The Cursed Ship

Chapter 595 Blood Orchid Queen

Chapter 595 Blood Orchid Queen

After pulling up a few big trees from time to time for five consecutive days, Zheng Yang has accumulated enough wood to complete the seventh-level expansion.

After the hull is integrated, there is no need to process the ship plate, nor does it need to be enlarged at one time. Remove the branches and leaves of the big tree and directly integrate the whole tree into the hull, and slowly expand the size.

Today, the hull material of Tiangong-1 has accumulated to 130,000 cubic meters, and the hull is also 660 meters long, 150 meters wide, and the first deck is 20 meters high.

As a result, there was a lot of space on the deck, Shen Li redesigned the layout, the original overall layout remained unchanged, and many ancillary buildings were added. For the eight "illegal built" first-level spirit ships, Zheng Yang also generously provided second-level scrolls to make them all evolve to the second level so that they can be transformed into larger houseboats.

Luo Funi once joked that when Tiangong No. 1 evolved to level nine and reached a body size of more than two kilometers, they would transform their level six spirit ship into a palace on Tiangong, and they would "separate" from Zheng Yang.

Naturally, the dining room does not need to be 150 meters wide. After the renovation, it only occupies the middle 50 meters. The two sides are transformed into rooms for those tool people, and the rear side becomes a special research place for the teleportation array.

Zheng Yang didn't stop collecting psionic energy just because the Chaos Pond could produce its own energy. On the contrary, he doubled the mast and sails according to his size like other seven-level spirit ships.

There are ten rows in the longitudinal direction, with four masts in each row, with an interval of 50 meters in front and back, and the height of the fan-shaped sail is 30 meters.

The amount of chaotic energy collected and transformed by so many sails is still not much, because the level of chaotic energy is too high, and it takes tens of millions of psionic energy to transform a little energy.

However, having these supplements is better than plundering the energy of Chaos Pool itself and affecting its growth.

"I figured out that there is psionic metal on this island, but I'll have to wait until next time to figure out exactly where it is!"

In the afternoon, Shen Li helped her mother take a walk in the deck garden, which had expanded several times, and said to Zheng Yang who hugged Luo Funi and Seyulali for a walk.

Zheng Yang's eyes lit up, he let go of the two daughters-in-law who were obsessed with researching the teleportation array, and said, "I'll go down and look for it myself!"

Below is an island about 30 kilometers long on the southern line, and Lucy has already flown down to look for those strange battles that appeared in the dragon's chant. At the beginning, Zheng Yang teleported to the ground with the help of the iron crab, and then used the earth escape to escape underground.

After communicating with the power of the leylines, Zheng Yang sensed the underground conditions of thousands of meters around, and he fled in a spiral trajectory, looking for any areas suspected of psychic metal mines.

"This is... the Burning Spirit Gold Mine?"

At a depth of 100 meters at the foot of a mountain, Zheng Yang discovered a mineral deposit. The Burning Spirit Gold Mine was collected last time in New Siron Island. Zheng Yang recognized their appearance and could perceive their composition.

The distribution of this mineral deposit is five kilometers wide, and some places are rich in ore, while others are barren.

Zheng Yang found the central area with the highest content, and the remote-controlled spirit ship flew over. After the iron crab landed on the ground, it shot out the curse chain underground.

"The fusion of non-burning spirit gold can improve the flame-retardant properties and fire resistance of extraordinary alloys. With Tiangong-1's current defense bonus of more than 600 times, it is not afraid of ordinary fire, but some biological fortresses of alien races can emit law rays. Yes, it is hard to guarantee that there is no powerful burning law ray."

Since the Absolute Burning Spirit Gold was found here, Zheng Yang naturally wanted to refine some. As soon as he thought about it, the curse chain diffused the light of the magic circle, and began to continuously refine the flame-free spiritual finance from the rich ore area into the hull, and discard the remaining slag on the spot...

The captains of the southern column felt strange. This island was only about 30 kilometers away. According to previous experience, after sweeping an island, Tiangong-1 would immediately fly to the next island, but this time it stopped at a certain place. There has been no action.

But when Tiangong-1 stopped, they couldn't stop, and retreated to the ship to rush to the next target island.

In a valley more than 2,000 meters away from Tiangong No. 1, there were countless blood-colored orchids floating in the air. At this time, the blood-colored orchids suddenly gathered, and the apostle of Luotlan, known as the Queen of Blood Orchids, appeared.

She has beaded hair, sexy red lips, enchanting figure, unparalleled beauty, and a bright red dress that is slightly swaying, like a boundless sea of ​​​​blood, which makes people feel palpitating.

The aura of killing lingers outside her body, it is hard to believe that what such a beauty is studying deeply is the law of killing.

There are rumors in the small circle that she has another identity in a certain world outside the territory. She once ruled a country in that world and caused endless killings, which made the whole world frightened.

The other apostles and the fleet had already left. Luotlan flew into the sky and was about to go to the next island, but found that Sky One was still hovering more than 2,000 meters away.

"David, why are you staying here if you don't go to the next stop?" She lightly parted her red lips, and her voice spread far away to Tiangong-1.

Zheng Yang refined the non-flammable spirit gold in the rich mining area, and refined more than 3,000 cubic meters in just half an hour.

These Extinct Burning Spirit Gold are very heavy, weighing more than twelve tons at a time. At this time, he not only increased the fusion degree of Tiangong No. 1 to 20%, but also left tens of thousands of tons of sixth-level spirit ships that were integrated into Shen Li and others.

Hearing Luotlan's question, Zheng Yang responded: "I'm about to go, do you want to come with Master Xuelan?"

He was polite, but Luotlan nodded, "That's fine, I won't have to fly myself!"

Zheng Yang was speechless, and the dignified apostle was also lazy. Can't you tell that I'm being polite?

Each of these apostles on duty in the open sea has an eighth-level spirit ship, and their spirit ship is parked on New Siren Island so that they can be sent back at any time if there is any situation there. With their own flying or escaping speed, they are not slower than the eighth-level spirit ship, and a step of tens of kilometers is as easy as drinking water.

Zheng Yang put away the cable, opened a "city gate" to welcome Luotlan onto the boat, and immediately rushed to another island.

Lotland waited and watched for a while after boarding the boat, then nodded and said in a cold voice: "It's a good layout, I'll change the boat to this shape later, you won't have any objections?"

"You're joking, how could I have an opinion!" Zheng Yang sweated profusely, even if he had an opinion, could he say it? Dare you say it?

Luo Tran took a step, and just a few steps away, she saw Shen's mother and Shen Li in the gazebo.

She was stunned for a moment, her eyes softened, and she said, "I have a murderous aura around me. Since there are pregnant women on board, I won't stay here so as not to affect the fetus!"

After finishing speaking, before Zheng Yang could respond, Hua Zuo escaped from the vent with a murderous aura, and went away in an instant.

He is still a sweetheart, and has not lost his humanity because of killing!

Zheng Yang commented, greeted Shen's mother, and returned to the alchemy laboratory. Mother-in-law is pregnant... With Shen Li and father-in-law also present, it's not his turn to take good care of her.

In the alchemy laboratory, he has another job, which is to make scrolls.

When the last four biological fortresses were devoured last time, Zheng Yang issued an additional order to intercept a few more substances, which were used to refine the scroll carrier.

Thanks to friends like Yunshuofang, Changjizhidi, id endings 2402, 2105 and others for their rewards!

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