The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 361: Yanjing Confucius?

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Ye Chen was born before, and many people in the East China United Chamber of Commerce did not like him, but at this time, the eyes of everyone around him were awe-inspiring and glorious.

Before these big families in Hedong and Hexi looked at them like a nouveau riche, many people stabbed in the face from time to time and said a few words sourly. But now that Ye Xian is close, who dares to insult the East China United Chamber of Commerce at all?

"you know me?"

Ye Chen took a piece of pastry from the waitress next to him, stuffed it into Cao Xinxuan's mouth, stuffed the little girl's mouth full, and asked at random to look at Feng Shanhe.

Feng Shanhe bowed hurriedly: "The villain was lucky enough to have seen your picture in the news of northern Jiangsu, so that it can be recognized at a glance."

"So it turns out."

Ye Chen chatted with Feng Shanhe one after another, while taking all the food on the table. After filling Cao Xinxuan, he turned to look at this suit and leather, a young man with great aura.

Afterwards, under the welcome of Feng Shanhe, Ye Chen stepped into the venue.

As soon as he came in, the scene was as if he had been pressed down a mountain. Many big and young ladies and other people around are a little bit cautious. This is the pressure caused by different status.

Prior to this, everyone was peers, eating and drinking each other, talking and laughing, without any restrictions. But as soon as Ye Chen came, he was like an elder, and he was an elder with an extremely distinguished status. With the elders present, everyone naturally can't be that presumptuous.

Ye Chen apparently discovered this too, but he didn't care. Immortals have always been their own characters. It is estimated that only Feng Shanhe can talk to Ye Chen on the spot, and the others are simply not qualified.

It doesn't matter if Ye Chen is playing with Cao Xinxuan even if no one speaks.

On the other side, the small circle on Chu Yuxuan's side is still whispering.

"My God, Master Ye Xian came, and now we are all done."

Chen Qian, who had just been shining brightly, shook her head repeatedly.

Everyone around nodded their heads, and no one thought that the East China United Chamber of Commerce even sent Ye Chen to a junior gathering.

There is this great man here, how do you let Feng Chenchu ​​Wei four big families talk about it? Do you dare to argue with reason? Not afraid of Ye Chen slap you like Cheng Boxuan? Ye Xianshi is rumored, but he is not a temperamental person, his superb names are made of the bones and blood of countless big men!

"Now we can only count on the Wei family. If they can invite people from the Yanjing family, we still have to talk about it today. We in Hedong and Hexi are afraid of his Master Ye Xian, and the Yanjing family is not afraid."

Chu Yuxuan frowned, his face full of calculations.

"The words say that, but the people of the Yanjing family are also divided into three, six, and nine. If they come from the lineage or heirs of the first-line family, they are naturally not afraid. Here. How can I carry Master Ye Xian? Don’t forget, they killed all the elder Qiu Lingyun who is an overseas youth gang."

Some people hold different views and refute.

Everyone around agrees, just like the East China United Chamber of Commerce, whether the person sent is Lan Caier or Cao Xinxuan, the weight is completely different. After all, Lan Cai'er is still a foster daughter, and her status is limited, and Cao Xinxuan is not only a daughter-in-law, but also a true heir!

Yanjing’s big family, how many heirs, coming from an heir to an heir is obviously two different concepts from coming from a side, which means that the support from others is different.

"Unless it is the sister-in-law of a big family such as Xiao Yao and Xu Duo, it is useless for more people to come." A shrewd man pushed his glasses and said calmly.

"Xiao Yao? Xu Duo?"

As soon as these names were reported, many young women including Chen Qian, their eyes lit up.

This is one of the most dazzling people in the entire young generation of Yanjing, far away in Hedong and Hexi. Everyone has heard the names of these top young men.

"It's impossible for the top young men to come. If they come, what is Ye Xianshi?" Chu Yuxuan shook his head again and again. "The four giants of Yanjing are simply too lazy to take care of us. And, according to what I heard, the backing behind the Wei family seems to be... the Kong family."

"The Confucius family, will it be the second Confucius who is here!" Chen Qian shoved her small mouth suddenly and exclaimed in a low voice.

The Confucius family is also regarded as the first line of Yanjing's big family. Although it is not as good as the "big four", the forces are also well-known in China. And Kong Yuanwei, the second young master of the Confucius family, is the famous devil king of the entire Yanjing.

Chu Yuxuan nodded and said: "The probability is him."

"If Kong Yuanwei comes, then it will be in trouble. Neither he nor Master Ye Xian will be the one to provoke. After being instigated by the Wei family, he may be able to fight."

When everyone heard this, some were worried and some were excited in their eyes.

The East China United Chamber of Commerce has recently emerged, and the edge is too prosperous, squeezing the interests of many families. Many people are extremely dissatisfied with them, but they dare not say it. If any of Yanjing’s majors came to challenge, everyone would just watch the play happily and even go to help at a critical moment.

The rise of any new forces will inevitably be squeezed out by the old forces. Since the East China United Chamber of Commerce reaches out to Hedong and Hexi, you must be prepared to be hit by the blood.

As a warrior, Lan Cai'er naturally listens to everyone. Everyone thinks they are whispering, but the content has long been known to her. This Qingli girl can't help but flash a sneer on her face.

"Ye Xianshi even defeated Xiao Yi, what area of ​​Confucianism would you fear?"

Ye Chen naturally listened to these contents, but of course he would not care.

My own trip was mainly accompanied by Cao Xinxuan out. As for the interests entanglement of the East China United Chamber of Commerce, which is in Ye Chen's eyes.

For him, something like money is really just a number. Where can it be compared to the magic weapon of magical powers and the magic elixir?

Even if it is a common spiritual stone for immortal practitioners, it is not very cared for in the realm of cultivation, strength is the foundation of everything.

While Ye Chen accompanied Cao Xinxuan to attack an Australian lobster, an arrogant voice suddenly came:

"With this kind of merchandise, what kind of chairman of the chamber of commerce? It's too cheap."

Ye Chen frowned slightly, and looked up to see Feng Shanhe's face embarrassed, pulling a tough young man. The man was wearing a limited-edition brand-name suit, with a cigar in his mouth crookedly, wearing large sunglasses, with a scornful smile on his face, looking to this side.

Seeing the other party's appearance as the underworld brother, Ye Chen could not help but smiled slightly and said, "Which one are you?"

The sturdy man raised his eyebrows and pointed himself with his thumb, proudly saying: "Yanjing Kongjia, Kong Yuanwei!"

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