

She is also a Juggernaut, and she is pressing the sword saints such as Durt and Cross, becoming the strongest player in the Knights' War after Li William.

In addition, Liszt dispatched seven Sky Knights, Fox, Garcia, Derek Iron, Joyce Dandelion, Spark, Vernal Ink, and Tevez Alfalfa.

These strong knights of the sky knight form a luxury attack line, and there is no enemy in the past.

In order to prevent the eagle kingdom from jumping into the wall and dispatching the dragon knight to deal with this "invasion of the sapphire Grand Duchy", Liszt personally led the luxury dragon group and came to secretly supervise the war. Invisible Longbad, Grey Iron Dragon Owen, Fire Dragon Rio, Bones Winnie, Light Emerald Long Yisen.

Only the mountain bronze dragon Marta stayed in the flame island to suppress the territory, to prevent the killing of the man-made man. However, although most of the people who belonged to the moon were of the serf class, the living conditions were much better than in the forest.

The most important thing is that Liszt adopts a differentiation strategy. Although the original ancient magician class was to serve the big project, their children were all educated in the school and promised to become the future aristocratic class. This also made them have no rebellion. Power.


In the territory, there is also the Magister Aca, riding the unicorn Charlie's A-carved, the strength of the same dragon Knight, one person is enough to suppress everything.

All in all, this development made the war, and it was doomed from the beginning.

For a full month, the sapphire dragon has more than a thousand kilometers in the hinterland of the Eagle Kingdom and conquered a large number of castles. The captured knights are like a wholesale source of sapphire. The serfs are a batch of ones, and even the fig leaf is not needed, and they are directly driven away.

Most of them will be sent to the Flame Island, only a small part of the sapphire family's spoils, as well as a small aristocratic battle.

Liszt, who has six dragons, doesn't mind eating a fat man.

Long Duo is the last word. More captive knights come to the flame kingdom. They have to work hard and become the vassals of the flame family.


"There is no reason!"

In the Palace of the Kings of Moonlight City - in the Iron Dragon Chain Palace, the eagle king Adenis Moonlight Silver Jubilee threw the glass of the hand on the ground, watching the intelligence sent by the intelligence knight, and the beard was standing up.

"How dare he do this!"

"The small beast of Liszt, the second son of a despicable small family, how dare to pick up the eagle kingdom!"

"Sapphire, a group of flies raised, all are locusts, mean and disgusting. Liszt took away the king's gray iron dragon, light emerald dragon, Andre, the little beast, and even betrayed me, riding the mountain copper. The dragon ran!" He slammed the table with a fist.

The curse of gnashing your teeth: "Unforgivable, all can't be forgiven!"

"Adenis, you need to calm down, anger is useless." The queen looked at the shredded goods, and worried about Adenis.

Adenis pushed the queen away: "Don't bother me, women know what!"

The queen frowned and said nothing.

Adenis continued to growl: "Come, to convey my orders, immediately dispatched the king's dragon knight, killed all the sapphire flies, and the disabled sapphire dragon, also killed me!"

Watch the knight in the palace, look at me, I look at you, I don't know what to do.

Or the queen stood up: "Aduis, you should be awake!" Then he waved his hand and gestured to the guardian's knight to leave, she would talk to the king alone.

When the knights left, the queen opened the door: "Do you want to trigger a war of dragons again?"

"Who killed the sapphire dragon and how can I treat my eagle kingdom!"

"Don't you see the sapphire family's intention to continue to launch the pioneering order? Liszt is in secret support! You think about his invisible dragon, and the light emerald dragon and gray iron dragon that once belonged to us. There is the fire dragon, the bone dragon in the intelligence, and the magician, the magician riding the unicorn!"

Every time the queen said the name of a dragon, Adenis would be weak and wait until the last unicorn spoke. He had already lost his power in the chair: "That... Tiffany, my wife, you told me What should I do now?"

"The kingdom is in the midst of storms. What you need to do is to maintain the current situation, cultivate new dragon knights, conquer new dragons, and let the kingdom overcome this difficulty."

"Do you know how difficult it is? First, Karlo died, the light emerald dragon was lost, then Loyle died, the gray iron dragon lost... Blast Furnace and Iron Ridge have long lost their ambitions, facing aggressive The flame kingdom, they just want to please, hope that they can live together in peace."

Adenis said that he wanted to laugh: "They are too naive. From Liszt’s attitude towards my eagle kingdom, I can know that he is a ambitious, full-fledged ambitious. He has invisible dragons and is completely unscrupulous. Now he caught the eagle kingdom biting, and when he has the chance, he will kill the Blast Furnace and the Iron Ridge sooner or later!"

"Then we will make a whole decision and make a gesture for them to let them understand Liszt's ambitions." Queen Tiffany said calmly.

“Complete the whole thing?”

"Yes, not the forces of the moonlight silver and the white iron family's core interests, can be abandoned. Those nobles have been accepting the royal family's shelter for many years but can't make any contribution, it is better to throw it to the flame kingdom to receive. The bottom knight is irrelevant, important Is the dragon!"

“Do you really think this works?”

"Whether it is feasible or not, you can try it, otherwise you can do anything. Blast Furnace and Steel Ridge refuse to jointly kill the flame kingdom. The battle of the Dragon Slayer we have no hope of winning alone. We can only protect ourselves... sooner or later. The two kingdoms will see Liszt’s ambitions."

Adenis was silent for a long time: "In this case, I let the Minister of the Kingdom enter the palace and discuss it in detail."


Liszt didn't know what the eagle's royal family had reacted to.

He rode the invisible Longbad, scouting the war picture, watching a batch of knights, serfs, and elves, food, minerals and other resources, being packaged and sourced, and laughing like a 200-pound fat man.

“I thought it was the most profitable trade smuggling.”

"Then I thought that it would be the most profitable for a friend to give gifts."

"But neither of them started making war and it is more profitable!"

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