The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 441: Demon Gathering!

In hesitation, the young man still spoke up: "Benefactor, I don't know where you are going. Is there anything urgent?"

"Don't call it like this, it sounds very uncomfortable. Looks like we are the same age, let's call them brothers and sisters."

He mentioned the age. The man was one year older than Zhang Yunyan and naturally was the elder brother.

Zhang Yunyan didn't know what urgent things he was asking for, and said, "I don't have a place to go. I'm looking for enemies. I don't know where he hides. Brother, do you know a rich man named Feng Jiabao?"

The man shook his head: "I don't know. I've been to a lot of villages and towns. I haven't heard of this person. Maybe I'm not here. Benefactor ... Sister don't look for it in this county. Go look elsewhere."

Zhang Yunyan knew this would be the result, and sighed silently.

The man frowned slightly, sighed again, and said, "I wanted to ask you to help with an urgent matter. Since my sister has something to do, I have to give up."

Seeing his anxiety, Yun Yan seemed to be in distress, and then asked: "Brother, what is the distress, let's hear it."

"I'm the catcher of the county magistrate and is visiting the case of Bailuzhuang."

Bailuzhuang? Zhang Yunyan heard the name and felt familiar. Although she had not been here before, she had heard of it.

She thought about it, and finally remembered that it was mentioned in the dialogue between the red-haired ghost king and the fire dragon **** and Heishaxing in the nine ghost ghost cave house. They met at Bailuzhuang, not sure if it was here.

In doubt, Zhang Yunyan was puzzled. Why did those demon ghosts go to Bailuzhuang? What is there that interests them so much?

Yun Yan knew that the reason why the red-haired ghost king invited Sai Tai's four brothers was related to Jiuyou Shengjun. She had always been in doubt, not knowing what the old devil was going to do, and needed four monsters to help. It seems that this is unusual and not a good thing.

In this regard, Zhang Yunyan couldn't guess, and couldn't confirm that those monsters and ghosts were meeting here, and no longer thought about it.

The young man informed that he was investigating a murder case, and some signs involved the village's palace, but no evidence was found, and the case could not be pursued for a while.

He sighed and said, "I am alone, with limited abilities, and have been anxious about the case. I wanted to ask my sister for help. But ... my sister will not do anything anymore."

When Zhang Yunyan heard that it was harmful, she was angry and couldn't ignore it, so she promised to stay.

The man was glad to see Yun Yan agree.

He then informed that the murder case had occurred for a long time and could not be detected, and it was likely to be related to Wang Yantian, the big family of Bailuzhuang. The Wang family is a well-known wealthy household here, with a bad reputation.

Wang Yantian! Zhang Yunyan heard the name and was shocked. He had heard the red-haired ghost king mention it. The devil asked the fire dragon **** and Heixiaxing to go to Bailuzhuang for help. In his words, he mentioned that there was a king named Baiyanzhuang called Wang Yantian.

With a movement in her heart, is this the Egret Village said by the devil? Is the red-haired ghost king Wang Yantian the master of the royal palace here?

Although the names of the villages are the same, and the name of Wang Yantian is the same, Zhang Yunyan is still not sure where the red-haired ghost king mentioned it. Those demons are going to bully Wang Yantian's little lady, and they will not attack one of the rich, it is someone else.

Zhang Yunyan was puzzled, although she could not confirm that this is the village that the red-haired ghost king said, but she was a little worried. Counting it, today is the fifth day after the agreement between the red-haired ghost king and the fire dragon brothers. It is the time of the full moon and the day when the demons and ghosts meet.

If this Bailuzhuang is the place where the red-haired ghost king meets those monsters, things will be complicated, and it is very likely that they will encounter those monsters and monsters and cause death.

Zhang Yunyan immediately thought of Sai Tai Sui, could not help but be shocked, the monster had already appeared here, it seemed to indicate that this Bailuzhuang was where they met, and the four monsters had come here to meet the red-haired ghost king.

Yunyan didn't know why those monsters and monsters came. It was for Wang Yantian's young lady, or there were other things. I couldn't confirm it after thinking about it, I could only guess at will.

Zhang Yunyan felt that the red-haired ghost king invited four monsters to come here to help each other. If it is a woman, there is no need to make a big move, there must be important things. As for what is important about these guys, it is unknown.

She was a little nervous, worried about encountering the demon, but didn't want to leave, so she decided to stay and find out. If those fierce gods really come here, they must try to stop them if they want to do harm.

Speaking of preventing evil spirits from doing evil, Zhang Yunyan sighed silently. How could she have the ability to fight with those guys? Although she had this intention, she couldn't help it.

Despite the lack of energy and strength, Yun Yan couldn't turn a blind eye, but had to step in. As for how to intervene, and to what extent, she can only depend on the situation. She must be careful and not take her own life.

During the conversation, Zhang Yunyan knew the man. He heard that this man was a commoner and had only recently become the head of a county trap, and could not help but wonder.

How can an ordinary crop person become the head of a county trap? Is there something unspeakable behind it?

Zhang Yunyan was puzzled, she wanted to know the situation of Zhixian, and also wanted to know what the relationship between this head catcher and Zhixian was, and what was his character, so he asked why.

The man informed that Zhixian was upright and cared for the sufferings of the people and was well received by people. He was lucky to learn about the county and to keep it for reuse. Then he talked about his life and experience.


This person's surname is Dong Fanglin. My home is not here. He has loved martial arts since he was a child, and learned to practice boxing and weapons in the village with those who practiced martial arts.

Later, he went out to study and learn from a teacher, and practiced a good skill.

The Dong Fanglin family was originally relatively affluent, and everything was controlled by their parents. They did not have to worry about their own efforts and lived freely.

Later, his parents gave up one after another, and Fang Lin wanted to support the family alone. He does n’t know how to farm, and does n’t know how to arrange his life. He just ca n’t go in. The savings left by his father and mother are exhausted. His family is getting worse and worse.

Before the death of his parents, he had been given a marriage and was the daughter of the Wang family in this village. He and the two have known each other since childhood, and they can be described as childhood sweethearts. When they grow up, they have a good impression on each other. A marriage contract brings them closer together and feels closer.

When Dong Fanglin saw that it was difficult to support the family by himself, he wanted to get married as soon as possible, so he and his wife would support the already lost family. I don't know, the Wang family suspected that he was poor and had nothing to do, and the marriage contract was abolished.

Dong Fanglin's daughter-in-law called Wang Yufen, her parents have left

Shi, live with your brother-in-law.

Yu Fen loved Dong Fanglin deeply, and saw his brother slandered the marriage contract, and was very dissatisfied: "Brother, this marriage is set by father and mother. How can we say that change will change? Isn't it against the wishes of father and mother, we cannot regret marriage."

"My brother is good for you. The Dong family has fallen. If you marry him and you are sad and wear, and you have no end in poverty, what can you do? My sister wait a moment, my brother will choose a good family for you. Let you suffer less, eat less hardship, and enjoy a lifetime. "

"Brother, the marriage between Dong and me has been settled for a long time. Everyone in the village knows that if they divorce, they will say that we are too poor to love the rich. How should we deal with the village folks then?"

"Sister, this kind of worry is a bit redundant. Let's think about it for yourself. It doesn't matter how other people talk about it. Let them talk about it. What are they afraid of?"

"Brother can't say that, it's embarrassing to be pointed and pointed. Besides, Brother Fang Lin is of good character and willing to work, and it will be more difficult now, and the future will get better. Sister can't go against the wishes of her father and mother, Follow him, even if he suffers in poverty all his life, he also recognizes. "

"I'm your brother. How can you make your sister suffer and suffer? Don't say, I won't let you marry him."

"No, I have to follow the orders of my father and mother. Don't marry without the Dong family!"

"Sister, don't be willful, I have the final say in this family. Father and mother are here, from father and mother; Father and mother are not, you must listen to your brother."

Wang Yufen was determined, but he couldn't convince his brother, but could only wash his face with tears all day.

In fact, her brother didn't just think about her. She also had her own abacus. Before the death of her parents, she had entrusted her sister to him, and left a lot of dowry for Yu Fen, and she and Dong Fanglin got married in the future.

He didn't know that he had a good fortune and wanted to swallow the dowry, and then to find a richer family for his sister, and he could make a gift.

Yufen's elder brother's abacus played well, but it failed. Wang Yufen said that no matter what kind of family his brother looked for, no matter how superior the conditions were, he would not agree. She claimed that if she could not marry Dong Fanglin, she would rather not marry in her life.

Dong Fanglin already knew Yu Fen's heart and was very touched. How could he not be able to meet the conditions of his brother-in-law and became frustrated. He was lethargic all day, arrogant and abandoned. He didn't have any thoughts to do things anymore, and day by day.

Han Yude, a good friend in the same village, was anxious in his eyes and pulled him to do business outside the country.

After leaving sadly, Dong Fanglin's mood gradually improved, and he also laughed.

At the beginning, Han Yude and Dong Fanglin were doing small businesses, earning a little money back and forth, and after accumulating some capital, the business gradually grew bigger. They bought and sold in different places, and when they saw profits, they soon made thirty or forty dollars.

Dong Fanglin's heart rekindled hope and wanted to wait until the end of the year to marry Wang Yufen.

I do n’t know, it ’s unpredictable, and people are blessed. Dong Fanglin is unfortunate. He is bedridden with a serious illness.

In order to take care of him, Han Yude didn't have the energy to take care of business affairs. He rushed to the doctor all day to buy medicines and tried his best to treat his friends.

After a period of treatment, Dong Fanglin's condition not only did not improve, but he also became worse. There is not much silver left, and they are very anxious.

Dong Fanglin knew that his condition was very serious, painful, and hopeless, and he no longer had fantasies. 2k novel reading network

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