Even if they shed tears, even if they bleed, this is their only chance, a chance for them to stand up!

When the God of War was bound, they cried and mourned their loved ones on the first day, and on the second day, they used blood to strengthen their will! On the third day, they will assemble! Rush to freedom!

Even if, like the legendary people of God, most of them died or were injured in order to save God, it doesn’t matter!

They've had enough humiliation! Enough of the exploitation! They must stand up, rewrite myths, and rewrite history! They want all the surviving slaves after the third day to die and be resurrected!

The time is today, when the sun and moon turn, it is now!

The emperor panicked and quickly mobilized troops to suppress it, but at this time, the soldiers were all sleeping and were suddenly woken up, not knowing what had happened.

No one thought that the slaves, who had been oppressed to the point of losing their temper, would rebel without anyone to rally and lead them.

Logically speaking, even if they rebelled, they should still be in disarray.

But no, they were unstoppable. Before the soldiers arrived, they broke out from within, killed their masters, and burned everything they hated!

Some small and medium-sized nobles were counterattacked while they were sleeping. They had no time to react and eventually died in their own homes.

Although some big nobles have private soldiers around them, they also have many slaves. When the private soldiers are out of manpower, they can only run away.

As a result, all the slaves in the city gathered together and were surrounded before they even left the house. Except for a few nobles who fled into the palace, most of them either died at home or on the way to escape.

As for the four lords, they all had strong troops and escaped safely into the palace.

But there was no force to suppress it, and all their slaves rebelled.

They also have the largest number of slaves, and this resistance simply injects the flood dynasty into the slave army!

Soon, the slaves broke into the royal slave yard and freed countless slaves imprisoned inside.

At the same time, they also broke through the large and small slave transfer centers in the city and gathered as many people as possible!

In order to prevent anyone in the palace from escaping, they sealed all the palace doors. Fortunately, there were 10,000 forbidden troops blocking the doors, otherwise the palace would have been captured immediately!

At this time, the entire palace was in chaos. Needless to say, those who came here just came to attend the birthday banquet, but they encountered so many things. They wouldn't die here, right? !

Although the two armies did not kill the envoys when they were fighting, the other side was a slave, and there was no one to organize them. How could they kill them without even seeing them?

With such concerns, all the envoys asked to see the emperor.

Because almost all the imperial guards went to guard the palace gate at this time, and no one cared about them, they ran to the main hall unimpeded.

Qin Jue was not worried. His people had already come, just to help attract the people in the city, and to create rumors in Xunwu Mountain with Chang Qiyu's people.

If necessary, they will come to help at any time.

And Xie Linlang went to the main entrance of the palace as early as the first moment of the turmoil.

Everyone was in confusion now. She came to the city wall without any hindrance and pulled Chang Qiyu up. However, she saw tears on his face and dark golden eyes full of sorrow.

Xie Linlang untied his hands, and he covered his eyes with his blood-stained hands and said in a hoarse voice.

"Xie Linlang, I saw... I saw their pain, I saw their despair! I watched them being killed, and then more people stood up!

The fire was burning in front of my eyes, I wanted to stop it, but I couldn't do anything! I can't do anything! "

Xie Linlang looked at "Chang Qiyu" who was curled up and squatting on the ground in front of him and said with a smile.

"You have done a good job, leave the rest to me and your brother."

"Chang Qiyu" heard this, held her hand tightly and asked, "What is the right thing to do, what should be done to make everyone happy! I don't want to see so many people die... This is the country where I grew up..."

Xie Linlang saw that he was a little confused, so she quickly raised his face, looked into his red eyes and said seriously.

"This is your land, so you have the responsibility to protect it!

Now is not the time for you to be vulnerable. Your brother left many shelters and emergency exits from the city before he left. He should have told you. Now, you will take his three thousand private troops to the Zhongxia District to save the remaining people. of people.

Those private troops are waiting for you at Chang Qiyu's house. "

Chang Qi Luoshu's eyes gradually became brighter, but he asked again.

"What should I do in the imperial city? What should I do in the streets?"

Xie Linlang couldn't answer. The upper block was the most prosperous block, where officials, nobles, and slave owners were all, so that location, like the current palace, was bound to be captured by slaves and could not be restored.

In short, only three thousand people cannot be saved.

Xie Linlang said to him word for word.

"There are still Imperial Guards in the Imperial City. After the soldiers and horses from Bo City arrive, they will immediately rush to the streets to defend the Imperial Palace, so this is not something you should worry about."


"There are no buts! War is so cruel! Conflicts need to be washed away with blood! And you just need to do what you should do!"

When Xie Linlang said this, a trace of sadness suddenly flashed in his eyes, and his voice became hoarse.

“…People sometimes have to make choices, because you can’t save everyone.

When necessary, you can only grab what you can and abandon everything you don't want to abandon, so that more people can survive. "

As if being stabilized by Xie Linlang's calm voice, Chang Qi Luoshu's body no longer trembled. He looked at her steadily, his dark golden pupils flickering and becoming firm little by little.

Then, amid the shouts of killing, he stood up, and at the same time, his whole person seemed to have grown up in this moment.

"I can do it...I can do it..."

"Because I am the royal brother now...I can do it!"

Xie Linlang smiled softly, held his hand, and gave him strength with all her strength!

"Go quickly and leave through the secret passage before it is blocked."


After Chang Qi Luoshu finished speaking, he turned and left. Although he is covered in injuries, his body is full of strength!

He has always been protected by the emperor brother, so when Xie Linlang found him before and asked him to pretend to be the emperor brother, he really couldn't do it.

But he is the only one who has the same dark golden eyes as the imperial brother. Only he and the imperial brother look so similar that it is convenient to disguise himself. If he can't do it, who else can do it?

The country was in crisis, and when he was finally needed, how could he refuse? !

Later, he did it and no one suspected him.

Even when he was hosting the palace banquet, he had a big head.

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