66. Laughter on each other’s lips


It was early in the morning when the saintess woke up. When the scent of fresh air that only her early morning could contain brushed the tip of Esilia’s nose, her saintess twitched her tiny nose and opened her eyelids little by little. It was early for her, so she still had a bit of weariness sticking to her. Even in her hazy mind, the saintess recalled what had happened yesterday.

After escaping from the basement of the Magic Tower, Miss Serna and Mr. Voltri came to rescue them when they were on the verge of collapsing. The couple caught the escape of criminals caused by the collapse of the magic tower. As a result of the meeting of the non-Magic Tower magicians who were aware of the collapse of the Magic Tower and the discussion, Miss Serna took over as temporary manager. And coming back to the couple’s house late at night, getting treatment, spending the night, and so on.

Her As she just became an adult this year, too many things happened in one day for her to handle. Still her arms were sore, and her legs were gripped by throbbing pain. All she wanted to do was lie down here and get a good night’s sleep. Someone broke into her thoughts.

“Are you awake?”

The saintess heard her voice and turned her pale eyes to the side. She was not yet awake, so her vision was blurry. She blinked her eyes and threw her sleep away a bit. When my vision became clear, I saw the owner of the sound. Her escort housekeeper was on her knees, watching her carefully.

‘…… ? …… !!!”

It was one of the surest ways to fully wake up. The saintess dyed her face the same color as her sun and began to tidy up her tousled hair at lightning speed. Inwardly she was tired and reprimanded herself for sleeping at random, unlike her usual.

Zerpied, who thought he would be greeted first, looked at her behavior for the first time with a somewhat dazed expression. The reason he came to her senses was because of the words the saintess had uttered after tidying herself up.

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“Yes… ? Ah, knight. I didn’t know you were standing still. Good morning, driver. Did you get a good rest last night?”

She was acting like it just happened. Unable to hide her absurdity, Zer Peed asked a question.

“No… You just didn’t see me…….”

“I didn’t know you were awake because you stood still. Good morning, driver. Did you get a good rest last night?”

But the saintess just smiled. Beyond bewilderment at her appearance, Zer Pied, who felt even a part of fear, had an intuition that it would be better to answer her saintess’ words.

“…… Of course Did you sleep well?”

“Yes, thank you.”

Only then, Celia nodded softly, returning to the image of the saintess that Zer P Ed knew. Death Knight felt intense relief. Then, the door to the room they were in opened. The two turned their heads toward the open door. Serna and Voltley stood there with slightly tired faces.

“What, you woke up early? I thought it didn’t happen, so I tried to wake you up.”

Serna said with her yawn. I could see that it had just woken up, and here and there I could see a little bit of floating hair. Ball Tree, too, had a hint of fatigue in his eyes.

“Let’s have breakfast or something simple.”

Serna said, raising the corner of her mouth. Following her words, Bolt Lee opened her mouth.

“In the evening, when we get back from work, let’s have a drink.”

“That’s right, you didn’t even hear the toast for destroying the magic tower, did you? Yesterday we were so tired of each other.”

Contrary to her couple’s expectations, however, the Death Knight shook her head gracefully.

“I’m sorry. I appreciate her heart, but I think we have to leave right now.”

“… What?”

“… Yes?”

Befitting a married couple, the two made faces full of bewilderment at the same time. Serna was so flustered that she stuttered.

“Go, go? Now? No, it’s only been a day? I’m not even tired! Why don’t you stay a few more days? Why are you in such a hurry?”

“Serna is right…. After meeting her, she couldn’t even eat a proper meal together…….”

But Zer Pied just shook her head once more.

With less than a day passed after the fact that the Tower of Magic had collapsed, wizards from the non-Magic Tower group gathered. Although it was limited to the eastern continent. However, even considering the fact that he was a wizard and limited to the eastern continent, the collapse of the mage tower became known quite quickly.

If a little more time passes, other religious groups or the General Church of Purity may show interest. I had to move to another place as much as possible. The saintess, who understood Zerfied’s words, also darkened. I expected that she would leave right away, but parting is always a pity.

The couple made an expression of pity when they saw Zerpied’s gesture, which was long but full of stubbornness. Serna pursed her lips a few times before she spoke with a sigh.

“… If you want to go, you won’t be able to catch it. Where are you going?”

“The Southern Continent.”

“Oh, it goes a long way.”

“If it is the southern continent… Are you planning to go to a port city in the south of the continent?”

At the words of the ball tree, Zer Pied nodded her head. Nodding his head, Voltree went out of the room into the living room, rummaged through his shelf and pulled out one of his parchments. The gnome dipped his quill into the inkwell and began writing with deft hand.

“There is a friend I made when I lived in the back alley. Now, away from the backstreet life, I work on a boat in the southern port city. I will write a letter to that friend, so show it to him when you meet him.”

After writing the letter and sealing it carefully with adhesive solution, he handed the letter to the Death Knight and the saintess. Ecilia received the letter with a smile.

“Thank you… Miss Serna, Mr. Voltley…. Please do this to us who have just met….”

At that, Serna waved her hand and laughed.

“What can I do with just this amount…. You guys destroyed the magic tower. To be honest, I want to give you a lot of money. Because we actually did what we had been thinking about for a long time. But it doesn’t make sense to give money to you guys who have more money than we do, so I was just going to have a good drink….”

Serna’s last words were slightly mixed with her crying. Ecilia felt herself unable to hold back her own tears. Instead of Ecilia bursting into her weeping, she grinned. Serna smiled when she saw her.

‘I’m an adult.’

Serna said as she turned her body around.

“Then let’s go out. Because I can send you off.”

As they headed out of town, Voltrie asked Zerpied about this and that. Most of them were about food. He asked if it would be better to bring some food, but Zerfied politely declined. He wanted to avoid visiting towns and villages as much as possible, except when obtaining information or supplies. Because of this, there was a concern that food other than dry food would go bad.

He offered to provide food for his own help, but when it was rejected, Voltrie felt embarrassed. In the end, he decided to tell the story he was going to tell while packing the food. He raised his voice and said.

“Me, Sir Huchi?”


“Be especially careful when going to the southern port city.”

“What do you mean?”

“The thieves.”

“… Thieves?”

Zerpied felt perplexed. Thieves are, of course, something to watch out for. But he didn’t have to be so serious about it.

“Some of the thieves have some former knights mixed in.”

“… What do you mean? Are you saying the knights are barely doing that? But the knights of Diervan….”

The first knights he saw upon waking up in this era were the knights of Diervan. It was difficult for him to understand the words that did not readily connect with the impressions of those knights. Among his knights, he did not fail to see those who had broken the oath of arms. But what about bandits? Are you saying that those who once recited the Oath of Arms are doing such petty things?

“Are you talking about the city of knights? But Sir Huchi. Not all knights are like him or you. Why would a city of knights be called a ‘city of knights’?”

Zerpied could understand what Voltley was saying. It was also because Diervan was ruled by knights, but at the same time, they pursued chivalry and ideals. The city of knights also had that meaning. Death Knight nodded heavily.

Serna, listening to her husband’s words, slammed the palm of her fist as if she had just remembered. She rummaged in her arms and pulled out a piece of rolled parchment with wooden sticks on either side of her. She handed it to Ecilia.

“Take this. Maybe someday you will need it.”

“… What is it?”

“It’s a scrollScroll.”


Eccilia tilted her head at the first word she heard.

“Yes, it is an item that allows even those who do not know how to use magic to use magic by entering the appropriate starter word.”

The saintess’ eyes widened.

“Yes? No, wait… It’s not that valuable… ?!”

“Well, it is a valuable item. Because it takes a long time to make it. Still, it’s nothing compared to what you guys have done.”

“Ms. Serna… ….”

Serna was a bit taken aback by the face of the saintess who looked like she would burst into tears at any moment.

“Oh, no… It’s too embarrassing. Scrolls take a long time to make, so it’s hard to contain powerful magic. It will take twice as much time. That’s why it’s just such an order……. Besides, it’s disposable.”

“No. Thank you so much…….”

The saintess held the scroll tightly in her arms and smiled as if it were a precious treasure. Seeing her smile, Serna grinned.

“If you have something to write, open the scroll and shout FireballFireball. A fireball will come out and wipe out any bastards who threaten you.”

Celia had her tears welling up in her eyes. But she had a bigger smile on her mouth than before.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

At some point, they arrived at the entrance of the village. Serna and Voltry shook their hands. Ecilia also waved her hand. Death Knight bowed her head. A breeze passed between the four of them. Until each other becomes a dot and out of sight.

However, it was clear that there was a smile on each other’s lips.

It started to rain a bit hard about 30 minutes after the saintess and death knight left town. Luckily, they found a few trees in the meadow they were passing through.

It was hard to see that it was so dense, but it was better than nothing. The two took shelter under a tree and sheltered from the rain. Perhaps it was because they had passed the arduous task of the Mage’s Tower, feeling relaxed for the first time in a while, the Death Knight and the saint sensed that their hearts were soaked with comfort at the sound of the rain.

A strange sound intervened in that comfort. Death Knight immediately turned her head towards the sound. The saintess could hear it too. There was nothing to block the sound in the open meadow. And there was nothing blocking the view.

The masters of sound were horses. To be precise, it was a group of several people riding horses and running fast.

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