The Clamoring Hydra

Chapter 120: ·Hades

Charon felt very uncomfortable. This uncomfortable feeling does not only come from his appearance, his voice. It's his temperament... Simply put, it's like a sticky wet slug attached to your back. Yin is sticky and disgusting.

Stepping on the tattered raft, Hyder wondered if the raft would roll over suddenly...In mythology, Charon often throws those who can’t afford the boat into the river, and then drags them to Hades...

Before coming to Hades, Hydera had done enough homework.

Standing on the raft, Karon Cao started to slide the slender bamboo pole. With the movement of the bamboo pole, the lingering remnant that was fixed at the top was constantly swaying. In an instant, the originally clear sky was covered by a burst of black water. The oncoming black water seemed to devour all living things. But the light of the lights would disperse the black water whenever it came.

Although I don't know what the light was, but Hydera was at least clear...that the black water seemed to be afraid of the light.

Exposed outside the envelope of the lights, Charon was already infected with a little black water. But those black waters didn't seem to affect him at all. More often, his face was a pathological enjoyment.

The turbid black was not lasted too long, and soon, in the vortex-like black water current, Hydera and others arrived at the Hades...

Surrounded by endless black tide. The surface of the sea is no longer a proof, one after another huge spurs protruding from the black water. The length is between 50 meters and 70 meters. The color of the bones is not the pale white that people think of, but a dark gray with a little stretch.

There are also many protrusions on the bone spurs, like sharp fangs, covered with dried blood and broken corpses. There are many black holes...Like the ant nest, Hydera 1 can feel that there are many underworld creatures inside the bone spurs who are stealing hungry eyes from themselves and others.

There are many floating corpses in the black water. It is not accurate to say that they are floating corpses, because although they float in the river, they did not die. But perhaps because of long-term wandering, their facial features have been blurred. The whole person is like a piece of black coal. Only the facial features still have a little outline, and the mouth is stiffly opened, making a mourning sound like a mosquito urn. Although there is no physical harm, it is heart-wrenching.

A trembling, Zeus's body shivered.

If it wasn't for Hydera's outstretched hand in time, at least one of Zeus' arms would fall into the black water.

"This is a river of distress." Karon Yin said sideways: "If you fall into the river, you will be pumped out of all vitality... Then, like the floating corpses, the half-life half-death forever floating period..."

Hearing Caron's admonition, Hydera nodded.

Although Hydera didn’t do anything, Zeus on the side swallowed with palpitations...Although Charon said it was simple, but even if it was just that, Zeus still guessed how dangerous his own action was. .

Looking far away, apart from the painful river of black water, there are four other huge rivers of different colors flowing towards the center of the underworld.

The blue is the river of sorrow, which is the body of all sorrow in the world. It is the tears of all things that make up the river.

The red one is the river of flames. Although it is named "river", just like his name, the river water is composed entirely of flames that never extinguish. And what constitutes the flame is the eternal anger of the souls of the world.

The colorless is the river of forgetting. Its function is similar to Meng Po Tang in Eastern mythology. His river can make life forget all the sadness and joy.

The last one is located in the middle of the dark earth, showing a huge spiral vortex... the river of hatred, also known as the river of vows. In mythology, even gods cannot step into the river of hatred without permission. If all people cross the river of hatred, they will fall into purgatory. The gods will be deprived of their divinity when they cross the river of hatred.

Therefore, in ancient Greece, people often mentioned the name of the river of hatred when they swore.

Although it doesn't seem to be reliable, it didn't take long for Hydera and Zeus to step into the underworld with Charon's movements.

Should it be said that it is the Hades?

A dim sun hangs in the sky, which is not bright, and it does not give people the feeling of being full of health and warmth. On the contrary, more often than not, anger and decadence are conveyed to people.

There was no trace of weed on the ground, and there were reddish brown rocks everywhere. The dry ground was covered with fine cracks, without any vitality. Not just land, everything here seems to be dead...

Somehow, the first time he stepped into this underworld, Hydera felt a sense of irritability. Under this irritability, Hydera even felt that the air in Hades became a little ugly...

Charon did not seem to step into the underworld, and the moment he and the others landed on the shore, he drove the broken raft to the distance.

"You are the heirs of Master Tifeng?"

Just when Hydera thought about where he should go next, a man who was about a meter tall, with small limbs like branches. The skin was pale, and the eyes were huge and full of morbidity. It looked exactly like the grunting guy in the famous movie "The Lord of the Rings" from the previous life crawled out from behind a stone.

Grinning, a pair of huge ears. Guru opened his palm with some deformed joints and said:

"I am the master in charge to greet you! Master Tifeng is now sleeping, so please follow me first!"

The voice is a little sharp, like a funny clown in a film and television series. But Hydera did not care about these external circumstances. After looking at the grunts in front of him, Hydera nodded blandly... Although there was no movement, but it seemed to be unintentional, the temperament of Hydera's body had changed greatly... That was, tyrannical, Breath of the bloodlines that are close to Tifeng.

Feeling the breath of Hydera, Grunt looked more humble and more respectful.

"What is the name of the father-in-chief."

"Called Ragnaros! Master!"

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