The Creator of the Second Dimension

Chapter 502 Chapter 499. Guess the plot

Although Xu Rui said that the first ten minutes of this piece of "Once Upon a Time on Earth" will be uploaded to the Hatsune video website later.

But there are still many people on the scene who filmed the whole process and posted it on the Internet.

It caused an uproar.

People are such strange creatures, they can wait for several months, but once someone gets it first, it seems that they can't wait for a moment.

The quality of these videos was relatively poor, and the camera was shaky, but those who couldn’t make it to the scene still clicked on these links to watch.

After the discussion among the audience gradually subsided, the discussion on the Internet became intense again.

For example, in the A2 forum, under the post of reposting the video taken by this mobile phone.

[Shadow's Jump]: This plot is a bit interesting. I used to feel that this kind of plot could only be seen in TV dramas. set up.

[Funny falsehood]: Damn, I originally thought that Yang Dong was the heroine, and I was ready for prpr, but you told me that she committed suicide? ? ?

[Strawberry Chocolate]: I feel that the picture is not very good, but the story is not bad, it's only ten minutes, and I can't see anything.

[yydngs]:? Upstairs, this is a second-hand mobile phone shot, how much better picture do you want? I heard from the audience at the scene that the picture quality was simply exploded, okay?

[To play games is to win]: This plot is very suspenseful. Why do these scientists commit suicide? Can’t they live and do research? By the way, there is also a three-body game in the trailer, I don’t think it’s mentioned here, is it? These scientists all played the three-body game, and what thought was implanted in their brains before they committed suicide?

[Coke and Lemon]: I think this idea is okay. Didn’t the police officer also ask the protagonist about some scientific organization? Maybe there is something wrong with that organization. I guess the following plot may be the official request for the protagonist to join that organization. Play the game and finally solve the mystery, everyone is happy.

[Tomato and Egg Soup]: This guess seems quite reasonable, but it feels too mysterious to implant ideas or something. The point is, why do these people want scientists to commit suicide, and judging by the appearance of that conference room, it’s not just a country , Scientists all over the world commit suicide, why is this?

[Seven Gods Toiletry]: Let me tell you, you can just look at Xu Rui's animations casually. If you want to guess it, it's difficult. You can guess the routine, but you can't guess the result.

Regarding the trailer and the ten-minute plot, everyone has different opinions, but many people agree that the three-body game will definitely occupy an important position in the plot.

But does Xu Rui really only make one game-themed work, and call it science fiction?

In connection with Xu Rui's speech before the clip of "Once Upon a Time on Earth", people were very skeptical, and even felt that the content shown in this trailer was just the tip of the iceberg of the entire animation.

In the evening, when the audience in the Ningjiang Laozhuang International Convention and Exhibition Center was watching the live of Hatsune World, Hatsune Video Network announced the official ten-minute clip, and at the same time, more information about "Once Upon a Time on Earth" was also revealed.

People were surprised to find that the scheduled length of this animation is fifty-two episodes!

How long has it been since this type of animation has this length.

Even advertising animations that mainly sell models with a sufficient budget are now mostly broadcast in quarters. On the one hand, the pressure on the construction period is reduced, and on the other hand, there is room for maneuver. In case the playback effect is not good, the loss can be stopped in time .

Unless it is a long-selling hit on "Weekly Teenage Frontline" like "The Bandit King", most of them are produced in the form of quarterly animations.

Who would have thought that Fantastic Animation would go upstream and produce feature-length animations.

This not only represents Xu Rui's confidence in his own works, but also represents the production strength and sufficient funds of Fantastic Animation.

Moreover, most of the long-form animations are full of lazy production and dual-use cards, such as the outboard of the machine combat animation, some still frames of the combat adventure animation, etc. Most of the coloring is done in one block, which is convenient and fast, and there are even There was a painting accident where all the passers-by were painted as sticks.

But in the ten minutes of "Once Upon a Time on Earth", what was shown turned out to be like an animated movie, and every frame could be screenshotted and used as wallpaper.

Someone watched it several times and zoomed in on any of the screenshots, and found that the text of the information above could be clearly recognized.

This level of detail is simply breathtaking.

It can be said that in terms of technical strength, phantom animation has surpassed other works by a generation.

The release of this clip aroused the interest of some people who were originally watching. Overnight, the number of people following "Once Upon a Time on Earth" increased a lot.

Inside the animatronics.

Everyone has long been familiar with the praise on the Internet.

The closer it was to the broadcast, the more tense the atmosphere in the entire company became.

The more anticipated the work, the more cautious it is to treat it. Things like driving high and low are not too common in the animation industry.

Han Qingwen has finished his work.

The original paintings for the first ten episodes were finally completed before the broadcast.

Of course, this does not mean that they will be idle in the next six months.

Han Qingwen's original painting team will be responsible for the drawing work of the original painting for the publicity needs of Hatsune Video Network, Hatsune Games and other departments within the next three months. This work was previously undertaken by other teams in rotation.

In addition, some advertising clips, externally customized promotional posters, etc., also have a copy of Han Qingwen.

Generally speaking, the five original painting groups of the electric fantasy animation are basically in the state of changing shifts, and there will be no group that is particularly busy while the other group is very idle.

But as far as Han Qingwen was concerned, the work of drawing promotional posters was really easy.

After all, this is just their own work, unlike painting original paintings, if something goes wrong, the entire production line will be in trouble. Although the pressure of work is similar, the psychological pressure is completely different.

"Tomorrow is the New Year's Day holiday, where are you going to play?"

Beside him, team leader Lin Shuyi stood up, stretched, and asked Han Qingwen casually.

"Uh, I should go to the amusement park one day, and then wait to watch the first episode on New Year's Day."

According to the usual practice, when the first episode of each animation is broadcast, Fantastic Animation will hold a party, and everyone will watch the first episode together.

It's just that after "Music Girl", Xu Rui hasn't produced many serialized animations, so it's been a long time since the last gathering.

And Han Qingwen had just joined the company not long ago, and it was his first time participating in such an event, so he was naturally very interested.

"Yeah, young people have to enjoy life, haha."

Lin Shuyi looked at Han Qingwen meaningfully, patted him on the shoulder and left.

Han Qingwen felt weird and watched the other party leave.

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