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"Then you can try it."

Ye Chen sneered and did not fear. He waved freely, struck out a real element to counteract Joyce's demonic energy, but then, Fenrir had already stepped on the void, and a claw fell off. Claw gas is tens of meters in length and width.

Esby also gritted his teeth and suddenly played dozens of golden cards. This is his collection of life-threatening cards, which he refused to use easily.

Naiyali even waved her hands, and above the rose vines, pure black roses bloomed again.

The giant monster Jet also snapped his hands, his muscles soared, and his voice was magnificent.

Oriana is a combination of thunder and fire, turning into a war eagle circling the sky, just like Kunpeng rebirth...

In an instant, seven powerful gods shot together. They are the worst Orianas, and they all have the mid-level strength of the divine realm. Others are even high-level or even peak. The world fell, the sun and the moon were dark, and even the center of Yanjing felt this force and shivered slightly.

White Claws, Black Roses, Gold Cards, Purple Thunder, Red Flames, Black Devil...

The Seven Powers, like Seven Changhongs, smashed down with unmatched strength.

At this moment, Ye Chen couldn't help but look dignified.


Blood like the Yangtze River rushes through the body, and the internal organs make a thunderous sound, and a **** pattern bursts out of the jade bone. The huge true element is turned into a real green mandala, condensed around Ye Chen.

At this moment, he has shown the blue-haired look of the sea emperor's glass body!


In Ye Chen's eyes, the sky was soaring, and he punched into the void with a punch. This punch almost used all of his real power and physical strength.

Heaven and earth seemed to be unbearable, and the void exploded.

The thunderous thunder echoed over Yanjing.

The dazzling green mangoes almost covered everything and collided with the seven forces with different forms.


At this moment, Bai Yuhan was deafened. In front of her, there was a piece of white, and the whole world seemed to turn into infinite chaos.

The surging energy swept away in all directions, like an atomic bomb exploding. From a distance, I saw a huge cloud ring over Yanjing, sweeping through everything, and even the air was exhausted for half a day.

The huge sound waves shocked the glass of many villas and buildings and exploded.

"What's going on? Does anyone dare to fight in Yanjing?"

At this moment, Longteng's people were alarmed and deployed immediately...

Bai Yuhan was in a daze. After a long time, she barely saw everything in front of her.

I saw Ye Chen standing in front of her with her hands on her back, her eyes indifferent. The seven gods, still standing in the void, seem to smile.

"Ye Chen, you are indeed unparalleled in strength. I can catch the seven of us in one blow. There are probably few people in the whole world. In terms of strength, you are indeed the first person in the world. But with such a blow, you still How many times can you catch it?"

Oriana sneered.

Naiyali smiled and said, "Master Ye Xian, let's go. Join the blood alliance, we can turn it into a jade silk."

At this time, Bai Yuhan only noticed that Ye Chen's sleeves had exploded, and then there was a click.

I saw the inn behind me, cracking the traces of the road, this old house that had been built for many years, issued an old wailing whine, even a click, turned into debris dust, and collapsed.

If it were not for Ye Chen to protect the father and daughter of the Bai family, the two had already crushed their bones.

"Master Ye Xian really has no spare, otherwise he will certainly be able to protect the clothes and the inn."

Not to mention the knowledgeable Bai Zhanqi, even Bai Yuhan sees the problem.

The power of the Seven Great Divine Realms is really terrifying. If it was Xiao Yijue who just took the blow, I am afraid that it has already fallen. So the real element and **** body of Ye Chen’s horror have fallen.

However, Ye Chen was not afraid, and still sneered: "On this basis of patience, I also want to make me bow my head. It is impossible for anyone who doubles."

Ye Chen finished speaking and slapped Bai Zhanqi on his palm.

A grand Zhenyuan wrapped the father and daughter and sent them out instantly. Bai Yuhan only felt that his mind was chaotic, and only Ye Chen's last words in his ears:

"Go to Hongfeng Mountain."

Then they turned into a meteor, swept across the sky and shot to the red maple mountain in the distance.

Whether it was Joyce, Fenrir, etc., no one looked at the father and daughter of the Bai family. It was not that they did not want to retain the future ninth black cardinal, but Ye Chen gave too much pressure. These seven The Cardinal in Black didn't dare to be distracted.

Compared with Bai Yuhan, who may compete with himself in the future, it is Ye Chen, who can let the gods set foot on Xuan Xian, makes them feel more valuable.

"Ye Chen, have you thought about it? If we don't surrender anymore, after we kill you, we will kill Red Maple Mountain and kill all your friends and relatives!"

Isby spoke coldly. He was cruel by nature, and spoke threatening words, of course, even more terrifying.

"Depending on your words, I will kill you all in a few moments, and no one will stay."

A cold flash in Ye Chen's eyes, his parents are his scales, anyone who dares to touch, will die!

He stretched his flesh gently. The whole body, from the inside out, began to scream like thunder.

"I don't have to wait for it to be sent out, and I can finally do my best."

After he finished speaking, his eyes narrowed, his figure flickered, and he instantly evacuated his energy, and shot out: "You are the first!"

I saw in the void, a swift sword-like rushed across, so fast that it was almost impossible to catch with the naked eye. After the light was emitted, the sound of breaking the sky sounded in place.

Ye Chen finally did not reserve, and tried his best.

Before the father and daughter of the Bai family were present, Ye Chen had to allocate a large amount of real elements to protect them. Now that the two have left, the inn has completely collapsed, and Ye Chen has finally been liberated, and has truly exerted his unparalleled strength.

Ye Chen, who was struggling with all his strength, saw how horrible it was.

In the void, a series of explosions sounded, and half a breath of time, Ye Chen had already killed Isby in front of him. Even with the cultivation of the peak of Isby’s God Realm, it is just too late to run out a card and use his own self-defense technique.

On this card, there was a colorful clown.

Ghost card!

I saw a golden mask, like an eggshell, protecting Isby. There was also a burst of laughter from the mask. I saw a vaguely clown, playing tricks on the mask.

"It's a magic trick."

The well-informed witch Oriana immediately recognized that this spell sounds funny, but in fact the effect is very amazing, you can pass the attack to a different space, it is very good, it can be said that if it is not broken This mask, don't try to hurt him!

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