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At this time, Ye Chen had already greeted the people of the two courts, three gates and four schools, as well as the people of Longteng. Everyone was grateful for his kindness or yearning for his strength. When they heard that Ye Chen was going to open a school, they all cooperated. , Even those who are in charge of themselves, are quite emotional.

Ye Chen gave each girl her own position, and then came up with three classics. These are things for the disciples to learn.

These three cheats are "Ghost Immortal Sword Technique", "Overlord Fist" and "Nine Turn Mysterious Weather", which respectively correspond to the practice methods of the warrior blade, fist palm and inner strength Zhenyuan, which can be based on the talents of entry disciples Different, but choose which practice method to practice.

If these exercises are done well, they can also set foot in the holy realm, and if they have the chance, they can also be cultivated into Xuanxian, but this depends on the disciples' cultivation.

After explaining to everyone, Ye Chen came up with another exercise called "Tianxiao Refining God's Secret" and handed it to Qingchuan Sayuri: "In addition, a separate Imperial Immortal Army will be set up separately from the disciples, Choosing people with enough talent and loyalty to teach them this skill, to cultivate the elite, this is the responsibility of Qingchuan Sayuri."

"Yes, Master." Sayuri Aokawa replied in full spirit, looking confident.

The others all looked enviously at Sayuri Aokawa, but Sayuri did accompany Ye Chen for the longest time and was the most loyal, so everyone did not have any complaints. They could only make up their minds to practice hard, stand out, and let Ye Chen saw their excellence.

After taking out some immortality medicines for everyone to quench the body, Ye Chen waved some people back, and Shen Mengyue, Lan Cai'er and others felt sad, knowing their status in Ye Chen's heart, after all, they were not as intimate as those more intimate People can only retreat first.

At this time, only Ye Nian and Qin Hongshuang, Ding Liangcai, Qingchuan Sayuri, Cao Xinxuan, and Liu Bingyao, Xia Yuting and Xue Lily were the only daughters left in the room.

These people are also paid more attention to by Ye Chen. Except for Cao Xinxuan and Qingchuan Sayuri who passed the exercises, everyone else chose the exercises.

To Ding Liangcai, it was the advanced skill of Jiuzhi Jue, "The Sword Song".

The person given to Liu Bingyao is the man of Tianhu's destiny, and he is best at practicing "Phantom of the Ghost".

For Xue Lily, it was "Qingyao Flying Flower Dance", and for Xia Yuting, it was "Lotus Rain", which is also the best practice for the two women's cultivation, making their cultivation path smoother.

After they all went down, Ye Chen turned to her parents and took out Beichen Jijidan, two exercises that had been prepared for a long time, and explained them in detail.

After listening, Qin Hongshuang waved hands again and again: "No, Xiaochen, this elixir is too precious. It’s a waste to people like me and your dad. It’s better to give it to Sayuri and Liangcai, who already have a foundation. Yes, so they will fully exert the potency of this panacea, maybe they will soon be able to step into the **** realm..."

Ye Nian nodded again and again, persuading, "Yeah, you just opened the school, the foundation is not stable, and you need a master town, I'm not in a hurry with your mother."

Ye Chen said with a chuckle: "Dad, Mom, the school I opened, let alone Huaxia, even if you look at the whole world, no one would dare to provoke, you two can rest assured, it is enough to have me alone Now."

When they saw them, they had to talk, and Ye Chen added: "Dad, Mom, you are my most important people. The purpose of creating this school is to protect you, and your age is, after all, older than others. I must lay a good foundation for you, let you get started quickly, and set foot on the path of cultivating immortals early, so that in the future our family can be together for a long time and share the world."

After knowing the existence of Reiki recovery, Ye Chen began to make plans, and waited until the sect's affairs were settled, he closed the door and practiced, striving for an early recovery to the situation of ecstasy or even infantry.

Even with his talents, it may take at least three to five years to consolidate Jindan, and another three to five years to enter the Qiao Realm, so before that, it is necessary to lay the foundation for repairing immortals for Qin Hongshuang and Ye Nian. The two were able to practice at least to build foundation or body, wait for their own infants, and then return again, and take their parents to the road of immortality.

This is Ye Chen's plan, but how to do it by then has to be scrutinized.

"Road to Cultivation of Immortals?" Ye Nian and Qin Hongshuang only felt hazy, seemingly incomprehensible.

"Mom, you were also on the top of Huashan Mountain that day. What's the difference between me and Xiao Yi?" Ye Chen explained when she saw her parents.

"Although Qin Yijue seems to be very powerful, his power seems to be borrowed from the world. And Xiaochen's power comes purely from herself, more pure and powerful."

Qin Hongshuang thought for a while and slowly said.

"Well, this is the biggest difference between the warrior warlock and the immortal warrior."

Ye Chen nodded with satisfaction and explained: "It is purely calculated by the realm. In fact, Xiao Yi is higher than me. He talked about the realm, he has stepped into the realm of Xuan Xian, but has just crossed the threshold, and has not fully grasped it. This force, and my words, according to the state of the earth, is only in the middle of the divine realm."

"What?" Qin Hongshuang was taken aback.

Ye Nian was also slightly surprised. These days, they also have an understanding of those realms, but for the first time they heard Ye Chen being frank about his strength. They thought that Ye Chen was at least half-step Xuan Xian, or even Xuan Xian Realm, but it was unexpectedly so low.

You know, even the Lu Xinghe, who often visits, has already set foot in the gods a few days ago.

"But the realm is the realm, the actual combat is the actual combat." Ye Chen shook his head and said, "Although Xiao Yi's ultimate realm has arrived, his accumulated power at every level is far inferior to me. When I was in the middle of the **** realm, I talked about the true body. Yuan, you can squash the world. If you use the power of Jindan, you can not be afraid of Xuan Xian. This is the difference between the repairer and the warlock warrior."

"Fairy repairer?" Qin Hongshuang blinked his eyes wide, and her son mentioned the word repeatedly, and finally made her notice the difference between the three words.

"Not bad."

Ye Chen then explained the words corresponding to the realm level of the Immortal Cultivator Jindan and the Holy Realm again.

"Xiao Chen, you mean that you can kill the peak of the Holy Land at the beginning of the body repair. Can Jin Xuan defeat the Xuan Xian in the middle period?" Now, Qin Hongshuang and Ye Nian finally understood.

"Roughly speaking, it is because my practice is very powerful and has many magical powers. But the immortal practitioners are indeed far superior to the earth warriors of the same realm. If you take the Elixir, you will enter the foundation period, even if you are a master of martial arts and Wu Sheng, may not have gotten you anyway.

Ye Chen nodded and said: "So rest assured, Dad, Mom, let me help you, and strive to build the foundation directly to the peak, or even step into the period of physical training, so that the son can rest assured."


Hearing this, the couple looked at each other and finally nodded.

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